One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 418: Festival

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Suddenly, Zuo Assistant, a black light in front of the chest, the refining pot flashed out, and the storm rose, but it was over the top of the nine tails, projecting infinite power.

"What a ghost thing!"

Nine-tailed screaming, trying to resist the power of the refining pot, but found that power is not in the heart.

I saw that the red Chakra was inhaled by the refining pot like a whale swallowing water, and I couldn’t get rid of it if I struggled with the nine tails.


! You are playing with fire and self-immolation! ”

The nine tails struggled, Chakra inhaled, and the red Chakra storm hit again.

But seeing a tail shining with golden red light suddenly appeared, followed by the second, third, and soon, nine tails emerged, and a fierce giant beast cast on the sky.

"It’s finally forced out."

Sasuke's eyes are condensed, and his hands are constantly smashing.


The refining pot turned and opened, and the golden red beast continued to shrink under the singular power. Finally, it was absorbed by the refining pot like a smoke, and at this moment, the storm suddenly stopped.


The body of the whirlpool, Xinnai, fell down, and the soulless soul returned to heaven.

The spine of the refining pot is dripping, and under the control of Sasuke, it is turned into a streamer and not in the chest.

After doing everything, Sasuke’s six-pointed star in the right eye rotated, but saw that the black flame that remained there disappeared.

Confirming that there was no evidence of any crimes, Sasuke left here, on the desolate ruins, only the bodies of the land complained about the scenes that had happened here.


The wind and the water gate looked at the already rigid body, and the long red hair was scattered. The pale face was full of dying pain. She was convulsing and shouting, enduring the pain of carrying out the soul. .

The whirlpool, Xinnai, did not know how much pain he suffered before he died. The nine tails were stripped, almost tearing the internal organs, severe pain, and numbness.

At the time of the disappearance of the soul, the appearance of the whirlpool 玖辛奈 is the handsome figure of the wind and the water gate. He is laughing, talking about love, the perfect figure becomes illusory.

After all, the world of the whirlpool 玖辛奈 collapsed completely.

"Do not worry, I will avenge, 玖辛奈, your spirit in the sky must let me catch the murderer."

The feng shui shui shui 玖 奈 奈 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远 永远


The wind and water door gradually blurred, his voice became sobbing, and his body began to tremble. He still remembers the two vows, he still remembers the scene of the day, she said, until next March, we will get married.

The beautiful memories are mottled, and the sorrowful wounds are full of everything, leaving only the pale body to tell the fact that the squadron is dead.

"I will never forget your..." The wave of the water gate gripped the left hand of Cinnamon, trembling and wearing a crystal diamond ring on the ring finger of the latter.

"From this moment on, you are my wife, my lover."

The waved water gate clenched the hand with the diamond ring, the two men and five fingers interlocked, almost -->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

It is a catastrophe that cannot be separated.

The news that the vortex family was destroyed once again shocked people's tired nerves, and it was a human tragedy. The murder of the tribe caused people to hate, who is manipulating all this behind, who is waving the blade of the slaughter.

Sin, darkness, heart sorrow, all kinds of things happen frequently, some people start to make troubles. In just one week, the theft of Muye happened 1,866 times, and violent conflicts occurred 950. Four times, a total of 4,978 cases of various types of criminal cases. Affected by the riots, the economy is declining, the unemployment rate is soaring, the factory is closed, the future is dark, and the darkness of the people can be seen everywhere. The wood leaves are struggling in the fire, and almost the people are not living.

The four races were destroyed. Until now, they have not caught the murderer. The three generations feel guilty and guilty. He is a man who can't bear to see his subordinates swearing for him. The dark department of Muye's police department is under pressure from all. The shoulders of the old man became heavier. After a month passed, Fei Fei was a lot older, his body was dry and he was always in a daze. Once he had news about the murderer, he jumped up and rushed to the scene, but every time he got it. All are disappointed and helpless. At that time, Fei Fei could only shake his head and sigh. In the dim old eyes, except for sorrow, the rest is infinite self-blame.


Uchiha, most people are kept in the dark, only a few high-level people know about Sasuke. Because life has been affected by the riots of the leaves, they have been angered by the annihilation of the genocide. They have been devastated and have no humanity, but they have not thought that they are doing these things.

Uchiha mirror found Sasuke to discuss the next step. The old man is not easy. He is in charge of the public and suppresses the different voices of the family. Therefore, every action of Sasuke can be well coordinated. Stalking.

In fact, when seeing Sasuke’s indiscriminate killing, there is also a voice in Uchiha’s mirror to discourage him from letting Sasuke continue. However, this road has already embarked on, and there is no chance to look back. No matter how dark the front is, it must constantly go ahead!

An hour later, Uchiha mirror went away. After a while, another person came in again, Uchiha Meiqin.

Seeing this woman, Sasuke is slightly stunned. It is said that Meiling has not harassed him recently, fearing that he has found a new prey.


Uchiha Miqin’s face was covered with anger, and he stood in front of Sasuke, and asked loudly: “Why killing Chen Xinnai;

! I am a good friend with her! ”

"Killing is killing I can save her back."

Sasuke’s self-satisfied espresso pours tea and says, “Your heart is too strong, and you are mad.”

"You bastard!"

Meiqin took a small square table, and the beautiful face was distorted by anger.

"Say kill, kill, do you still have humanity! Kill so many people! What is your conscience! Since you came here, see what you have done! You are mad at me!"

After being stunned by Meiqin, Sasuke was not angry. After all, Meiqin is the mother of this body, and he also has a sense of affection for Meiqin. Even though Sasuke is cold-blooded, his conscience is eaten by dogs, but he is still very good for his loved ones.

"Don't be angry, it's a big deal. The dead are inevitable. Everything must be sacrificed for success. There is no free lunch in the world. If Uchiha wants to rise, he must embark on a **** road." ...."

Sasuke said from his own eyes that there is a feeling of human life like a mustard. I am afraid that in his eyes, except for Uchiha, the rest of the people are dispensable.

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