No matter which port you choose, there is always a tavern.

However, the port, which was supposed to be a noisy port, was now deserted.

Those idle guys who like to shout and drink are now joining in the competition for three billion.

Not even a bartender.

Bucky and the three of them still poured the wine themselves.

So this is what Smoker saw when he walked into the tavern.

The demonic clown who was the instigator was drinking turbid wheat wine in the tavern with a leisurely expression.

This is silence.

Outside the tavern, shouts of death, wails, and the sounds of gunfire intertwined with each other, as if they were the front line of a brutal war. From time to time, blood splashed like a fountain onto the not-so-transparent glass of the tavern, dyeing the light a bit bright red.

This is movement.

The greater the movement and chaos outside, the more indifferent Bucky's leisurely expression became.

Extremely indifferent and extremely crazy.

The two colors intertwined on this man who was slowly drinking wine were extremely weird.

"The devil clown truly deserves the name of devil."

Smoker chewed his cigar, and the door of the tavern closed again after he entered.

It was as if the world of blood and fire outside was suddenly cut off.

This guy made a fool of everyone.

He obviously took off his head in front of everyone, but he was still sitting here drinking.

Smoker couldn't imagine how the other party did it.

But it didn't affect his impression of this clown.

It's really bad.

"It seems that the participants in our game are not willing to end it yet."

"That should be a bit of fun."

Bucky turned around, chewing on his wine glass and snickering.

He suddenly thought of a good idea.

"White Hunter Smoker——"

"I know I know."

Jacques was about to make an introduction when he saw Bucky wave his hand.

"I was caught by this guy in Rogge Town."

"But in that case, the jailbreak will have to be done in advance."

this person.

Is he actually so strong? !

Jacques' pupils suddenly opened wide.

He had followed Bucky to the Holy Land, but he had seen people like generals running around like headless flies under Mr. Bucky's calculations.

In the end, I didn't even see Mr. Bucky's face, but suffered a big explosion.

Even the candidate for general failed to capture Mr. Bucky.

But the man in front of me actually caught Mr. Bucky!

So scary!

"I thought Straw Hat Boy was the big threat, but I didn't expect that I ignored a former crew member of One Piece."

During the war, Whitebeard's greeting had already caused Bucky's identity to be dug up.

Not to mention the World Government, which hates him with all its teeth.

Almost everything he had done in the East China Sea for more than ten years was revealed and exposed.

Smoker said while holding the ten hands around his waist.

A weapon made of seastone like a baseball bat.

Although he still had some fear in his heart, the analysis from the staff department still gave him confidence.

Lieutenant general or below?

Coupled with the convenience of his natural elementalization, it is not impossible to beat him.

"What happened Hina?"

"Does it have anything to do with you?"

The white hunter lowered his head, blowing out circles of smoke from his mouth. Some dim light shone on his shoulders, making the shadow long and diagonal.

His voice was dull and a little hoarse.

However, one can feel the anger and hatred in this person's heart.

Jacques looked like he was facing an enemy.

I have captured Mr. Bucky, and now I am acting like a master.

Blurring indeed.

"Pfft!" Bucky couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha, yes, that's it. That's what makes it interesting."

"I threw a stone into your calm lake. It would be meaningless if there was no reaction."

"Don't you understand?"

"My dear Hina-san, that's the stone."

"And you are the ripples on the lake."

This description was so good that Bucky couldn't help but applaud himself.

What kind of order and balance are annoying to hear.

"White Snake." Smoker didn't want to listen to the clown's taunt anymore. His smoky arm turned into the shape of a snake and aimed at Bucky and hit him.

He is a person with the natural smoking fruit ability.

"What, you don't dare to listen?"

Bucky, who was still smiling at first, suddenly calmed down again.

"Don't you want to know the reason?"

When White Snake rushed in front of Bucky, his body suddenly split apart, making White Snake not sure which one to chase.

"After all, she did it voluntarily."

Bucky's eyes narrowed in circles.

What a very interesting story!

He didn't mind stretching his muscles with the smoker at all.

Although compared with Tianyaksha, the stimulation this smoker can give him is indeed limited.

But there are some things that Tianyaksha cannot compare with.

For example, he could calmly experiment with the physical skills he had simulated in his mind for a long time on Smoker, and the other person's expression would be more interesting!

"Shaving, then pointing the gun."

Bucky said without hesitation.

Smoker's attention was still on his vocal head, but one of his hands suddenly appeared at Smoker's side.

Five fingers formed into a fist, and the black armed color slowly spread.

IQ does not equal knowledge, but high IQ can quickly master knowledge.

For Buggy, if he had not only seen something many times but also been hit by it, why shouldn’t he master it?

Could he really fight with the cutie bat just by following the rules of street fighting?

That guy had practiced seriously.

But it feels good to bully people with force.

Buggy squinted his eyes.

It seemed that he could understand the feeling of the cutie bat bullying those criminals.

His fist hit the smoker’s lower abdomen, making him vomit blood foam.

“Armament Haki!”

Smoker was shocked, this was not mentioned in the intelligence.

If he could master the two-color Haki plus six styles, then what about the mention of below the vice admiral!

He originally thought that he had the ability of natural elementalization to rely on.

Compared with the time in Rogue Town, the difference is too big!

Especially the crazy and indifferent temperament on his body…

The ten hands spun in front of him, but the black fist split more.

"Shave, then throw the knife."

Baki spoke in a leisurely voice.

Shaving this fast-moving six-style is really useful.

But his scattered hands have their own ideas.

Swish tore the skin and flesh of the fingers, revealing the pale bones inside, and climbed up the dark Armament Haki.

Although it has only been a short time since he mastered it, the proficiency of Armament Haki in Buggy's hands is comparable to that of a veteran vice admiral.

The bone finger is not satisfied, and it splits into pieces as big as bullets.

Cooperating with the speed of shaving, Smoker was pierced almost in the blink of an eye.

"It's a pity."

The flesh part grabbed Smoker's hair.

His ability and physical skills seemed very weak in front of the clown.

"You are worse than your friend."

"After all, she is now the pirate Black Gun Hina, with a bounty of 200 million Baileys."

"Impossible, Hina can't be a pirate." Smoker supported his head, and blood kept oozing out of his body.

"Yes, it's impossible."

"What is the reason that forced this navy lady to join the ranks of pirates?"

"Don't look at me, I don't have the ability to change a person's mind."

Baki's head floated in front of Smoker and whispered.

"Of course it's because the navy wants her dead."

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