One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 410: Festival

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The purple torrent is like a raging dragon, devours everything. In less than three minutes, the buildings in sight are broken, and the broken limbs are broken everywhere, and the blood flows into the river.

In the purple fluctuations, the horrible sharpness of the volatility struck, and the Nara Guards retreated.

"Give me a hold!"

The head of the Nara patriarch was blood red, and the death of the tribe made him want to split.

All the tribes condensed power, shadows, shadow strangulation, shadow aggregator, all kinds of shadows together, forming a giant hand with a strong black gas.


The black giant hand collided with the purple arrow that formed the torrent, and the shock caused by the impact destroyed many remaining buildings.


The strange tremor sounded, and it was the power of the devil to erode the shadow of Chakra.

The remnants of Nara are not good, and they immediately increase the supply of Chakra, in an attempt to withstand the purple torrent of terror.

However, the black giant still did not persist for a long time. In the last collision, the black giant broke and the 3,600 broken arrows entered the unmanned environment.

purple! Infinitely magnified purple! That is death!

The Nara patriarch closed his eyes. In the torrent of the torrent of the sky, he and the tribes were all annihilated, and the horrible demon power completely destroyed everything in Nara.

"It’s over so soon."

Sasuke drunk the wine in the cup, and the purple fluctuations that pervaded the body dissipated.


An explosion rushed into the sky, and the purple enchantment covering Nara exploded.

Many pedestrians have been affected by the shock wave and have fallen to the ground.

When they see everything in sight, it’s not just who made the first scream.

Then, the horror of the horror spread to the crowd, people fled and panicked, and the pale face was full of fear of death.

Like a massacre, the corpse is incomplete and fragrant, the body is broken, the land collapses, and the **** eyes are full of nausea.

The Nara ethnic group disappeared completely.


"The whole family of four hundred and fifty-six people... no one is alive..."

When the water gate reported this number to the third generation, the three generations of jingle sat down on the sofa.

"Four hundred and fifty-six people... What did I create?"

Three generations stunned the old face, and some of the sly backs trembled, and sadness and shock filled his emotions. The three generations did not expect that such a thing happened during the period he led. First, the Japanese, and then Nara, the tragedy of the genocide happened twice in a week, and it was under his eyes.

The three generations have never hated themselves so much. In the face of the death of the loved ones, he is powerless. He can only watch and see if a person falls down and cannot make any remedy.

Who is doing the killing, who is targeting the wood leaves!

In the three generations of dimly lit eyes, there is a raging anger, "Watergate! Give me a check! Be sure to take this person! Kill him! Kill him!"

The sudden anger of the three generations shocked the water gate, and the latter immediately ran out, mobilizing members of the dark, and collecting clues at the location of the incident in Nara.

The two major groups first -->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

After being destroyed, the wood leaves are completely chaotic, and people are worried. They are afraid that the next one will die.

The people have no guarantee of life, no sense of security, many people have plans to move out of the wood leaves, they do not want to go to the local soul, but do not want to die, do not know who killed it!

In the wood leaves, the people who are not good at heart spread rumors, and the demise of the sun and Nara touched Tianwei, and under the wrath of the sky, it led to the incident of being destroyed.

When you lose hope, you will seek the protection of the gods and seek spiritual comfort with vain things.

God wrath? I am afraid it is a blame.

Sasuke used the Thunder for the first time, and the second time he used Ning to use the spiritual road. Two different forces were deployed, but it formed a lot of interference.

Many people think that the other person who started to work for Nara is different from the murderer who destroyed the Japanese. Even some people suspect that there is a horrible organization behind the genocide, specifically targeting Konoha.

The progress of the investigation is very slow. On the one hand, it is because the Department of Wood Leaf* is bloated and inefficient. On the other hand, since Uchihao Yao knew that the murderer was Uchiha, of course, he had to try his best to cover up, and he relied on the power of the police chief to suppress the layers of suspicion. Of course, there are many other reasons, not for the time being.

Under various reasons, the murderer did not suspect that Uchiha’s head came up. This situation is very popular. Uchiha has sufficient preparation time to move for the sake of the incident.

Two times, the people were frightened. In a few days, many people applied to move out of the wood leaves. They didn't want to die.

The **** horror filled the hearts of people, death, panic, and Muye has never been so turbulent.

Only the dogs and whirlpools are left. Each of these two ethnic groups is a hard bone. After all, it is a genocide. It is necessary to face the power of the whole family with one person. Even if it is Sasuke, it has more than enough power. Insufficient feeling.

The power of gathering together is terrible, so Sasuke follows the principle of dividing and destroying. From the big and the small, using the blitzkrieg, solve everything with the fastest speed, and let the leaves have any breathing space.

In the canines and whirlpools, Sasuke chose the former. Although the whirlpools are thin, their seals are very powerful, and the nine tails are still there. It can be said that the strength is not weak. Relatively speaking, the barking is better to deal with.

Sasuke didn't want to be detected as soon as he was the murderer. So, this time, the way of shooting the dog is normal, and everything is annihilated by the thunder.

Of course, Sasuke can use a more powerful Ninjutsu attack like Tianzhao, but don't forget, these are all about writing round eyes, which inevitably makes people suspect that Uchiha’s head is not there. In the final period, he could not use the power of Uchiha.

Because the situation is already very tense, the defense in Muye Village has reached the most intimate period in history. Therefore, Sasuke deliberately changed his appearance before the action, and even blocked the face with a mask of the dark part, not afraid of 10,000. .

Just behind the wood leaves, in the quiet place, Sasuke condenses the seal of the void, and the purple light surges, but it is flying to the height of three kilometers.

Here, the air is thin and the temperature is extremely low, but there is still no problem for the ninja.

By writing the wheel eye, Sasuke easily locked the inhabitants of the canines. Compared to the Japanese family, the barking family is much smaller. At the height of three kilometers, it seems to be only the size of the palm;

Without the blessing of the fire, Sasuke can only use the combination of Yuanli and Chakra to condense the thundercloud.

Sasuke has already studied, Yuan Li is the easiest to sense everything in nature, including steam, of course; Chakra is used to make changes, gather the power of lightning, and condense the beast.

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