One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 451: Festival

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The night moon **** burning in anger flew out of the wall, and all of them were covered in black lightning. The beasts generally roared and vowed to completely defeat Sasuke.

"The beasts that are forced to go to the road can only be vainly resisted."

I saw Sasuke take a step back and quickly seal it!


The air trembles, the purple streamer undulates, and under the inexplicable force, the air instantly sticks.

"This power."

The night moon **** only feels like being in a quagmire, the body is very heavy, and all aspects of the action have been greatly hindered, and the violent thunderbolt has extinguished a few points.

Got a chance to breathe, Sasuke no longer keeps his hands, he knows that the enemy's reinforcements are coming, so they must be quick and quick.

Immediately, Sasuke finished printing again.

The enchantment appeared, the space was closed, and 3,600 arrows were condensed under the powerful force.


The purple torrents rushed, and the night moon was cold, and he felt that death was so close for the first time.

"Block me!"

The night moon **** is desperate to push the chakra in the body, the black lightning armor is thicker, like the real steel armor.


The Devil's Sun hit the night moon god, and the huge force directly shocked him out.

The rest of the devil's sun shone and completely surrounded the night moon god.


The armor of the body of the night moon is constantly being eroded. In less than three seconds, the thunderbolt of the thunderbolt burst, and hundreds of purple arrows stabbed his body.



Killing the night moon god, Sasuke took back the surgery, turned and looked at the direction behind him, where the lights were bright, and a group of ninjas appeared from everywhere, and the group surrounded Sasuke.

A brown-red short-haired man came out of the crowd, and the ninjas around him gave way. This person is the Weigong Shilang, the only leader of the coalition.

Sasuke looked at the surrounding ninja with no expression, and finally locked his eyes on Shi Lang.

"Are you coming to die, or do you have the strength to beat me."

Shi Lang did not answer Sasuke’s words, but instead said: “I admit your strength. Those who can kill the shadows and the thunder shadows are certainly not opponents. But we caught two small mice outside, don’t you ignore them. Life!"

"Bring it up!"

Shi Lang gave a command, and then two people wearing Uchiha costumes were brought up, it was the water stop and Fu Yue.

Shi Lang looked at Sasuke and took out the knife with his knife. He used a knife blade to gently slide over the neck of the water stop. In an instant, some blood beads ooze out.

"It seems that the two companions you brought are cumbersome. Uchiha's guy, the companion's life and death is between a thought, the task or their life and death, you decide!"

Seeing to threaten Sasuke with his own life, stop water and Fuyue regret it. I knew that I would stay there and did not move. I couldn’t help Sasuke’s help but fell to the enemy’s end.

Stop the water and say: "Master, don't worry about us, the mission is important! As long as you kill him, this war will end, Master! Let's do it!"

Although Fuyue is very unwilling, he has not been able to enjoy his life, he can't be willing to die like this, but the water stopped saying this, Fu Yue is also attached to the face: "Sasuke adults, you can do it, as long as you can win In this war, our lives are nothing."

"Your companions can really care about the big picture."

Shi Lang sneered at the rich -->>, the fastest update of the latest chapter of One Piece's bounty system!

Yue Yiyan, the only timid timid on his face was captured by him.

"Uchibo's guy, you call Sasuke." Shi Lang no longer looks at the water and Fuyue. He stepped forward and said to Sasuke: "I know that you Uchiha is more important than anything else. You are in the world of tolerance." No one knows the status and reputation. However, Sasuke, in my opinion, these are shit, what kind of family? What reputation! Is it not as important as the life of the tribe!"

Shi Lang pointed to the water stop behind him and said: "Look at your eyes! They are your companions! It is your people! Live two lives, you will have the heart to watch them die... , Sasuke, I promised not to kill you..."

"What do you say, what does it have to do with me."

Sasuke’s sudden voice interrupted Shi Lang.

"What do they have to do with me." Sasuke's voice was cold, and the expressionless face was as calm as a stagnant water. "For me, there is nothing the most important thing, my footsteps, no one can stop... For whatever reason, do you want to threaten me with their lives? Too naive;

. ”

It was said that everyone in the room was changing. They did not expect Sasuke to be so ruthless.

The water was shocked first, then he lowered his head, and Fu Yue was pale and unbelievable looking at Sasuke.

Shi Lang did not believe that Sasuke disregarded his companion's life and said: "You think about it again, think clearly! Sasuke, you don't care about the eyes of others! Don't you worry about your people's responsibility?"

"You seem to have misunderstood one thing from beginning to end."

Sasuke's eyes began to change, and the black and white eyes were gradually replaced by **** hooks.

"They are not my companions, and I don't have a companion. The so-called ninja games have no value in my eyes. What are the companions? Hey, do you think you are in the house? I have seen it before, the world. Dark, so I will cut everything..." Sasuke's feet began to move, while the left hand flashed purple lightning.

"You are not killing them! Let's do it!"

The voice is falling, Sasuke is flying out, and the goal is Shi Lang!


Shi Lang snorted and immediately ducked.


The meat body tears, but a ninja behind Shi Lang is broken into two halves!

This is completely disrupted in the next game, and the rest of the ninjas are suffering and unprepared to fight. Shi Lang immediately went to Fuyue and squeezed the neck of the latter.

"Stop! I will kill him if I move again!"

Shi Lang threatened loudly, but this did not seem to have any effect on Sasuke.

After Sasuke killed a ninja, the thunder was revived and there was no intention to stop.


Seeing his own hands continue to be killed by Sasuke Shi Lang anger and heart attack, the hand is tight, I heard a bang, actually directly crushed the throat of Fuyue!

"Sasuke adults..."

Fu Yue was so stunned at the time of his death that he was full of horror and looked at the indifferent Sasuke there. He could not believe everything in front of him.


"Damn! The devil is going to die!"

The ninja who caught the water stopped seeing his companion in death, and his heart was worried. He would kill the water and avenge his companion.

The knife shines, and the water stop can already feel the pressure of death.

"Is this the feeling of death? Sorry, Sasuke, my agreement, not realized..."

Stopping the water and closing his eyes, he does not want to see himself dying.

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