One Piece Bounty System

Vol 2 Chapter 452: Festival


During the day, there was a thunderous thunder on the ear, and then a little warm liquid dripped on his face.

"this is……"

The underwater consciousness opened his eyes and saw Sasuke’s blushing writing eyes.

"Master Master..."

In such a moment, the water will be moved to cry.

Master, he still cares about me!

Sasuke didn't talk. After killing a ninja around him, he would leave the water.

"Don't let him escape!"

Shi Lang threw away the body of Fu Yue, and immediately ordered all the people to endure and support them. In the blink of an eye, it was impenetrable.

"It's really annoying!"

Sasuke's eyes condensed, and the blood condensed from the left eye.



The black flame appeared out of thin air. At very high temperatures, the ninjas surrounded by them evaded.

In the panic, dozens of ninjas were buried in the sea of ​​fire.

"You are back!"

Shi Lang couldn't bear to do unnecessary casualties, busy retreating, and he himself greeted straight.

"Leave me!"

Shi Lang whispered, the golden light on his chest, but the nine rotating golden spheres roared out, and the light curtain formed in the blink of an eye, trapping Sasuke and stop the water.

"Seeking a jade?"

Seeing the golden sphere, Sasuke’s mind glimpsed, and immediately the seal in his hand, but the nine broken arrows emerged.

call out!

The broken magic arrow flickered and ran into the quest for the jade.


Under a single blow, the golden beggar was actually a crack!

"Not asking for a jade."

Seeing this change, Sasuke assisted his eyes.

Just as the light curtain was dying, the scenes of Sasuke and the water stop were suddenly changed, the space was distorted, and the reddish world was full of ridiculousness.

"Master, this is?"

"This is my space, I will name it an infinite sword!"

Shi Lang’s figure slowly flashed from a distance, waiting for his voice to fall, and the red land was suddenly filled with thousands of handles!

The infinite sword system is not an orthodox ninjutsu, but it is a trick developed by Wei Gong Shi Lang to understand the power of the body.

"Sasuke, stop here!"


This space feels the call of Wei Gong Shi Lang, under the invisible fluctuations, the tens of thousands of swords edged together to send a sharp sword.

call out!

The tens of thousands of swords controlled by Wei Gong Shi Lang turned into a streamer!


Sasuke will stop the water behind him, and he himself is taking a step forward, and his hands are constantly being printed.


Continuously oscillating and spreading, we saw dozens of layers of enchantment that will be Sasuke and stop water protection.

At the moment, the infinitely infinite sword system ruthlessly hit the outer enchantment.


A sharp popping sound rang out on the enchantment.

Rao is a strong enchantment, but it can't resist thousands of ancient sword attacks.


The first cracking sounds, followed by a chain reaction, the first layer, the second layer, the third layer... less than five seconds, and only the remaining enchantment is only about sixteen.

"It's a bit interesting."

Seeing this, Sasuke's gaze is slightly more interested in the ability of Wei Gong Shi Lang. He knows that the reason why Wei Gong Shi Lang can make an attack similar to seeking the Tao, and the special ability of the latter can not be separated from it, and this so-called infinite sword system is also derived from that ability.

"Let me see, your strength!"

I saw Sasuke's body began to rise purple mist, and wrapped the water in it. In the blink of an eye, a burly six-foot imaginary warrior was formed.

"this is……"

When Wei Gong Shi Lang saw the change of Sasuke, his face changed, and he immediately launched a mad attack with the infinite sword system.


The last enchantment was broken, and Zuo Zuo was also straight out.


Two black sharp blades are taken from the waist of the hair, and it is the sword of the earth!

In the face of tens of thousands of slashes, it is necessary to wave the black blade to resist.


At the same time, the two swords that had been smashed at the same time were smashed, and the body shape was turned, but it was rushing to the side of the Weigong Shilang!

"Not good!"

Aware of the intention of Zuo Zuo, Wei Gong Shi Lang immediately controlled the ancient sword floating in the air, and constantly blocked the footsteps of Zuo Zuo in an attempt to stop it.

The infinite sword system is powerful, but it must be equally horrible. The ancient sword slammed into the body, but it only made it shake, and did not cause any substantial harm to it.

In fifteen seconds, Sasuke has already advanced a hundred meters, and there is only less than 20 meters away from Wei Gong Shi Lang.


Wei Gong Shi Lang saw the situation is not good, with the idea of ​​withdrawing and retreating, but also refused to attack, actually turned and ran!

"Run off."

Sasuke didn't want to let go of the guardian Shi Lang, and then immediately controlled the need to suddenly accelerate.

One second, the gap of 20 meters narrowed to five meters.

"Leave it!"

A snoring sounds like a bird's beep.

Feeling the danger of being in the back, Wei Shilang hurriedly looked back and saw that the black-added sword was slamming down, and the black inflammation caused the surrounding space to be distorted;


Black inflammation rises to the sky, the extreme high temperature that erupts will burn the ground around At this time, a little golden brilliance emerges from the black inflammation. The next moment, the black inflammation of the sky is actually Dissipate quickly!

"I'm not right!"

Sasuke's writing of the round eye immediately caught the situation under the black inflammation.

There, Wei Gong Lang was covered by a layer of golden shadow, and the black inflammation around him was swallowed up by the shadow.

After seeing the illusion, Sasuke recalled that he had seen it at Nanga Shrine.

At the same time, stop the water watching the changes on the field, see the black inflammation gradually dissipated, shocked and at least a lot of doubts.

"Master, the guy..." The underwater consciousness pulled the sleeves of Sasuke around him and said, "Isn't that a big **** of the gods?"


Sasuke said: "I didn't expect to meet such a person. I am more and more interested in his ability."

Finally, the black inflammation completely dissipated, and the body of the Weigong Shilang was exposed.

"It’s almost going to die."

Wei Gong Shi Lang was too late to be grateful. The next moment, his eyes flashed a bunch of purple brilliance, and then, a strange force controlled his body, but could not move!

"what happened!"

Wei Gong Shi Lang struggled, but found that even his own Chakra could not be sensed at the moment.


"You are called Wei Gong Wei Gong Shi Lang."

Sasuke took the water to the front of the guardian Shi Lang and said: "Your ability is very good, I appreciate you very much... I really hope that we can cooperate."

"It’s not good for me to be captured by you. But let me succumb to you, oh! Next life!"

"The mouth is quite hard." Sasuke used the words of Wei Gong Shi Lang as the wind, and said: "As a rain, your ambition is not limited to the land of Yu Rencun... It is the reason for the death of Hanzang. War, Wei Gong Shi Lang, have to say that you are really rash."

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