One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 423: Festival

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The wave of water and water has been silent on the side, and the death of Yan Xinnai is not a small blow to him. At this moment, what he always thinks in his heart is how to seize the murderer to take revenge.

"Watergate, you are still thinking about it."

The sounds of the three generations awakened the Feng Shui Gate from the meditation.

"Huoying adults, I am thinking about how to break the attack of Uchiha."

"I don't know what you think in your heart." Three generations sighed and said: "I like this child, I love it, but it's a pity..."

After a pause, the three generations said: "Watergate, according to the four genocide events and today's Uchiha riots, I think everything should come out."

"Huoying adults! You mean!"

"Yes, it’s all Uchiha."

When I heard the words of the three generations, the spirit of the wind and the water was shocked, but the thoughts turned sharply, but I thought, yeah, all of them were Uchiha, and the enemy was in Konoha, where I was not found. ridiculous!

I remembered the chilly body of the whirlpool, Xinnai, and the wind and water door suddenly raised hatred, and did not say goodbye to the three generations, so I rushed out of the Huo Ying Building.

The full body of the man must be horrible, and the hands are condensed with the sword of the earth. Every time he takes out, he will take away the lives of more than a dozen Konoha ninjas. The house is dumped, the earthquake is trembled, and the powerful attack force makes people A heart is stagnation!

It is like hell, surrounded by black inflammation, up to 20 meters of the men of Zuo Zuo continue to harvest life, the solid armor is extremely heavy, unless the s-level above the ninjutsu can not break its defense.

It is different from the complete body of the spot, and Sasuke’s man has not derived the part of the foot. Because of this, it is more flexible, and with the back of the wings, Sasuke’s must Fly

. However, the complete body of the spot must be double-sided and four-handed. It can be printed and can perform ninja. From this point of view, it is a lot stronger.

The males of Zuo Zuo are raging, the wooden leaf ninjas are assembled in groups, and the hands are quickly printed. Their ninjas are the same, they are all big fireballs. However, the three or four hundred people are also showing at the same time, it is extraordinary power! I saw the blazing flames of the sky!


The air is burned, and the extreme high temperature spreads. In the fierce roar, all the big fireballs are in the middle of the male. In an instant, the red flames of the flames rise to the sky, but they are the ones who will be the ones!

In the flame, Sasuke was protected by the purple enchantment. Even though the temperature was extremely high, he was not affected.

"I thought it would stop my footsteps." Sasuke's psychedelic kaleidoscope began to spin, but he saw the addition of the earthen sword in his hand to form a black flame sphere.

Suddenly, the black sphere was thrown out, and it was changed into a thousand black flames.

The black flame of the sky came, and the goal was the siege of the wood leaf ninja. Under the flame of the sky, everyone began to escape.

Black inflammation quickly landed and spread, forming a broader fire. Many people were infected with black inflammation, but they fell to the ground to extinguish the fire. But this way did not help, the black flame spread quickly, and the ninja who shouted for help was burned into coke.

Sasuke’s must be strong, and the Konoha ninja of this era can hardly be stopped. Sasuke is actually one of the nearly half of the Konoha ninja.

Encouraged by Sasuke, the Uchibo people's offense is even more fierce. They have the advantage of writing on the battlefield, and almost everyone is a **** slaughter.

Uchiha, only on the battlefield can show the power of their family, the silence of many years, let people forget the horror of this family. Today, -->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Uchiha started, and the invincibility on the battlefield made people almost desperate. Uchiha, really is a descendant of immortals, strong in strength, high in the realm, a family of geniuses, a family of war machines.

This is a gap, the gap is generally, the gap between people can never be made up.

In the world, I am afraid that only a thousand hands can compete with it, but in the end, thousands of hands have already withered, and now, only Uchiha is the only one.

Therefore, the trend of one-sided battle can not be stopped, the three or four hundred people of Uchiha, can face the five or six thousand Konoha ninja!

Because the male body of Sasuke is huge, it is not a small target in the night, and the helpers from the Huo Ying Building easily found Sasuke.

"This is the power of Uchiha!"

The hands and other people stood on the tall roof, watching the eyes of the savage battlefield in the distance.

"A frontal attack can't break that defense, it's hard to do."

I also frowned and looked at the big snake pill around me and said, "Are you not a lot of ghosts? I want a way at this time."

“It’s really hard to break through.”

The big snake pill licked his tongue and blinked in the vertical eye. "As far as I know, Suzuki is the strongest defense of Uchiha, unless there is a powerful destructive ninjutsu, otherwise it will not be able to fall down." it;

. ”

"You can't beat it!"

The hand tightened his fist and said: "The wood leaves we love are being vandalized. As a part of the wood leaves, I can't see it destroyed in Uchiha."

"Yes! We are going to die in the end! Can't let Uchiha!"

It’s also a serious story, saying: “Let them see our power, the big snake pill, are you saying?”

"Oh yes."

The big snake pill lowered his brow and thought of the things that Sasuke explained. He immediately said, "We can take the shot together and may break its defense."

"Look at you!"

Just as the self is also ready to shoot, in the direction pointed by the outline, everyone looks at the battlefield.

But see the huge man who must be there, the yellow light flashes from time to time, the meteor is generally extinguished, and the blue spiral can be seen constantly attacking the whole body of the man, because his speed is too fast, he must be accompanied Men can't catch it.

"It’s the kid of Watergate."

The big snake pill said: "We have also helped it is necessary to stop it here!"



For many times as the captain of the squad, the big snake pill has a lot of authority, and the master and the self are also led by him to the battle center.


The wind and water gates psychedelic out of the health, coupled with the spiral pill, flying thunder and other ninjutsu interference, temporarily entangled the male.


Adding a long sword to the sword and the sturdy sword, the huge shock wave spreads.

"Give me back!"

The man who must be amazed by the force, the strong force once again spurred, in the shock of the sky, the health of the body slipped more than ten meters on the ground.

Yu Jian was forced to retreat by the man who had to be accompanied, and the black flame burned his skin. He Jian had to return to Miaomu Mountain.

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