One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 397: Festival

"Xi Yan, look again! Command all the dark members to investigate, and if there is any news, notify us immediately!"

"Yes! Xiaochun adults!"

Xiyang section left, only Xiaochun and Menyan were silent.

Soon, the news of Lei Zhiguo came, saying that the body of the group was found in the Thunder Desert.

Upon receiving this notice, the Dark Ministry Elite immediately went to Lei Zhiguo and sent the body back.

After all, it was June, the temperature was extremely high, and the body of the group had long been known. It was only possible to distinguish the identity from the clothes.

Seeing the body of the group, the high-level consuls of the leaves are heavy.

Xiaochun said to the forensic doctor: "How did the investigation come to death?"

The forensic doctor respectfully said: "Return to the grown-up, because the body has been, we have to use the relevant technology to conduct research, and found that the chasing adult before the death of Chakra exhausted, it is obviously a battle with people, but he did not Any scars are also very strange for us."

Suddenly, like what I remembered, the forensic doctor continued: "Right! When we were organizing the organization of the group, we found that his body cells had completely necrotic, like death because of the exhaustion of Shouyuan."


Xiaochun was slightly surprised and immediately asked: "Is there any other clues?"


The forensic doctor said: "We have done our best, and only what we can get."

Seeing nothing, Xiaochun licked his aching head and said: "The group suddenly died. We didn't even have a clue. I don't know who is behind it!"

"There is nothing wrong with the weather."

A tall wooden leaf sighed and said: "I am afraid that the world will start to be chaotic."

The news of the death of the group was passed to the village of Wujiu, and the people like Meimei immediately knew that Sasuke had succeeded. However, after a few days, they still did not see Sasuke coming back. They guessed that Sasuke had an accident.

The key hand said with concern: "How can this be good? I can’t see anyone, I can’t see the dead, and now I am going to find him.”

It’s also very nerve-racking. “I didn’t expect things to develop to this point. I’ve already informed you about the details that have been distributed in the world of tolerance. Once there is any news about Sasuke, we will know immediately.”

"hope so."

The master knows that it is useless to worry about the people, and can only let go of the worry in her heart. She also believes that Sasuke will be safe and sound.

As night falls, there is a shadow inside the room.

"The sixteen nights of adults, this day really came, I still can't stop."

Aster has some self-satisfaction and self-satisfaction. It has already predicted the results of today, but there is nothing to do. The change of Sasuke is definitely not what she wants to see.

"This is also a no-brainer."

The sound of sixteen nights came from the secluded mind of Aster.

"Since it’s fate, it’s only going to make things worse, Shion, you are too much."

"But adults, I really don't want to see Sasuke become like that, the road to revenge is very dark, and he is in the abyss, I clearly have the ability to change everything, I"

Asters still want to say something, but it was interrupted by sixteen nights.

"This is his fate. We can't stop it. As a witch, we should guard our duties. We should have guarded this world, not because one person changed the heavens and the earth, it is tantamount to betraying the heavens. I understood it five hundred years ago, and it will come. It can't be stopped anyway. Just like my situation today, I have already expected it."

"Sure enough, fate?"

The purple flower has a faint, silvery long hair that is more mysterious under the light, but she whispers: "Even if it is a god, it can't control the rules of heaven, the demise of the spiritual road, the prosperity of the road, and the last human disaster. And sure enough, I can't change anything."

"Aster, you have to understand that our responsibility for this vein, although the rules of heaven can not be changed, but in the face of a real disaster, we still have to help each other. Just like when you face it, even in front of the abyss It is also necessary to bravely jump, this is the responsibility of the same witch."

"Yes, adults, Aster, please follow the instructions."

Asters is very respectful, she revered to the extreme for the sixteen nights, even more respectful than her mother Maitreya.

After a long time, Aster asked again: "Adult, do you forgive him?"


The sound of sixteen nights was silent for a while before he said: "How about forgiveness, how to forgive. These are all obsessives. I have a teacher and a teacher, and I will take care of him. I am in the same position." Well, since he personally linked his destiny to me, then the relationship between us will continue. He has his own responsibilities. At that time, I am also duty-bound. I only hope that I can do my best. Can help him."

The line of sight was clear again, and Sasuke touched the faint forehead and looked at the environment.

"where is this place?"

Sasuke swayed, got up and left the bed, stepping on the wooden floor and making a creaking sound.

At this time, the narrow door opened, and a 12-year-old girl dressed in a refreshing casual dress explored her head and saw Sasuke getting out of bed. She exclaimed: "You finally woke up!"

"you are?"

"My name is calamus, big brother, you have been in a coma for four days, really can sleep."

The girl named Zhangpu was not afraid of life at all. She still had a tray in her hand, and she had a diet inside. She smiled at Sasuke and walked in.

Sasuke looked at the movement of the calamus silently, but his heart thought that he had been in a coma for four days, and the soul wounds brought by the gods were really heavy. He had not suffered such a serious injury for a long time.

Seeing Sasuke in a daze, I took down the tray in my hand and got to the side of Sasuke. I looked at him like a comment. "Big brother shouldn't be a nerd, people talk to you."

The calamus is really not afraid of life, just listening to her giggling, but still a bit naughty.

"It would be a pity if the big brother is a I was the first time I saw such a beautiful boy."

"I am not a fool."

Sasuke returned a sentence and immediately asked, "Where are we now?"

"Of course it is on the boat. Big brother, I don't know your name yet."

The girl at the boat house was bold, but she was sitting next to Sasuke. The big eyes looked at the latter, and the corner of her mouth was still smiling. The eyes of the examination seemed to study why the boy could grow so beautiful.

"My name is Sasuke."

Some embarrassed to be stared by the calamus, Sasuke snorted and said: "You saved me."


The eyes of the calamus became a line, like a very happy look. "My father and I arrived at you while fishing. Thanks to the help of the sailor brother, we can drag you on the boat. Sasuke big brother, how do you? Will it fall into the sea?"

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