One Piece: Buggy the Clown from Arkham

Chapter 86: Below Lieutenant General, Above Major General

The sea pushed the sailing wooden boats and surged.

There were dozens of wooden boats of all sizes in the small port, some of which looked like a fishing port during the closure of the sea, with many boats.

But it was more chaotic.

Unfortunately, such congestion did not make greed afraid, but only made it more crazy.

I don’t know which fool started it, but after the first shot was fired on the ship, the fight over Bucky’s head was completely out of control.

The flames flew up along the wide sails.

The shells rubbed the thick masts and blew out wood chips.

The blood completed rounds of replacement in the surging sea water, and the greedy fish ushered in a new feast after half a month.

In the blockage between ships, greedily rushed towards the dead bodies that had no life but exuded the aroma of food.

Even if many of their kind were suddenly pressed into flat pieces by the hull that was suddenly attached to them, or were blown to pieces by the gunfire that suddenly burst out.

They ran towards the direction of food regardless of everything.

People die for money, and birds die for food.

In the final analysis, this group of pirates or bounty hunters are just a bunch of people who just happened to come here because of the 3 billion bounty.

If the Joker really has no strength and power as they wished, such a fight would definitely be inevitable.

Buggy just brought this fight forward.

In a very fair way...

Let everyone have a fair chance to snatch 3 billion Baileys.

"Are you all fucking crazy!"

Smoker brought a few marines in plain clothes, and they were a little scared just watching from the outside.

That guy actually threw his head?

I thought that the pirates and bounty hunters could consume each other.

In the end, I killed and blood flowed.

Don't think that the navy's bounty is usually used as a material for pirates to compare, but the lethality of money is real.

Especially for some ambitious people.

Yannan has seen many famous pirates in the messy crowd, and even the subordinates of the Four Emperors.

What is their attitude towards this Joker?

"Major General Smoker, should we also go and grab that head?"

"What the hell!"

The smoke man exhaled a puff of mist and said in a sullen voice.

Nicknamed "White Hunter", Smoker's sense of smell is indeed sharp. When the Navy was shrinking its power and the CP organization was setting up surveillance on major islands in the New World, they were the ones who caught the Joker's trail while guarding here.

And it is easy to understand that Tashigi despises the Joker.

They once captured the Joker and the entire Buggy Pirates in Rogue Town.

With a very relaxed attitude.

Although they let the group run away later.

But now it has been less than half a year!

The Joker has become a pirate close to the level of the Four Emperors, with a terrifying bounty of 3 billion!

Smoker, who has worked hard for half a year, has just been awarded the rank of major general...

This also takes into account that he had been at the colonel stage for a long time before.

Fortunately, Smoker himself is still sober.

In the chaotic scene in front of them, if they were added, it would be like a few drops of water falling into the sea, and they would disappear in the blink of an eye.

"If the clown was so easy to deal with, they wouldn't have offered a sky-high price of 3 billion berries!"

"Inform the headquarters first!"

The glasses girl was scolded, with a bit of shame on her face, and muttered:

"Didn't they say that the clown killed the Celestial Dragons and took away the priceless treasure?"

"Didn't the Death Surgeon eat a fruit worth 5 billion berries, and the World Government didn't give him a high reward."

Smoker exhaled a puff of smoke, realizing that Dashigi had limited information.

In a low voice, he said: "The General Staff has summarized all the battles of Joker from the East China Sea to the Battle of the Mist in the New World."

"Although he did not directly participate in many battles, combined with the description of Major General Brownie, they analyzed that Joker's frontal strength is about below the level of Lieutenant General and above the level of Major General."

"But the opponent has extremely high combat intelligence, can master the six styles proficiently, and has some ability to bewitch people."

"In this case, why is the reward set so high?" Tashigi looked surprised.

The matter of Buggy in the Holy Land was forcibly suppressed by the Five Elders, and even Morgause was arrested.

And the matter of the Battle of the Mist was covered up by the Navy as a purge of traitors.

So in the eyes of most people, Buggy is a daring and rebellious person who dares to publicly kill the Celestial Dragons.

Although the reward of 3 billion Baileys for this is a bit exaggerated.

But with the instigation of the World Government, it has become that Buggy has seized the treasure of the Celestial Dragons and there is such a high reward.

"The Battle of the Mist..."

Smoker whispered.

Although he is already a major general, he is not aware of many news.

Especially after a news agency report some time ago, the World Government began to pay special attention to intelligence work.

Smoker didn't even see the newspaper that day.

"I believe that Hina will never betray the navy, but the bounties of the other two pirate groups have not changed."

"Plus the serious attitude of the top leaders."

"It must be directly related to the Joker."

He bit his cigar with a bad expression.

Hina is one of Smoker's few friends and colleagues in the navy. The previous Alabasta incident was also handled by the two of them together.

So when he heard the news that Hina betrayed the navy, he didn't believe it at all.

"Then what should we do next?"

The girl with glasses hugged the long sword in her arms nervously.

Although they had captured the pirates not long ago.

But three billion!

It was still very impressive.

"Let's go to the tavern and wait until these guys are almost dead."

Smoker felt that the pirates had the same idea as him.




Pangu City.

The five old men who held the highest power in the world were unexpectedly silent at this moment.

They were also reading a report on Buggy.

But this report was much more detailed than what Smoker and others saw.

Especially about the awakening of the fruit and mental bewitching, including Dr. Vegapunk, he gave his own opinions on this report.

That is, it is of great value!

The splitting of objects other than oneself...

Such an ability is of great value no matter what research it is used for!

If Buggy's splitting can be more precise, then it is the ability that can truly change the world.

"The chaotic power of fragmentation can actually change the world in scientific research... Ha, what a irony."

Satan Saint was the first to break the silence.

He was the one who had the greatest hostility towards Buggy.

"And that... ability to make people obedient, if it can be used in the Allied Nations Conference..."

The bald old man's eyes flashed with brilliance.

They have studied all the people who have been bewitched, and the effect is clear, and it is irreversible.

The five old men all showed a heartbeat in their eyes.

If there is a power, the world government's control over the entire world will leap forward!

"Let Kizaru and the scientific forces contact, if they can be like Kuma... it would be the best."

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