One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 407: Festival

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Everyone saw that the blue arc was constantly gathering in one place, and the lightning of the bucket size condensed constantly. Under the control of certain forces, it was actually the formation of a fierce beast!


! ”

The beasts quickly condensed, as if they were endowed with vitality, a roaring roar, a huge pair of eyes, and a sly face overlooking everything on the ground.


The thunder beast once again slammed, and the figure was rolling, but it was miraculously falling. The dazzling blue-white light became the main color between the heavens and the earth. At a moment, people’s sights were nothing.


The thunder of thunder broke, and many people’s eardrums were shattered. The continuous tremors, the ground trembled, the houses fell, and the blue lightning bolts skyrocketed, and the shock waves that followed one another spread around.

After a long time, the vision will return to normal.

Most of the buildings that saw the leaves were destroyed and the ground cracked, as if they had experienced a superb earthquake.

The surviving passers-by went to the place where the beast was falling, but when they saw it, they were shocked.

In front of you, there is a magnificent sun-drenched house!

All the buildings disappeared, and the bare ones. On the earth, the cracks in the black holes seemed to be torn apart by life. Everything within a few hundred meters was devastated and completely turned into nothingness.

"This power! What is it!"

The three generations of the inquiring came to the incredible look at everything in front of us, and the Japanese family disappeared!

"Who is it! There is that kind of power that can erase a group!"

Behind the three generations, there was a cold sweat. His spirit was a bit embarrassing. The genius of the Japanese people was actually ruined under his eyes, and it was completely obliterated!


“Is this the power of Sasuke?”

After the three generations, Uchiha mirrored his face and looked at the deep hole. He knew that Sasuke’s power was very strong, but he did not expect it to be terrible!

"He used the Thunder. The power to write the wheel eye has not yet been played out, is it to avoid the suspected Uchiha in the village?"

Uchiha’s mirror was secretly immersed, and after knowing the terrorist power of Sasuke, he made a decision. The Uchiha family is no longer under the wood leaves. For almost a hundred years, Uchiha has long been fed up! Uchiha will be subverting everything and subverting the fate of the seal on his body!


The news that the Japanese people were wiped out swept the region, and people were surprised that people had the power to completely destroy the world-famous sun.

At the same time, fear began to emerge in people's minds. There are such terrible characters in the world of forbearance. This is undoubtedly a disaster. Now it is the day, then, who is the next one?

Some people with a keen sense of smell have discovered that the village of Muye is not stable. The death before the storm has passed. The rest will be endless storms, almost destroying all lightning and thunder.

Tolerance, it is going to change.

In the village of Muye, Immerse yourself in a dignified atmosphere.

Every day, the people are in danger, and they are worried that the next one will be their turn.

The situation is tense, the hearts of the people are floating, and the pressures of the three generations have multiplied. After a few days have passed, the real murderers of the Japanese people have not been destroyed. It is hard to blame for this.


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Sp; three generations picked up the cigarette bag, shook his head and sighed, still let go, the real murder has not been detected, his heart is uneasy, even the cigarette bags that like to smoke have begun to quit. In just a few days, the three generations have smashed a lot.


The door of the office was ringing, and the water gate of a police attire came in, but he saw a lot of documents in his hand.

When I saw the water gate, the spirit of the three generations was a lot. I asked, "How about the investigation?"

"Three generations of adults, I have already investigated the dossier of the rebellion, Lin Yuyu is not suspected of committing crimes, Yun Ren is not possible, and found no one in the end to meet the conditions."

"It’s impossible to do anything."

The three generations smashed the eye bags of the big fight and said: "The Japanese people have been destroyed. This incident has stirred up an uproar in the world of forbearance. If you don't calm down the matter as soon as possible, the people who are not in the right will take this opportunity to make a fuss. At that time, it was really out of control."

Watergate knows the three generations of worries, and the innate people of the day are all killed. How powerful is the man behind the scenes, the power of terror threatens the hard-won peace, and it is difficult to guarantee someone to take this opportunity for the third time. Endure the world war.

"Yes! I understand. Huo Ying adults, this is the next to continue to search, must let the real murder surface."

"Go on;

. ”

The three generations waved their hands, and then, as if they had thought of something, they said, "Yes, you inform them that they come to my office."

Not long after, three generations of office appeared again, a rough white-haired man, a gloomy long-haired man, a choppy blond woman, and a big snake, a hand.

"Three generations of old man, what is trouble with us."

He also licked his nose and sneezed, but he listened to himself: "Which girl is thinking about me."

Everyone is used to the performance of the self, but he listens to the teacher: "Teacher, what happened?"

"I have a big deal for you."

The three generations said heavyly: "You know everything about the annihilation of the Japanese family."

"We also heard that I don't know who is planning this behind the scenes."

Dazi Pill said thoughtfully: "Teacher, although we did not perform in the Muye Village on that day, we also heard a lot of things. The people who used to destroy the Japanese people used the Thunder."

"Yes, the powerful and incredible Thunder is the use of Thundercloud to display the power of super lightning, and it will completely erase the large Japanese group."

"It turned out to be the power of nature!"

The big snake pill's eye-catching eyes flashed a strong These methods are the first time I heard that the power that the human body can't store, with the help of natural force, broke out instantly? ”

"We don't know about the specific situation. However, this time the enemy is very strong. If you don't find out the real murderer as soon as possible, I am afraid that the wood leaves will be chaotic."

The three generations looked at the three people in front of them and said: "You are my most proud disciple. I entrusted the leaves of Muye to you in the hands of the future. Now, Muye is facing disaster, you are duty-bound. You are responsible for investigating in secret, once you find it The murderer, no matter who the other party is, is trying to get it to justice!"

"is teacher!"

Seeing the three generations to say things so badly, even the cynicism is serious.


Uchiha House, Uchiha mirror took the initiative to find Sasuke who is still practicing.

Sasuke opened his eyes and said, "Is it finished?"

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