One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 442: Festival

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

"That's also very good."

The group said: "As long as you give you enough Chakra, I am afraid that even I am not an opponent, there are countless artifacts, who is your opponent under the sky?!"

Feeling the killing in the semi-Tibetan tone, Shi Lang secretly grew his mind and said: "Don't dare! The grown-up is always the **** of the ninja, the strongest in the world, and the one who dares to compare with the adults. And the subordinates forever Loyal to adults!"

"Good, remember what you said."

Give a slap to a sweet date, this is a half-hidden or understand. Immediately, the semi-hidden recovery of the killing, said: "As long as you have been following me, I will not treat you badly, what will be what you want, Ronghua wealth, tenderness, these will be at your fingertips!"

"Yes! Adult!"

Shi Lang humbly bowed his head. He knew that the power he had only exerted had already made the semi-hidden thoughts of the past and the quick, and he said, "You can get a low-key point in the future. At the very least, you must not fully understand the 'projection' before you can fully understand it. Show any two hearts!"

"The things tonight must not be mentioned to anyone, even your wife is no exception. Also, the gold and silver that have been plundered from the country of the wind have been taken together, even if it is your reward today;

. ”

"Thank you!"


Half-tied nodded and said: "If it weren't for you, I don't know that the water gate has such power. The teleportation and the powerful wind are really terrible. It can actually defeat the artifacts that you've projected." I have tried to prevent this person."

After a pause, Semi-Tibetan said to Shi Lang: "Let's go down and let the dark parts of the water gates look tight. If there is any change, report it immediately!"

"Follow! Adult!"

"It's okay, you can go ahead."

Half of the pendulum swings, and Shi Lang retreats.


An extraordinary building stands in Yuren Village, which is the residence of Weigong Shilang.

When I got home, Shi Lang changed his clothes and asked the servant to the side.

"Where is my wife?"

"Back to the grown-up, my wife is in the middle."

"Know, let's go down and do things."

Wei Gongshi retireed the servant and went straight to the third floor and entered a cabinet. A woman wearing a white silk gown was reading a book in a wicker chair in the house.

"From the nick."

Hearing the voice of his lover, Lizi put down his books and turned his head. A beautiful face appeared in Shi Lang’s eyes, blond, and extraordinary temperament, especially the bundle of hair on the top of the head added a little charm.

"came back."

Xiaozi smiled and said: "How is your work today?"


By the smile of Lizi, Wei Shilang had forgotten the pressure outside. He sat freely on the sofa next to him and said, "Today is fine, there is nothing big."

"Yes? That's good."

When Rizi got up and served as a new tea for Shi Lang, he said: "The half-Tibetan temper is weird, and you will inevitably suffer some grievances."

After looking at Shi Lang, Yu Li said: "If possible, let us leave this place together, Shi Lang."

Said, by Lizi in the Shi Lang-->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

By the side, holding his palm, said faintly: "I don't want to be scared again, I really don't want to see what happened to you one day."

"Yi Lizi..."

Shi Lang opened his mouth at this moment and wanted to say something, but he could only comfort himself: "Don't worry, I will be careful. Half-hidden this person is tyrannical, but will not kill for no reason, as long as I give in to him, he will not What about me."

"But...this will not grieve you too much."

Said by Lizi: "With your ability, there is no place under the heavens. As long as the time is ripe, who can be your opponent;

. Why don't Shi Lang get out of the semi-Tibet as soon as possible and go outside to make a career. ”

"I know that you are good for me." Shi Lang said: "But it is easy to talk about, the power of 'projecting' I have not fully grasped, although I can cope with most of the ninja in the world, but in the face of some powerful people only self I am still aware of it. After a few years, I will be able to fully control this ability. At that time, thousands of gods are in my control. At that moment, I will create an ideal hometown for you, only your ideal hometown!"

Shi Lang said that he was very excited. As long as he was willing to do anything for him, he could say that a large part of the motivation to support his efforts is from Lizi.

"I don't want those." Linzi leaned in the arms of Shi Lang, and the hair was a bit messy. "I only hope that you can be safe. Since you got that power, our life has changed a lot. Things around me are getting better every day, but I am most eager to be with you, I just hope to be with me every day."

"Shi Lang..."

The temperament of the quilt is a bit messy, and the blue autumn waves are like looking for something. The proverb says: "Hug me..."

After all, I have been married for more than two years. Only 21-year-olds are in a period of love, love, and love. Because of this, Li Shi naturally knows what to do next.

The atmosphere quickly warmed up, under the light, the shadows were smashed, and the two men were intertwined.

The night is deeper.


In the dream, those scenes appeared again.

Under the thunderstorm, the Weigong Shilang, who was chased and killed by the dark part of the village, was hurriedly fleeing. He was exhausted and his physical strength was quickly exhausted. The most terrible thing was that his body was injured and blood was flowing. Gradually, his consciousness began. Paralyzed.


The puddle at the foot made Shi Lang fall a dog's mud Just in the dark part of the knife to his back, the sky suddenly a loud noise.


The golden giant thunderbolt crashed down, and the suffocating horror pressure destroyed everything in an instant, and those dark parts turned into powder. The Weigong Shilang, who is in the center of the thunder and lightning, is wrapped in a golden enamel object.

Suddenly, the golden light is flourishing, and the sky-throwing snakes project to the sky, and the thousands of gods are transformed. If anyone can see this scene, it will definitely shout. "God! Is this a miraculous sign!"

This scene has been maintained for about a quarter of an hour, and the face of the gods is constantly changing. There are many ancient gods with great horror, and the super-big gods such as the skylight, the wine-swallowing boy, the thunder dog and so on are also among them!

These gods seem to be suffering from the great pains of the gods, and they are unwilling to swear, like the struggle before death, that is the fear of death!

"Not reconciled!!"

In the last low roar, these illusions dissipated and turned into thousands of golden streams to return to the Shi Lang.

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