One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 408: Festival

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Uchiha nodded heavily and he knew the consequences of the list.

"When finished, it is possible to threaten Uchiha’s ethnic group."

Said, the mirror handed over a stack of documents full of names to Sasuke.

"The Nara family, the mountain family, the canine family, the oil girl, the pommel horse, the whirlpool... very good."

Sasuke nodded and said: "Although in some respects they are just ants, their strength is very terrible, so breaking one by one is our only chance;

. The patriarchs, the Nara, the canines, the vortex family first handed it over to me, the other ethnic groups, and we will make decisions after we start, if they dare not, hehe! Kill innocent! ”

Uchiha's mirror has some helpless colors on the old face. "I really don't want to see the companions who lived together in the morning and evening die, but for Uchiha, it can only be so."

"Yes. The patriarchs, adults, must be unconscionable, even guilty. Only war can let them understand what is true. Only fear can obey them. For Uchiha, these people are sacrificed, and they are extremely glorious. ”

Sasuke's inner bloodthirsty and darkness are evident at this moment. He wants to kill all the people who are obstructing the road. In his heart, except for the Uchiha family, the rest of the people are just ants, disobedient, and smothered on the spot!

However, when thinking about the consequences of destroying these ethnic groups, Uchiha mirror is worried: "Sasuke, really have to deal with them, will it cause more conflicts, if the second war of fortune is provoked because of Uchiha We are sinners."

Who knows, Sasuke is not convinced, "How about it, human beings are always advancing in the war, only death can usher in a true peace. One will be devastated, Uchiha wants to climb the highest peak, must sacrifice nothing. People, only through the ruined corpse, we can get real freedom and break the shackles of fate. The patriarch, it is time to change, the wood leaves or the end of the world, the windmill of fate can not stop, only the iron Rule can make others succumb."

This is Sasuke’s inner thoughts at this time. He has determined to sacrifice everything when he enters the road of revenge. Those who disobey are killed.

"Well, I only hope that we can succeed, Uchiha, it is time to rise."


The six-pointed star in Sasuke’s eyes quietly emerged, and the **** eyes cast a horrible image of the corpse.


A hidden area of ​​Yuren Village, where the trees are lush, the strange rocks rise from the ground, and the deep environment is full of alternative repression.

Within the cave, the stalactites are constantly dripping with crystal springs, and the torso-wrenched tree trunks are everywhere. With the support of some kind of power, these trees can grow without the need for sunlight.

"It has been many years..."

The old voice came from a secret room. It can be seen that it was a building made of trees, with green leaves and branches, and vigorous and powerful roots.

The man with wrinkles on his face lay on the bed, his hair was long, and there were many tree-like tentacles behind him. He connected to a large plant tissue outside and provided him with the necessary bio-energy.

This person is the Uchiha wave spot, the Uchiha wave spot that lingers in the underground of Yuren Village.

Since being rescued, the spot has been staying here. At first, every day he was accompanied by endless loneliness and hatred. For decades, -->, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Go, the hatred has become a lot thinner, that is, from then on, he stopped in a hurry, thinking about life, thinking about what the life has done.

At the end of the day, the spot finally found that he did not get anything. The only one who accompanied him was loneliness and hatred.

The greatest grief in the life of the spot is the death of Quannai. The greatest sorrow is the betrayal of the tribe. He is not recognized by anyone, but at the end, he is left in a lonely field.

Although he has survived and survived for decades, he has lived for decades with thousands of columns, but there are few fewer ones to understand.

Life has passed by in a hundred years, and I don’t know how many times he sighed, how many times he lost his mind, and only the endless emptiness left.

"If I can give me another chance, my decision will not change. Uchiha, the betrayed family, is really ugly, and I am doing my best. My brother, my family, everything, I am lost. Alright..."

The lonely reincarnation eyes are slightly open, and under the six-way pattern, there is a silent sadness.

I also remembered my life friends and enemies. The nightmare of lost water has been lost. The two did not know each other, competed with each other, and relied on each other to jointly create Muye Village.

Shouben thought that it was like this for a lifetime, but life is impermanent, even if it is a close person, it will inevitably be suspicion, and he will be so arrogant, he will seek reform and carry out the reform, but he, his The concept is not understood, the leaves are not trusted, and the people are far away because of the short-lived peace.

"The way I am going, my ideals, who can understand, the world is big, where can I show my ambitions! Even if Uchiha lost the original spirit, when can we reproduce the power of God, when Only then can the glory of Uchiha be restored!"

Spotted, militant, even if it is squatting in the underground of insect ants, his heart is still rushing, in the battlefield journey, the war can never be cooled, this is the blood of the spot, the constant battle, the establishment of the ideal township !

After a while, the ground squirmed, but saw a dark vegetative person drilled out.

The spot called this person ‘absolute’.

Seeing the coming, the gaze of the spot shook a bit. It was this person who pulled him back from the edge of death. It was also this person who helped him to survive for decades.

"Pig, you are still the same."

The sound of the low voice sounded, but it was sitting on the edge of the wooden bed, looking at the huge plant prototype in the distance, there are still many vulgar faces on the top.

"I have brought you a good Good news?"

The slightly dry lips moved, "Is it about wood leaves?"


The faint secluded said: "The sun has been destroyed."


The spot is strange, saying: "Who did it."

"Hey." It’s a mysterious smile. "He has a relationship with you..."


"of course."

The sullen sorrow said: "It is the kid of Uchiha!"

"The next one is the Nara family. I don't know if their surgery can block my strength. However, I will not give them a chance."

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