One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 398: Festival

The calamus squinted and looked like a curious baby.

I thought that I want to inquire about my own details, and Sasuke said coldly: "My business is still not in your way!"

"Big brother, how can you talk like this? People have saved you well, you are good, this attitude to me, you don't know how to be gentle to girls?"

The calamus was very wronged. Seeing Sasuke’s attitude was indifferent, thinking that he hated himself, and his heart was suffocating, but he was sobbing.

"Okay! Don't cry!"

Sasuke waved his hand with some irritability and said: "These days are taken care of. If you are not saving, I may have drowned."

Although Sasuke’s tone is cold, his words are thankful. Iguana thought that Sasuke turned his temper to himself, and he was happy. He said: "My father often taught me to help others, big brother, this is what I should do."

Seeing a face of pure and happy calamus, Sasuke licked the god.

Later, Sasuke asked some things. From the mouth of the Huapu, he learned that the ship was pulling the goods to Loulan, and the calamus was not the daughter of the boat. He followed his father to Loulan.

Sasuke made good use of the mentality that I did not defend against him, but I learned a lot from the latter.

Under the girl's heart, the calamus is very enthusiastic to Sasuke, like the leather candy is wrapped around the latter, even if his attitude towards himself is very cold.

After seeing the boat family and the father of the calamus, Sasuke decided to stay on the boat. The injury on his body has not fully recovered. It is a good choice to raise a wound here.

Moreover, the destination of this ship is Loulan, which is exactly the next goal of Sasuke. He is also very happy to take a boat.

Seeing the fog-bearing amount that Sasuke was falling off, everyone on the boat knew that he was a ninja. For this reason, everyone's attitude towards Sasuke is very polite. On the one hand, he does not want to offend him, on the other hand, he wants to seek asylum.

There are many pirates on the sea. The most feared business traveler is the pirates. They are cruel and ruthless. They do nothing, and robs everything. It is like a wolf. There is no humanity at all.

Although it does not rule out conscience pirates, most of them are.

The pirates are far-reaching, and the country of the sea is subject to a lot of bullying. Even Wuyu Village has been attacked by pirates. Of course, it is the weakest period in Wujiu Village. If not, the pirates dare to have the courage to invade the fog!

When I was in trouble, I went to Sasuke for help. It was very kind. In her heart, this handsome big brother was indifferent, but it was not so bad. It was faint. She regarded Sasuke as an idol. She is looking forward to Sasuke. She tells the story about the ninja.

"Big brother, have you been foggy before? I heard that the water shadow of Wujiu Village is a beautiful woman. I really want to see her, I look forward to it, big brother, can you take me to Wuxi Village?"

The calamus squinted and looked at Sasuke with a sly look. The face showed the dream of the ninja. In her early years, she also played the ninja game. She was very eager for the ninja profession because she felt that Gao Laigao went and the empty hand was printed. The gesture of Ninjutsu is simply too handsome!

"No time!"

Sasuke was also simply, and the cold voice was rejected.

"What a pity."

The calamus dragged the sound and lowered her head. It looked like a disappointment. After a while, she raised her head again and spoke with Sasuke, and the loss of the talent was swept away.

Entangled by the calamus, Sasuke was a little annoyed, snorted and turned away, leaving only one back.

"Big brother"

The calamus grievances pumped his nose, and there was a little sparkling in his eyes. "People just want to talk to you for a while, and there is no other meaning, I am so annoying."

The perennial business travel career made the calamus' childhood a very boring, almost no playmates, and only the overwhelming accounts of her. One or two companions who were occasionally handed over, and because they were going to the next place to do business, they broke the news. They finally met Sasuke. This is a big brother who looks pleasing to the eye, but his attitude is really chilling.

After all, it was a little girl, and I was saddened by the grief for a while, and I went back to the hut alone to practice today’s arithmetic chapter.

It was almost ten o'clock in the afternoon, and the wooden boat suddenly swayed sharply. Then, I heard a shout of killing, the man’s jealousy, and the woman’s cry and helplessness became one.

Sasuke was originally practicing, but because the outside voice was interrupted, he opened his eyes, but it was killing.

"Mom! This girl is really upset!"

The bearded pirate pulled out the short knife and stabbed the young woman who was pressed underneath. There was a wound in his mouth, and the blood was like a note, which was bitten by the woman under her body.

The heart of the young woman was pierced, and a blush was reddened with white milk. At the time of her death, her eyes were round and full of unwillingness and humiliation.

Several pirates are doing similar things, but most of the pirates are still putting their minds on the goods. They know that the goods are enough for them to spend a week.

At this point, several people were pulled out of the cabin, two men and one woman, the captain and the three daughters.

The three were taken to the front of the pirate's head. The pirate's head was a young man wearing a straw hat. There was a scar in his eye, which he left while fighting for the Nine Snake Island.

"Your Majesty!"

A pirate hit the three-legged calf with a scabbard, and the three men fell down, and the intense pain filled the nerves.

"You are hiding really well. It took a lot of effort to get you out, oh! I am so angry that I hate the kind of hidden tail!"

"Big fly!"

When the captain heard the pirate's head, he was exclaimed, "The legendary One Piece!"

"Yes, you have knowledge!"

Big fly patted the captain's 狠戾一笑, the scar on the corner of the eye is more abrupt.

"The One Piece is very stunned. Who hasn't heard of you? You don't know what your name is at sea."

Was flattered by the captain, and the big fly was very useful. His eyes passed over him and he looked at the father and daughter of the calamus.

"What's your name!"

Dafei kicked the father who kicked the calamus with his foot.

"Returning to the grown-up, the little man's name is Kasuga Yeyou, and he went to Loulan to do business with the little girl." Kasuga Yuki is very afraid, secretly protecting the calamus, and the trembling voice said: "The adults must not be difficult for our father and daughter, these goods are For you, give us a life."

"It’s not easy for the father and the daughter to do business."

Dafei’s eyes glimpsed, but he said: “But there is never a concept of living in my eyes. I want to take your goods, and you, I will kill!”

"Adults are forgiving!"

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