One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 424: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Losing a helping hand, the heart of the wind and water is sinking, and the spiral in your hand is coming back!


Another blue spiral pill broke out, and the torrent of the wind attribute opened, but there was no way to stop the footsteps of the man.


The wave of water and water gates easily escaped with the addition of the earthen sword by flying thunder gods. Seeing that their own attacks had no effect, they hammered the ground with both hands.

"Who is he, the power of Uchiha is so strong;

! Spiral pill can't break his defense! ”

I remembered the scene of the whirlpool 玖 奈 身 , , , , , , , , , , , , 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 想 想 想

The action of the wave and the water gate was only necessary to be detected, and the black swords of the hands were swung out, and the space was stagnant!

"Flying Thunder God II!"

At this moment, I saw that the yellow light suddenly disappeared, and the force of the second stage came out. It appeared in the chest part of the man of Sasuke, and a brilliant blue spiral was printed.


The spiral gas burst, and the wind and water door quickly flew out. The place where the spiral pill hit hit a wave of water, and after the spread, it was not lost.

"Watergate, useless, your spiral pill strength is too weak, the essence of this ninjutsu you have no insight!"

The cold voice came from the male of Suzuki, as if he was taunting and ridiculing the impossibility of the wind and water.

"Give up, you are not my opponent, even if it is a thunder god, although the speed is fast enough, but there is no substantial attack power, under the defense of the man, you can not hurt me."


The color of the feng shui facade is faint and whitish. He used the Thunder God many times, and his Chakra was very expensive.

"Watergate! You're fine!"

At this time, the sound of the emptiness came, and I saw a few people coming here to protect the water gate.

"Nothing." Watergate said to himself: "Teacher, the defense of that guy can't be broken even if it's a spiral pill. I really don't know what else to do."

"We know that although the other side is strong, it must not give up! Not at the end! Be sure to stick to it!"

He also said seriously, and then stood in front and the hands and other people faced the man of Zuo Zuo.

"You have come too." Sasuke’s voice came from the man of Sasuke, but he heard him say: "The outline, I can’t beat me, the things here have nothing to do with you."

Recognizing the voice of Sasuke, the master remembered the son of the Uchiha family, and exclaimed: "Sasuke! I didn't expect the person inside to be you! In this case, we can't go back, we must stop you Uchiha. The footsteps!"

At the same time, he said at the same time: "Uchiha's betrayal of Muye can't be tolerated! Even if I die, I will stop you!"

"That's okay." But I saw the man who had to go back step by step. "I accept your challenge! The power of Uchiha is not what you can do!"

Say, the right hand of Zuo Zuo re-condenses and adds a sword, while the left arm is a purple spiral shield, eight-foot mirror!

"It turned out to be a eight-foot mirror!"

I also recognized the artifact and immediately said: "His means are endless, Watergate, you should rest first, we will meet him!"

"The teacher is careful;

. ”

Watergate secretly resumed Chakra, and they saw that they were rushing to the man.

It’s really the horror of the man who needs to be able to feel it. The figure of 20 meters is like a ghost, the huge body of purple, the torrent of Chakra is rising, it is burning Chuck-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!


Knowing that ordinary ninjutsu is useless to the males of Zuo Zuo, in order to make up for the gap in size, they are also the practice of psychic.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The huge white smoke hits, but sees three big things that will be surrounded by men, snakes, cockroaches, and cockroaches.

"Psychic surgery?"

Sasuke sneered: "It’s useless to me."

Even if it is the man who wants to control, the sword slams out!


The ground trembles, the text is too high, and the sword of the man must be hollowed out. At this moment, the smashing of the hand is made into thousands of pieces, and the opportunity is swarmed up, surrounded by the male group.


The hand of the hand greeted the big snake pill that had not yet been shot. The blue light in her hand surged, and the strange force punched out, hitting the armor of the man.


The purple king snake whistling, and the men who had to be swelled up, only heard the violent friction, the king snake twisted hard, the hard scales and the men’s armor of Suzuo collided with the spark of the big stock.


The grace of the body that swayed and danced, but it took out a huge blade, carrying its roaring shock and swooping toward the man of Zuo Zuo, the powerful force of a knife slammed out!

The big snake pill, the hand, and the three people are working together in a row, and in a very short period of time, it is all done.

And at this time, the change is prominent!

But seeing the huge king snake suddenly disappeared, the ground surging, the snake heads out. In the moment when Wen Taizheng asked the man of Zuo Zuo, he actually bite it!


Wen Tai did not anticipate the anti-water of the king snake. Its left leg was bitten by the king snake. The snake head swelled and it was actually tearing the left leg into two halves!


Wen Tai’s weight was heavy, but he saw that his left leg was broken, blood was flowing, and the wound was scented with scent.

I also rolled down from the back of Wentai and shouted: "Snake!"


The big snake pill licked his tongue and stood at the top of the king's snake.

"The world is highly toxic, it can't be cracked at all, Wentai, you are dead!"

"The big snake pill! You have to betray the wood leaves!"

I was also aware of what was going on, and I immediately exclaimed.

"Good job."

Sasuke’s voice came from the man of Sasuke, and he had to use his strength to break free from the shackles. Then, the black sword of horror slammed into the house!

Locked by the air machine It is also inevitable to avoid it, and it will be swallowed by black inflammation. At this time, the text too is a jump, and it is also blocked. Earthen sword!

The black inflammation burned, and the back of Wentai was sizzling. The broadness of the sarcoma was actually opened by the mouth of seven or eight feet. The blood was like a note, the bones were cracked, and the internal organs were clearly visible.

"Wen too!"

The self is also smashing, and only the black inflammation on Wentai’s body suddenly bursts, and the fire tongue of the sky is coming!


The yellow light flashed, and the water gate used the Thunder God to save the self.

In the distance, Wentai was completely swallowed up by black inflammation, and the huge body quickly became burnt and black, and the meat was overflowing. The text of the text was too big to be burned alive.

"Wen too...dead;

! ”

I also sat down on the ground and couldn't believe what was happening in front of me.

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