One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 387: Festival

?? "How will you face the next battle?"

Sasuke controlled the dragon's saga to rush to Raytheon.

After the dragonization, the speed of the male must be increased sharply. Almost only the afterimage can be seen. The purple punch is enlarged in front of the thunder shadow, and the thunder shadow is completely shrouded like a comet falling.


Lei Ying dark road is not good, immediately running the whole body Chakra, both fists hit at the same time.


The shock wave spreads out, the airflow swells, and the whole earth trembles.

However, seeing Lei Ying knees on the knees, sweat is like a spring, resisting the arm of the man who is Zuo Zuo constantly trembles.

The power of Longhua’s male is extraordinary, and Rao is too strong to resist.


Sasuke gave a chuckle, and the man who had to be accompanied increased his pressure.


The sound of the bone cracked, and Ray's right arm had broken. Under the strong tremor, his chest was stagnant, his mouth was sweet, and the blush was spurting out.

"I still insist, what beliefs have supported you? The village? Or the dignity of the shadow? Oh, that doesn't matter. When it comes to real power, even God has to tremble."

Sasuke sneered, and Longhua must slam a punch again.


Under the blessing of the strength of the double boxing, Lei Ying can no longer compete, and the body collapses in many places, and the blood overflows.

Lei Ying's eyes are round and round, and the pain from the whole body is like a slap in the face. Then, in a flash, his beliefs are shaken. In the face of Longhua, he has a sense of fear.

Vaguely, Sasuke in front reminded him of a scene in the past. At that moment, he and Chirabi were facing the four generations of Huo Ying, and the two joined forces to defeat the end.

Now, in the face of Sasuke, the feeling of powerlessness in Raytheon is even worse. He knows that the power of Sasuke has completely surpassed him. It is very likely that even the four generations of Huo Ying are not opponents.

"I don't want to be reconciled. Is the ninja of Konoha a genius? When can Yun Niancun catch up?"

After all, Raytheon's line of sight gradually dim, but it was fainting.

When Payne attacked the wood leaves suddenly, it almost made everyone unprepared. Since then, the wood leaves have suffered heavy losses.

This is the battle, gradually let the wood leaves on the trajectory of change.

People began to realize that the inherent pattern of tolerance in a village and a country is correct. Under the leadership of the ninja, will it really achieve long-term peace and stability?

There is no doubt that peace is what people long for, especially after the war, the hope for peace is even more urgent.

Looking up to the light in the dark, those hopes cast a mottled camouflage.

The leaves of the wood, the towering trees of the centuries, may have been rotted, but their green leaves are still lush.

The younger generation, the golden generation of Muye, as the mainstay of this battle, the strength they showed made everyone admire, many people said that they are the hope of the wood leaves, the future of the wood leaves, the future of the wood leaves Give them words like them.

Although the hat is very tall and almost overwhelming, it also sets off the mentality of people at the moment. They need a hero and need a child who can lead an era and hope for them.

Naruto, as the protagonist of this battle, one person is not afraid of Payne six. With the perfect cooperation of Miaomushan Xianji and Jiuwei Chakra, he defeats the powerful enemy in the hearts of all without pressure. Wood leaves saved back from the crisis.

"He is like the sun, giving people unlimited warmth and giving people infinite power. As long as he is in, he will see the light."

This is a comment from Naoki Kobe on Naruto. This sentence is definitely an exaggeration. However, from the side, we can see the position of Naruto in the hearts of the people of Muye. He is a hero and a hope.

Naruto, faint, has become a person who can be trusted and pinned.

Just like the promise made by Naruto when he was a child, he wanted to be a man of Naruto. He wanted everyone's approval. Now, he did it.

Because the outline hand is missing, life and death are unknown. After the war, Muye is in desperate need of a prestigious person to come out to preside over the overall situation, that is, to serve as the sixth generation of Huo Ying.

For a period of time, people started to discuss the sixth generation of Huo Ying. Some people said that they wanted to let the door be Yan Dang. Some people said that they would let Kaka Xidang, and some even said that it would be difficult for them to adjust their voices. People talked about it.

Some unscrupulous people have come out to make trouble at this moment, and use the sixth generation of Huo Ying’s gimmicks to spread various rumors in an attempt to make people feel floating.

The consortium of Muye saw a gradual uneasiness in the political situation, and immediately became arrogant, preparing to recommend Xiaochun or the door inflammation, and let one of them become the sixth generation of Naruto.

However, I don’t know why, because of the reasons, the door inflammation and Xiaochun retreat at this moment, and they excused the people’s recommendation on the pretext that the years have been overwhelmed.

At this moment, the 'root' hidden in the ground drilled the ground.

The Zhicun group has been standing in the sun at the top of the wood leaf that has been lurking in the dark. His appearance is shocked by everyone.

"What! The group of adults will be in charge of Huo Ying!"

"Yeah, I also read it in the Morning Post. It is incredible. I have never heard of the name of this adult before. Today, I realized that this adult is the second generation of Huo Ying’s apprentice like Fei Fei. ""

"Oh, it turns out that I heard that the group’s adults have been responsible for managing the dark parts of the leaves, and he has made many sacrifices for the leaves."

On the street, you can see the things that the Muye people’s discussion group hides as Huo Ying.

Although many people didn't know much about the high-level who had never met, they knew that the group and the flying brothers were brothers and they soon accepted the existence of the group.

Just as ‘the name of the the shadow of the tree’, the majority of the reason for the identification of the group is because of the flying.

In fact, the group’s appointment as Huo Ying is also premeditated.

At the time when the big snake pill attacked the wooden leaves, the group deliberately did not rescue the flying, in order to be the seat of the five generations of Huo Ying. At that time, he was full of ambitions and prepared to go to the stage to take the lead and lead the wooden leaves to the peak.

But no matter what, halfway through the process of biting gold, I don’t know what method to use to get the hand out of the wood leaves, and other high-level executives are very happy to let the master hand in the fifth generation.

Such a change, the group secretly hated, obviously made so many sacrifices, and even hesitated to push the hand to the dead, and failed to win the position of the five generations of Huo Ying.

As a last resort, the group has temporarily suppressed his ambitions. He has self-knowledge and his prestige in the hearts of the people of Muye. He is not as good as he is, and he is not as good as his granddaughter. He is not a man of the first generation. It’s a delusion to have a chance to win the fire.

Finally, Payne attacked Konoha, and the terrible war caused the wood leaves to be destroyed. When the natural disaster occurred, the master was missing, and the position of the fire shadow was vacant again. The group could no longer resist the greed of rights.

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