One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 388: Festival

The group has mastered all the forces of the dark, and some functional departments have also been infiltrated by the forces.

When the high-rise of the wood leaves was the brain of the fire shadow, he put pressure on Xiaochun and the door inflammation. Whether it was a conspiracy or a conspiracy, he had to smash. In the matter of being a fire shadow, no one dared to call him.

For the outside, the group said that it is a temporary generation of five generations of Huo Ying, after the return of the outline, the fifth generation of Naruto is still served by the master.

These are just scenes, lie to the ordinary people, and earn a good reputation for him, saying what the group of Tibetans indifferent to fame and fortune, such as thin and thin clouds.

Is the group a wolf or a skeleton? This is a very profound question.

There is a saying called Sima Zhao's heart that everyone knows, but I want to say, who knows the heart of the group?

The group knows how to forbear, knows how to choose, when to know the villain, when to be a gentleman.

When he was young, the desire for power in the group’s mind reached its utmost, but he did not show it. Even if the power reached the extreme, he did not take the initiative to take up the role of Huo Ying. At most, he used the hand of others to kill him. .

When Fei Fei sacrificed, the group had to repent and saw that his friends and his enemies had died for a lifetime. He had a strong embarrassment for the first time.

At the same time, the group began to think about what it was like to live in this life, and whether it fulfilled the ideals of the heart.

People are alive, and have been in a hurry for a hundred years.

The group has been buried in the soil for a large part of the body. Only the one who has exposed his head is left. He is more afraid of death at the old age, but he understands that fighting with the sky is not just an empty talk, just like painting a cake to fill the hunger.

Therefore, the eagerness to complete the long-awaited volunteers is the most desired thing in the group.

Huo Ying, Huo Ying!

This word is like a nightmare, and it is closely intertwined with the group. Every night, in addition to occasionally recalling some of the things he has done, the most common thing is to become a scene of Huo Ying.

At the coronation ceremony, the regiment stood on the Huo Ying Building to announce the inauguration declaration. The people in the audience were greeted by the enthusiasm. From that eager eyes, they can see the reverence and belief of him.

Although these are just dreams, they are just fantasy, but they are the most profound portrayal of his heart.

Once, the second generation of Huo Ying gave the group a chance. At that moment, he clearly has the ability to do it. He has the ability to stand up. As long as he decides, as long as he has the determination to die, Huo Ying’s seat is his.

However, the group still shrinks, his dream has not yet been realized, he is afraid of death, he is afraid that he will die.

In the end of hate, the saddest thing in life is nothing more than this.

A decision can change the fate, and the group really understands the meaning of this sentence.

When you let go, let go, and never drag on for others. This is the lessons learned from the collection for decades. Therefore, he became bold, cold, and even ruthless.

In dealing with the Uchiha event, he is very different from the singularity of the Huairou policy. He believes that it is only correct to completely destroy it. All the factors of instability must be erased.

With firm determination and with his own concept of life, the group finally persuaded Fei Fei.

On the full moon night, the **** killing night, the group and the people with the soil cooperated to completely annihilate the Uchiha family, and hundreds of human lives were turned into gray flying.

The outlook on life and values ​​are all about everything.

As long as it is what the group thinks is right, it can't be changed anyway. No matter what it goes through, he will carry it out.

This is the obsession of the group and his merits.

The human heart is wise, and one is obsessed with adulthood.

Do you say that the group is a good person or a bad person, is he a good person?

The murderer, the most vicious person in the world.

Bad guys?

Preserving the overall situation, in exchange for a short peace with minimal sacrifice. At all costs, we must protect the loved ones, the people we love, and he is like a ‘shadow’.

Although it is a 'root', the group has no regrets, and has been hiding underground for decades, and has endless darkness and loneliness. The "root" should be alive like the 'root'.

Under the decay, there is a heart hidden in the heart.

Where there is a root, there must be a wooden leaf flying.

As long as it is for the trunk, as long as it is for the foliage, it has experienced all the pains of the insects biting the body and mind, but also let the leaves of the wood bloom brilliantly.

In the slightly dimly lit office, the group was holding the fire and shadow in his hand, feeling the warmth of the presence, and squatting in front of him.

"I finally got to this position, Huo Ying, I am not very eager... Why... why there is such a sense of emptiness."

I don't know why, the group now remembered the death of the dead.

Thoughts floated in the air, the group saw that Fei Fei was smoking a cigarette bag, and he smashed a white smoke. At this time, the latter took a deep breath, but smiled.

"Old man, how do you feel, Huo Ying's seat is good, just a little cold... Haha... You are still the same, don't wear a face all day like a dead girl I have to smile and become a fire shadow. Like me, I am easygoing."

The mirror is full of water, and the scenery of the past has quietly emerged.

At this moment, the group was realized, and Fei Fei was the biggest obsession in his life, the only and most sincere friend.

The eyes of the group were gradually blurred, and almost trembled and said to himself: "猿飞...I'm sorry."

After the regiment came to power, it followed the guidelines set by the tops of Konoha, and joined other Ninmura to hold a five-figure conference to deal with the 'xiao' organization that has become a cancer.

After the invitation was issued, each village had responded, first of all, Sha Niu Village.

As an ally of Muye Village has a positive attitude, especially after I fell in love with Muye, I assisted in this matter and sent invitations to other Niuzi Villages.

After that, the news of Yun Ren Village came and agreed to unite.

Lei Ying advocates iron and blood military rule. In his consciousness, tyrannical force can erase all factors that endanger the stability of the world. Therefore, he is willing to accept the "xiao" jointly, but the condition is to hold the five shadows conference. The location must be in the country of Lei.

Lei Ying is so arranged, naturally he has his ideas, in the country of Lei, occupying the geographical position, as the host has enough right to speak, this approach is in line with his tyrannical character.

On the other hand, if the conference is a trap, Yun Ren Village can respond in the first time, and gather the power of the whole country to completely kill the wood leaves and sand. This kind of worry is not without reason. As the leader of Yun Ren Village, Lei Ying must rule out all the threats that threaten the stability of the village. After all, he has heard of the rumors of the Banquet.

The fact that Lei is strong, this is obvious to all, even if it is impossible, I can't match it. In order to win over to this powerful partner, Kono received the conditions of Raytheon, and agreed that the security and details of the conference were solely the responsibility of Lei Guoguo.

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