One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 443:

, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

The rainy season is not exhausted, and the heavy rain that lasts for about ten days has not stopped.

"Here is the rain forest."

The black-faced fighting man looked around and continued to move forward. This person is the Sasuke who came from Konoha.

According to the news of the dark department, Sasuke went to Yuren Village privately, and planned to settle the water gate and the self. Of course, he had another purpose in this trip, assassination of the semi-hidden and provoked the third endurance war!

The scene flies, the Sasuke in the rain moves forward quickly, and within a half-day has already entered the sphere of influence of Yu Rencun.

Very easy, Sasuke entered the Yu Ren Village. Twenty-six years ago, although the prosperity was not as good as that of the wooden leaves, it was quite peaceful. Because of the half-hidden, the rain-bearing village at the moment was at its peak.

After a short time, Sasuke found a half-hidden office building, tall black buildings, raindrop-like texture carvings, like a beast and crouched here.

After all, it was an assassination. Sasuke left the place after simply stepping on the point. Then he went to a hotel and stayed in the house.


The night falls, and the pedestrians on the street are sparse. Half-Tibet and the usual out of the office building, somehow, he felt that the atmosphere today is a bit strange, as if there is an extremely secret atmosphere to lock him.


Half-hidden stopped and looked back, dark behind him, and no passer-by. When you look closely, the breath suddenly disappears, and it seems that there is no such thing.

After stopping for a while, Hanzang continued to move forward. He secretly grew his mind and used the subtle Chakra to search for the inexplicable breath.

The night is deep, the rain is getting smaller, and the raindrops are falling from the eaves, falling to the water and making a ticking sound.

Half hidden in front of an open space away from the center of Yu Ren Village, he said to the darkness: "Come out, follow me for such a long time."

"It’s not half-hidden."

I saw a black shadow appearing from a distance, it is Sasuke.

"Who are you, kid, I will not kill the unknown."

Half-Tibetan turned and looked at Sasuke with coldness, and the magic changed in the hands.

"The tone is really big."

Sasuke stepped closer to the semi-hidden, and at the same time, the blushing kaleidoscope appeared.


Half-hidden eyes said, "Wood leaves should come to provoke the dignity of the rain!"


. ”

Sasuke stopped at a distance of ten steps. "Uchiha Sasuke, half-hidden, remember today, you will kill me."

"Oh? Young people, rare self-confidence. There are not a few people in the world who want to kill me half-hidden, and they are not the souls of my knife, but they are completely defeated by me. Since you are Uchiha, you must have extraordinary strength. Come on, I will give you a chance, as long as you can reach my clothes, I promise not to kill you."

Said, half-hidden hands in the blade. In an instant, the majestic Chakra airflow erupted, and the semi-hidden momentum rose to the extreme.


There is no hesitation in the semi-hidden, the foot stepping down, the body shape plundering out, and the blade is attacking Sasuke with a smashing angle. It is necessary to cut the latter into two pieces.

At this moment, Sasuke also acted, but he greeted him with a bitterness.


In the semi-hidden eyes, Limang flashed, and he has already seen the scene of Sasuke’s tragic death.


&nb-->>, the fastest update to the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Sp; the crisp metal intersected, the two sides stepped back one step, the foot stepped, the blade again hit.

"Hey! Hey!"

Under the impact, the sparks splashed, and the two men applied the means, almost dead, and the invisible murder filled the surrounding.

"Good body skills. Let me test your ninja!"

After a brief confrontation, the semi-Tibetan flying body jumped into the air, the hands were printed, the water scorpion. Water dragon bomb!

Although it is the usual scorpion scorpion, it is unusual to display it at this moment, but see five or six water dragons roaring, and the fangs and claws that are wielding will tear everything.

Sasuke naturally does not intend to evade, and immediately after the semi-Tibetan, it is instantly printed. The Indian-style transformation, the rich fire attribute Chakra condenses out, it is the copy of the fire from the Uchiha plaque!


The fire and the otter collided, the strong water vapor rose into the sky, the white smoke filled, and the surrounding vision was covered.

"Great boy."

Half-hidden faintly kills the heart, and there are not many ninjas who can take a slumber of water, especially the other side can pass the fire of this property to the opposite of the ninjutsu.

With thick fog, half-hidden and deceived, and the blade in his hand waved. Only heard the subtle chain drag sound, the blazing edge of the cold and cold light infinitely magnified in front of Sasuke!

"The round burst!"

The detonator carried on the blade immediately explodes, and the dust and smoke are scattered, and the shock wave of the shock spreads.

The smoke dissipated, and the field of vision was clear. However, a deep pit with a radius of about ten meters appeared in a place not far from the semi-hidden place, and the pungent smell of gunpowder continued to spread.

“Has it been blown into powder?”

Without seeing the help of Sasuke, the semi-hidden recovery of the blade, just as he was about to turn and leave, there was a strong chakra fluctuation in the deep pit;

Following the gaze of the half-hidden, I saw the purple airflow rising from the sky, and then, the armored warrior smashed into a shadow, which is the man of Zuo Zuo.

"it is as expected."

Seeing the changes in Sasuke, half hidden in the tight edge of the hand, Shen Yu said: "Uchiha's unique attack method, write the power of the wheel."

It must be solidified quickly, as ghosts and gods generally appear in it, faint, you can see a figure hiding in it, it is Sasuke.

"Half Tibetan, you can take strength."

The wings behind Zuo Zuo slowly slap, Sasuke vain the sky, overlooking the semi-hidden on the ground, said: "This attack can not hurt me. I will let you see the power of Uchiha, it is not a simple grade difference. ""

"Really confident, is Uchiha's family the same as you? The proud family can understand my horror that is the **** of ninja."

Semi-Tibetan is not afraid of the pressure of the support ~ ~ immediately in the hands of the blade to move!

It was also a round burst, and thousands of detonating blasts exploded on the body, and the ground trembled, and the cracked veins spread like a spider web to tens of meters.

"I said it was useless."

Sasuke maintains the form of Sasuke, and now Chakra is still abundant in his body, and with the support of the eternal kaleidoscope eye, the defense of Sato has reached the point of horror.

The round burst array can't damage the man who has evolved into a complete body, and Rao is half-hidden and stunned. After a brief surprise, a semi-Tibetan heart raised a strong sense of war.

"The Uchiha family needs to be able to cope, then how will you deal with this move!"

Immediately, the semi-hidden hands were sealed, the huge Chakra condensed, and the summoned runes emerged from the ground.


With the summoning, the ground surging, followed by huge monsters appearing out of thin air.

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