One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 399: Festival

The captain pleaded with a big fly's calf and pleaded. "The One Piece, I have a small old man. You must not kill me. I will give you everything, don't kill me."

Dafei turned a blind eye to the captain's pleading. He kicked him off, but he leaned in front of the father and daughter of the calamus, staring at the **** the side, and his face showed a lustful smile.

"Little girl, I heard that you are called calamus. It is really a good name. The small body is very smooth."

Say, Dafei will reach out and touch the face of the calamus.

Who knows, the calamus is dexterously evasive, and looked at the quirk in front of it.

"It's so funny, it's Lolita."

The big fly screams and laughs, it is necessary to pick up the calamus on the ground.

"Don't! Big brother saves lives!"

The calamus kicked a big fly and shouted for help in the cabin.

"You call it, no one will save you anymore, hey, it’s rare to see such a tender loli."

"Bastard! Don't move my daughter!"

Kasuga Yuki sees the big fly on the calamus, and he is desperate to break free from the pirates.

"I hate guys like you when I work!"

The big fly squatted and turned, and the sly squatted to the side of the spring, and continued to walk towards the calamus.

"It's a ugly face, this is a pirate, a disgusting guy!"

The cold voice suddenly came out of the cabin, and the pirates pulled out the musket and the big knife.

"Big brother!"

The calamus was a hi, and it immediately called.

"I hate you pirates the most, there is no technical content."

In the dark, Sasuke slowly walked out and looked at the pirates present.

"Little face! Who are you!"

The bearded pirate is very disgusted with the help of this type of man, that is, the musket is aimed at the latter, it is necessary to cut him into a sieve.

Sasuke didn't look at the big beard and looked at the big fly. He said, "You are the so-called One Piece? A scum!"

Insulted by Sasuke, the big fly angered, the little white face was quite horizontal! Immediately, I pulled out the big knife at the waist and smashed it to Sasuke.

"The guy who is not self-sufficient!"

I didn’t see how Sasuke shot, and the big fly flew out. The body slammed into the deck and slipped out of the seven or eight meters before stopping.


Big fly slammed his chest. If it wasn't for his physical tyranny, it would probably be just a blow.

"You will kill me with this shot!"

The big scream screamed, and many pirates rushed forward, and the momentum was soaring!

"I am also active in this activity."

Sasuke is cruel and smiles, but his eyes are black and bloody.

The purple thunder instantly condensed, and Sasuke stepped on the foot, and the body disappeared as a residual image.


The purple thunder spread into a piece, and the bright red blood sprinkled, and it was seen that several pirates were penetrated through the chest, and the broken internal organs were scattered.


The pirates exclaimed, realizing that they had hit the hard bones and immediately fired the rifle, killing Sasuke with the sharpness of the projectile.

Who knows, the speed of Sasuke is not ordinary people at all, they can not capture any action of Sasuke, between the short three interest rates, seven or eight pirates died.

"The wind is tight!"

Dafei knew that he was not an opponent, and immediately ordered the retreat.

The way the pirates escaped was quick, but they saw their sleeves and arrows, and they quickly shuttled between the two ships.

"It's pretty fast!"

Sasuke threw away the body in his hand, and the left hand flashed light, and the blood of the hand was evaporated.

On the pirate ship, Dafei and the pirates had the feeling of the rest of their lives after the robbery, and the heart was finally escaped. The ninja was really amp; the mother was terrible.

Just as the pirates were lying on the deck and yelling at me, they smelled something burnt.

Standing up and looking at it, I saw the pirate ship filled with black flames everywhere, like a fire tongue that swallowed everything.

"God, what is this flame, it will not be extinguished!"

The fire was soaring, the black flame burned everything, and the pirates threw away the water guns in their hands and prepared to give up the pirate ship.

Just as they were preparing to jump into the sea, the sky was dark and the next moment, a strong thunderstorm spread.

Suddenly, the line of sight is bright, and you see a blue beast descending from the sky.


The thunder and lightning broke out, and the roaring thunder and lightning spread. The entire pirate ship turned into powder, and the pirates were burnt.

The calamus and the survivors looked at Sasuke's masterpiece with stunned eyes. They did not believe that human beings could have such power.

Just listen to Kasuga Yuki: "Is he a god? This level of ninjutsu is simply a miracle!"

The captain also said: "I have never seen such a powerful ninjutsu, even if it is ‘shadow’, it is impossible to do this.”

After a brief surprise, Iguana looked at Sasuke and looked at Sasuke, and it was decided that I would become a ninja. Just like him, I could protect my father.

The merchant ship traveled for more than half a month at sea. On the way, the cargo was parked several times to pick up the goods. Because of this, it delayed a lot of time.

Since Sasuke’s rescue, the people on board have become more respectful of him. He has almost regarded him as a protector. Thanks to Sasuke, the following pirate attacks have been completely eliminated. All the pirates have been killed. Hand.

Everyone doesn't think that Sasuke's means are cruel. They even clap their hands and use the coldest means to deal with the wolves at sea.

After seeing the strength of Sasuke, the calamus began to wrap around Sasuke, saying that he should worship him as a teacher and beg him to teach words such as Ninjutsu.

Sasuke, of course, has a cold remark. He doesn't have time to spend on it, and he doesn't want to drag a burden that doesn't matter.

In the last entanglement, Sasuke was angry, and he slammed the neck of the calamus and said, "If you dare to hang around, beware that I killed you!"

The calamus saw Sasuke's writing eye, which was like a **** blush. Just being looked at by him, he felt like he was in hell. She saw murderousness from the latter's eyes, almost cruel to horrible.

"Cough big brother"

The calamus is terrified. She will not doubt what Sasuke said. The latter’s attitude towards her is like those enemies. As long as she dares to say “no”, the latter will kill her without mercy.

After this incident, I did not dare to provoke Sasuke again. She gradually closed her own world. The original cheerful girl became silent and was awakened every night. She found that she was still alive and then relieved. ,

Sasuke’s stimulation of the calamus is too great, almost destroying the girl’s worldview. However, after this incident, the calamus matured more, and the so-called girl dreams were quietly shattered. Instead, it was the gloomy heart of reality.

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