"Money can make people excited."

What is the concept of 3 billion Baileys?

The price of Adam, one of the toughest trees in the world, which is enough to build a Thousand Sunshine, is 200 million Baileys on the black market.

And the cost of building the entire Thousand Sunshine will not exceed 500 million Baileys.

In other words.

The head of Buggy alone is enough to build six Thousand Sunshines.

In addition, this clown has always been weak.

How can this not make people excited!

Buggy felt that if he was on the other side, he must join in the fun.

But if he really got the money, it would not be used to build any ships, but to buy explosives.

So he could understand such green eyes.

They also have many reasons to convince themselves.

For example, although this clown is very courageous, he has no real record at all.

Some were also blocked by the navy and the world government.

After all, they were all hit in the face.


Finally, a ship used a ram to hit Hawkins' ship.

A bearded man with an eye patch and a pirate hat stood on the bow deck.

His cheeks were dark red under the beard.

He cursed and glanced at the port, a group of people who didn't dare to move but had green eyes.

He spat.

"A bunch of cowards!"

"Listen, clown! Your head will be taken by my long-bearded pirate group!"

The long-bearded man cursed, one hand on his waist and the other holding a long sword.

The New World is a paradise for pirates, this statement is true.

"Let me do it."

Just as Buggy was a little tempted, he saw Hawkins step forward.

There was even some suppressed expectation in his dead fish eyes.

"Draw one."

His figure appeared behind the long-bearded man in a few blinks.

The low voice made the lawless pirate's heart tremble suddenly.

Four cards appeared in front of Hawkins.

"Draw one, and then tell me the number."

"Is it time to do magic now, bastard!"

Longbeard asked back with all his courage.

Hawkins' expression did not change much, but his eyes were getting more and more expectant.

"Draw one, and then it will decide your life or death."

"I, I." Longbeard's face was trembling with black and red, and he regretted being the first one to come forward.

He actually forgot Basil Hawkins, who ranked third among supernovas!

"I choose the second card!"

For some reason, Longbeard took the second card.

"Tell me, what's the number on it?"

Hawkins' dead fish-like indifferent expression actually revealed a faint smile.

"Number, what number, it keeps jumping!"

"That's right, this is it!" Hawkins' smile became even bigger.

"This is your death card."

The card that Longbeard drew suddenly covered his forehead.

A scary-looking scarecrow emerged from Hawkins' body.

The scarecrow had two hands.

The fingers were all long rusty nails.

One hand just held the bearded man's head.

The other hand pierced the nail through the card and into his skull.

Yes, that's it!

Hawkins' eyes became brighter.

The depression and pain that had tortured him on the Dream Ship for several days seemed to have found an outlet at this moment.

He hammered down the nails one after another.


The bearded crew member looked terrified and didn't dare to breathe.

Hawkins turned his head again.

On his gloomy face, a smile that was uglier than crying appeared.

"Come on, draw one."



Bucky smiled with narrowed eyes.

People who talk nonsense are always more likely to go crazy than normal people.

Of course, his own help is indispensable.

Then he seemed to remember something in the past.

Well, it was also so lively in Roger Town.

So he faced the extremely greedy crowd at the port.

He took off his head calmly.

"Do you want my head?"

"Do you want these 3 billion Baileys? Oh, I want them myself."

"Take it if you want it. I'll give you everything, hahaha!"

He lifted his head and threw it high, and it happened to fall into the hands of a sailor.

"3 billion Baileys"

The sailor looked at the head in his hand that was still smiling at him, and a burning feeling rushed to his brain.

As long as he had this head, he could exchange it for 3 billion Baileys from the World Government!

With 3 billion Baileys, who would still be a pirate who lives on the edge of a knife!

How much Bailey would it cost to buy dozens of his beautiful female slaves!

He could even live a carefree life in Golden City or Happy Street!

The sailor turned around excitedly and called out to his companions:

"Dashiell, we--"

He was answered by a gunshot.

"Mine, 3 billion is mine!"

The sailor's so-called companions' eyes were almost blazing with fire.

He impatiently snatched the head from the sailor who was not yet completely cold.

What does the clown want to do?

Dashiel was not stupid, of course he knew, didn't he just want them to fight and fight among themselves?

But he couldn't refuse.

There was only a one in ten thousand chance that these three billion would be enough to buy out the rest of his life.

The next moment.

The sound of gunfire and shouting of killing rang out at the same time.

If there was still some risk for the person who just faced the 3 billion bounty order, then Bucky had helped them reduce this risk to the lowest level.

A life and 3 billion, do you want to gamble?

Everyone gambled!

Their eyes were full of red. No matter whether they were close partners or lovers in the last second, when facing 3 billion, this group of rabble chose to stab without hesitation.

The white knife went in and the red knife came out, and then 3 billion was grabbed.

I have everything, so why care about the life and death of others!

The greed originally directed at Bucky alone was transformed by him into the madness of everyone.

The madness of blood and fire.

The bone-eroding charm of money.

"Did you see it? It's really an interesting scene."

Outside the crowd, Bucky found a tavern and poured himself a glass of slightly turbid water wine.

His head was still on his neck.

"The number of pirates you killed with this trick is estimated to be enough to catch up with the number of pirates killed by three naval bases in two years."

A man in a robe and hood in the tavern took off his hat and laughed bitterly.

Jacques was still holding a headless puppet in his hand.

How could Lord Buggy throw his head around?

It would be bad if someone in this group of people hid seastone.

So he had to let his puppet do it for him.

It doesn't matter whether it's true or not.

As long as all the pirates and bounty hunters in the port see it.

The demon clown with a bounty of 3.189 billion Baileys took off his head and threw it into the crowd.

That's enough.

Most of the Navy's bounties are for life or death.

Especially Buggy, they wish he would die.

"How about the coating prepared for our next game location?"

Bucky just chuckled.

For him, this is just a fun way to adjust.

As for whether innocent people will be implicated or even die.

So what?

"Alita and the others are ready, Mr. Bucky."

Swan also took off his hood, with an admiring look on his face.

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