One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 411: Festival

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In the same way, the black thunderclouds quickly condense, the powerful pressure spreads, and the horrible thunder is almost destroyed.

The changes in the sky have caused the village of Muye to fall into a panic. With the experience of the Japanese people, everyone knows that the culprit of the genocide is once again dispatched.

"This must catch him!"

Watergate was commissioned by three generations. As the head of the investigation team, he was duty-bound. It is his greatest responsibility to take the murderer to justice.

Through experience, Watergate guessed that the murderer was hiding in the thundercloud, but how to get there is a problem.

For the ordinary ninja, even if it is flying, it can barely reach the altitude of about 300 meters, but this time the thundercloud is above three kilometers, it is simply delusional to want to get there.

Watergate knows that the opportunity is rare. Today, the murderer cannot be caught, and it is likely that he will never be able to meet it again in the future.

Immediately, the water gate pulled out the three-pointed knife at the waist, with a few runes attached to it, picking up hands and throwing.


The blade rushed to the height of 500 meters.

At this point, the water gate sensed the existence of the rune, spatial positioning, his body is illusory, and appeared in the edge of the blade in the blink of an eye.

It is the **** of thunder!

The water gate throws it again, and the thunder **** uses it. The golden light flashes and flashes at high altitude.

In this way, the water gate quickly reached a height of about two kilometers.

Here, a piece of thundercloud black pressure, rolling blue thunder creaking, shining thunder light contains the power of the strong Thunder.

In the face of the power of nature, human beings are still slightly weak. In the face of the thunder and lightning, even the water gate has raised a sense of powerlessness. He knows that to control these lightnings, not only does it require the horrible Chakra support, but more importantly, it requires a strong mental control.

These two points are difficult for ordinary people to do. It is not easy to control the power of nature. In the original work, Dashen Pill has also worked hard for this, but it has failed. It is a pocket, and after learning the fairy tales of the dragon's hole, it can easily manipulate the earth's changes. He is performing an extreme natural manipulation.

The enemy was on the top, and the watergate glanced at the blue arc of the dense sky, biting his teeth and immediately licking the bitterness.


The bitterness did not pierce the air, and it was submerged in the thundercloud. At this time, the thundercloud was rioted, and a huge body of great beast rolled over it.

Know that the Thunder is about to start, the water gate is running crazy Chakra, flying Raytheon!

The yellow light broke through the space, and instantly it appeared on the thick clouds. The water gate raised its eyes, but saw a small black spot appearing directly above it. It was the initiator of the genocide;

"See it!"

The water gate threw a bitterness again, but aimed at the side of the little black spot.

Flying Raytheon!


Sasuke's step-by-step preparation for the storage of the thunder beast's power, just as he was about to finish, there was space fluctuations around him, and the next moment, a blue-bladed spiral sphere emerged.

"Spiral pill!"

When I reached the blue strength, Sasuke exclaimed, and immediately turned to the side of the figure, and escaped the blow that must be killed.

"You recognize the spiral pill!"

When Watergate heard Sasuke’s words, he yelled out. “You are a wooden leaf!”

Watergate has only recently developed a spiral pill. The only thing that the spiral pill can only know is that some of the high-end ninjas of Kapok can now know. Now, Sasuke shouted the name of the spiral pill, but it caused the water in the heart of the water to stir up waves.

The water gate could not sustain its suspension in the air. After shouting this sentence, it fell down.

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Once again, the water gate throws out the bitterness, and the thunder gods launch, appearing on the side of Sasuke, attacking again!

Sasuke, who was able to hang up, took a big advantage, and he easily escaped from the attack of Watergate.

"How long can your Flying Thunder God support in the air? Goodbye, canine!"

When the voice fell, the thunder of Sasuke’s hand shone, and a thunderball was thrown out. In an instant, it was connected with the rolling beast.


Thunder and lightning, Thundercloud riots, surging thunder beasts landed instantly!


Watergate heard the loud noise of the sky below, knowing that Sasuke’s thunder had been smashed, and he couldn’t help others, but he desperately attacked Sasuke through the thunder.

Once again, I avoided a spiral pill from the water gate. Sasuke was a flash of body shape and appeared on the side of the water gate in a smart footwork.

"Spiral pill? I will use this trick."

Sasuke’s deliberately low voice rang in the ear of the water.


Watergate was shocked. In the next moment, he saw that the red-red spiral pill was condensed in Sasuke’s right hand, and the spiral of fire attribute was about to be printed on his chest!

Between the millennium and the hair, the water gate also condenses into a blue spiral.


The two people's spirals collided together, and the blue and red spirals spread out;


In the last outbreak, the two flew out, Sasuke quickly stopped in the air, and the water gate fell quickly.


However, the purple rune at the foot of Sasuke shines, and the figure flashes quickly disappears into the distance.


The falling water gate hated him very much. His only thundering **** was the last time. There was no way to chase Sasuke. He could only watch Sasuke fly away.

"What the **** are you, my spiral pill, how can he..."

Watergate eyes lost a moment, and the body shape fell, but there is a feeling of infinite fear.


Through the last flying Thunder God, the water gate returned to the village of Muye safely.

"How's it going!"

When the three generations saw the water gate, they came in and fell in, and immediately asked the water gate.

"Runned by him."

Seeing the three generations, the water gate has the feeling of being separated from the world. The strength of the other side is beyond his expectations. Not only is the Thunder, the kind of floating technique is simply unheard of.

Watergate added: "Because I have a I didn't see him, but I know he is a member of Muye Village."

"Wuye Village!"


Watergate told the three generations about the spiral pill, but saw the three generations sitting at the desk. After a long time, the three generations said that they were tired: "Watergate, telling them to go down and thoroughly investigate the dark parts, especially those who do not attend the work today and who will be sizzling and thunder, all of which must be checked!"

The only three generations can do now. According to the information provided by Watergate, a series of measures will be taken. In the face of unknown enemies, Muye can only see the move and only hope to catch up with the real murderer.


The super Thunder destroyed all the dogs and cats, and there were hundreds of people in the world of forbearance. They were completely destroyed overnight. Except for one or two people who went out to perform tasks, the rest died.

In less than ten days, all three families were destroyed. Under this time, the people of Muye were flustered. Many people were preparing to leave the leaves. They did not want to die and did not want to face the unknown horror.

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