One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 417: Festival

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Finally, the line of sight was clear, and I saw a giant monster with multiple bodies in front of him. It was the surviving male.

At this time, the male wolf was unbearable, and there was only one left arm. The whole body cracked a fine grain, and a large armor fell, revealing a purple bone.


Sasuke fell to the ground, and there was a sharp pain in his head. He suffered a slight injury because of the impact of the seal. Seeing that he had caught his right eye, the blushing six-pointed star shone with incomparable anger.

"I can do this step! It really does not leave you!"


The purple Chakra rises abruptly, and the man of Sasuke screams in the torrent of Chakra, and the naked eye can be recovered from the naked man.

"how is this possible!"

Mingmei and others exclaimed, and immediately wanted to print again, but they saw that there was a dusty smoke under the men’s feet.


The blue thunderbolt edge suddenly appeared, and the man’s hands were slammed into the purple thunder of the sky.


The big earthquake swayed, the dust fluttered, and the purple lightning snake continued to smash.

Oh! Oh!

A sword full of mighty power can't resist, Mingmei and others can't escape the speed of lightning. After all, it is in the shock of the shock.


Solving Mingmei and others, Sasuke took a heavy breath, operated the refining pot, absorbed the black power stored in it, and slowly recovered the lost Chakra.


The whirlpool that is being cultivated, Xinnai, was awakened by the sudden vibration, and immediately ran out of the cultivation room to check the situation. When she saw the scene in front of her eyes, she was shocked first, followed by great grief, and finally turned into a resentful resentment. .

"Who is it;

! ”

In the sight, the ruins of a piece of land are full of dead bodies, the black flame is burning constantly, and the scattered blood stains the ground red.

"It's me, the whirlpool, Xinnai, you always figured it out."

The sudden sound rang out behind the whirlpool, Xin Nai, and suddenly he looked at the people.

Wearing black and large clothes, the appearance is handsome, and the blushing eyes are filled with bloodthirsty gas.

I saw the fan-strip pattern on Sasuke’s chest, and the whirlpool 玖辛奈 screamed: “You are Uchiha’s family!”


Sasuke slowly came over and sparkled a small snake in his hand.

"These people are killing you!"


Sasuke has no expression. "They **** it, so I killed them."


The whirlpool, Xinnai, clenched her fists and lowered her head. The death of the tribe made her grief. Under the trembling, she was a little bit tearful.

Suddenly, the whirlpool 玖辛奈 looked up, and the red eyes showed endless hatred.

"What the **** is you! Uchiha, why have we sinned with you? Why do you want to do this! Why!"


Sasuke’s footsteps stopped at a distance of seven or eight meters from the whirlpool, Xinnai, and said coldly: “No, I just want to kill, and it’s up to you.”

"Mix-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

egg! ”

The whirlpool, Xinnai, screamed, but trembled: "It’s just because of this reason that we killed our whole family, the absurd reason, the absurd reason! Uchiha! We are a family of swirls, even if it is turned into a devil, Will not let you go!"


There is no fluctuation in Sasuke's look, but the killing in my heart is more and more arrogant. "With you, for me, no one in this world can stop my footsteps, stop me from revenge, and prevent me from achieving my ideals."


The whirlpool 玖辛奈 clenched his lips tightly, and the blushing blood ran down from the corner of his mouth, and the little red was more beautiful.

"You devil! I whirlpool, Xinnai swears to heaven, don't avenge this hate, don't give up!"

"It’s really terrible determination." Sasuke said coldly: "Hate can destroy everything, but it can also create everything. After being burned out by anger, the soil that is left behind is ruined. When spring comes, it will be smashed. Flowers. Is this your determination, the whirlpool, Xinnai, your hatred heart, I feel it, but this is not enough..."

Sasuke stepped closer to the whirlpool, Xinnai, and the blushing six-pointed star projected the weak body of the latter. "Your hatred is not enough, liberate the anger in your heart... vent everything, the people are dead, all Everything is turned into nothingness, and the value that exists in this world can be traced... Emancipate the darkness of your heart, rush to me with your angered eyes, kill me, let I feel the pain in the world;

. Come on, release your anger! Whirlpool 玖 辛 奈! In your name! Free the monsters in your heart! ”

The whirlpool 玖辛奈 is completely immersed in the voice of Sasuke. The clear eyes are gradually lost. Under the control of Sasuke, they become angry, become confused, become sad, and become hateful.

"Give me out!"

Sasuke gave a low drink, and the **** six-pointed star suddenly spooked with horrible power fluctuations.


The invisible fluctuations spread around the center of the vortex.


The red Chakra storm skyrocketed, and the whirlpool 玖辛奈 was in the center of the storm. The red hair fluttered, the clothes smashed, and the flame-like chakra continued to rise and burned quickly.

"Who is calling this uncle!"

The vicissitudes of the sorrow suddenly erupted from the whirlpool 玖 辛 奈 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , It will impact the space fluctuations, and it is a nine-tailed shadow!

"Nine tails, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Sasuke’s voice came cold and cold, and suddenly the voice was busy letting the nine tails look down to the kid! Uchiha! ”

When I saw Sasuke’s writing eye, the nine tails yelled and said, “Is it yours? I promised that he has already done it! Why bother to come to this uncle!”

"Not a spot, it was my own."

Sasuke's six-pointed star and nine-tailed pair of eyes, **** gas is more intense.

"I came to seek strength from you. As a slave to Uchiha, you will provide your enormous power, let Uchiha, let the descendants of the immortals stand on the peak of the world of forbearance!"

Sasuke's kaleidoscope was in sight, and the nine tails screamed, but it was a big shout: "Uchiha! Your eyes are even more terrible than the spots, but also bloody! I can't see from your eyes." To any light! You come to seek my strength and will only bring the world of tolerance to the darkness!"

"What's the relationship?" Sasuke is closer to the nine-tailed phantom, and whispered: "What is the life and death of the ants and the cadres, as long as they can establish the ideal existence, even if they push the ninja to the dark abyss, Nine tails! Your strength is also given! If you don't give it, you have to give it!"

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