One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 406: Festival

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Uchiha Mirror insisted: "Our Uchibo family is loyal to Konoha, and there is no rebellious heart. The idea of ​​Sasuke is unacceptable. Uchiha must not betray Konoha!"

"The patriarch, you really care about Konoha."

Sasuke's look gradually became embarrassed. "But, Kobayashi treated Uchiha fairly! Since Uchiha's wave has left! Wood leaves have been treated fairly! No one was in the fight! The patriarch! Is it true? You have to wait for Uchiha to be completely destroyed by Konoha!"

Sasuke and Uchiha mirrored each other. Although he respected the latter, he was more respectful to Uchiha. Sasuke absolutely does not allow the event of the genocide to happen again. Uchiha’s family pattern is something that must be guarded by life. It is absolutely not allowed to be trampled upon by someone who has been obliterated!

"How can Uchiha be destroyed by the wood leaves;

! Sasuke, what are you talking about! ”

Uchiha's white beard was shaking, and it was like a gas. Sasuke’s words reminded him of a scene in his dream, which was the tragedy of Uchiha’s **** slaughter.

Sasuke saw the mind of Uchiha's mirror. As early as in the sound of the village, he interpreted the life of Uchiha mirror. He understood the fear in Uchiha's heart and knew the unsuccessful experience of Uchiha.

"The patriarch, you are a disciple of the second generation of Huo Ying, but what did he give you? What did you give to Uchiha? It is suspicion! It is doubt! It is red* naked* naked hostility!"

Sasuke said faintly: "The patriarch, what are you still insisting on? Which one is more important for Uchiha and Konoha! Uchiha's life and death and the so-called reputation are more important!"

"Life and death are doomed, after the merits of people comment! The patriarch, Uchiha family can no longer delay, eternal life or destruction is all in one mind! The patriarch, blind tolerance will only make the leaves more ambiguous, they will be unscrupulous Trample the Uchiha, trample on our dignity, trample on our people! Ugly they speak the words of the world, deceive the whole world! Try to build their fortress with the flesh and blood of Uchiha! The patriarch! You can still see it!"

Uchiha’s mirror was somewhat shaken, and Sasuke’s words undoubtedly entered his heart. Yes, what did Uchiha get over the years? In addition to suspicion or suspicion, Konoha will monitor Uchiha as a defense against the enemy. I am a patriarch who can watch the loved ones being destroyed.

Seeing the gaze of Uchiha's mirror, Sasuke knows that he is shaking, and immediately adds firewood to the fire. "You should know this group of people, oh! Why is the 'root' part of his management eroding the power of our police station? They are in the overhead of our power in the wood leaves, when the power disappears, what do we fight with them! At that time, we are the fish on the cutting board, Uchiha will face even more tragic tragedy. Very early, the wood leaves I started to plan the plan to destroy Uchiha. You also feel it. Uchiha’s power is being eaten a little bit by people. Uchiha is no longer the owner of Konoha, but a slave! A farm! Fat, they are It’s slaughtered!”

"Is that really so..."

Uchiha's mirror looks sad. "Is Uchiha really going to be destroyed? I... I absolutely don't allow this to happen!"

"Yeah, Uchiha can't sit still, we have to take the initiative!"

Sasuke got together in the ear of Uchiha Mirror: "The patriarch! The real right, the true freedom is to fight for it. The charity of others can only make us shackle. Moreover, we are the proud Uchiha family, who are immortals. Why do we have to bow to the mortal people of the genus, we are the rulers of the world, the rulers of truth!"

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Bsp; gradually being tempted by Sasuke, Uchiha mirror began to overthrow the things in his heart, he understands, also knows that Uchiha is going on in this way, it is only a matter of time before being destroyed.

"Yes! We Uchiha can't sit still!"

The old eyes of Uchiha’s mirror dimly flashed a firm color, like re-igniting the fire of struggle.

Seeing that his plan was successful, Sasuke was no longer tempted, and went to the side to finish the remaining tea and drop the cup to the ground.

"Ning is not broken for the whole! The patriarch! The incident of the Japanese family is up to me, so I must solve it myself!"

"Sasuke! What are you doing!"

Vaguely, Uchiha mirror has a feeling of uneasiness;

"Nature is completely destroying them!" Sasuke's eyes flashed the color of killing. "Trying to challenge the daily direction of Uchiha's dignity, we must not allow such a family to exist! The patriarch, you should consider it carefully about the matter of seeking power, etc. I hope to hear from you when I am triumphant!"

"God! He has to fight against the whole family with one person!"

Uchiha’s mirror felt a flower in front of him, and suddenly fell down on the chair of the Taishi.

"Sasuke, who are you, what are you coming to Uchiha, what will your presence bring to Uchiha..."


In the three-kilometer sky, Sasuke is suspended by the seal of the void. His feet are the family of the sun. The big Japanese family seems to be only three feet at this moment.

Sasuke looked at the people on the ground with a little black spot and said to himself: "Only destruction can make you feel what is real horror. Only in this way can you bring Uchiha to the peak! 蝼 ants, feel it, belong to Uchiha the power of!"

However, Sasuke’s blue Chakra was condensed, and the tiny Chakra particles continued to spread into the air. Then, Sasuke ran the body’s strength, and it was constantly entangled with Chakra. Soon, like boiling water rolling, the surrounding space was panned. The sound of shocks.


The invisible ripples spread over several kilometers. Under a strange force, the water molecules in the air quickly condensed, forming a large black cloud.

The rain is coming from the wind!

In less than a minute, the heavy black clouds are all over three kilometers, and the blue arc shines. The power of nature is even more terrifying in the constant brewing.

In the village of Muye, the vast thunderclouds cover the sun, and the heavens and the earth cast a darkness. Like a thunderstorm, the roaring thunder is shining in the thunderclouds.

"What happened in the end, just a bright sun, how can it change in a while."

In the village of Muye, many pedestrians stopped and pointed at the thunderclouds in the sky.

"Look! Leiyun is only in the sky above the village, not in other places!"

"Yeah! Very strange!"

"What happened!"


In less than thirty seconds, the blue arc in the thundercloud was more violent.


The huge explosion stunned everyone on the ground.

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