One Piece: Dark Sky

Chapter 246 The Path Roger Has Traveled

"Hehe, why are you here? Golden Lion."

Bain stood on the small empty island that was floated by the golden lion's ability and said with a smile.

"This is what I want to ask you, how did you appear here, no, how did you get here?"

The golden lion asked with some surprise on his face, this place is 10,000 meters above the sea, the golden lion can use his ability to come here, but what about Bahn.

"I got here on the soaring current."

Bahn said with a smile.

"Surging into the sky and ocean currents? I didn't expect you to be so courageous! Haha!"

The golden lion who heard Bahn's words was really surprised this time, he didn't expect Bahn to come here like this.

"you alone?"

The golden lion asked aloud.

"No, I came up with my apprentice, and I found your aura here, so let's take a look."

Bahn said lightly.

"Where's your ship? It's completely useless now?"

Bane asked again.

The golden lion smiled bitterly when he heard this.

"The boat? That thing was destroyed a long time ago, and everyone on board was beaten to death. Does it make any difference?"

"There are two guys, Guimu and Indigo, watching over there. I have nothing to do, so I just came here."

"What do you want to do here?"

Bahn nodded with a smile and asked.


Hearing Bahn's words, the golden lion was silent for a while, and then spoke.

"I want to see what Roger has gone through, or I want to see what is the difference between me and him. I got their logbook from Raleigh, so I plan to re-walk along the path that Roger took. .”

The golden lion said with a smile, but his eyes left Bahn's body, and put his eyes on the snow-white empty sea around him.

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?"

The golden lion said lightly, but his tone was full of memories. He seemed to have seen the confrontation between him and Roger again and again.

There is a saying that the one who understands oneself best is always his enemy. Roger understands the golden lion, but the golden lion does not understand Roger, and these two people who are destined to be two parallel lines in life, when Roger There was an intersection.

"Now I don't think of myself as Roger's former opponent. After this period of time, I realized that I am not qualified to be Roger's opponent."

"If possible, I really want to fight that guy again..."

The golden lion said a little lonely.


Listening to the golden lion's words, something strange appeared on Bane's face. An expression of disbelief first appeared on Bane's face, but then it turned into a gratified smile.

I only heard Barn say with a smile.

"You've changed, Skee."

The golden lion turned around and smiled at Bahn.

"You never called me that, Barn."

Bahn also smiled and said.

"People change all the time, don't they?"

The golden lion's smile froze, cut once, and then laughed again.

"Haha, yes, sometimes I wonder if I'm still the golden lion who dominates the New World!"

Bahn heard the words of the golden lion and came up, patted the shoulder of the golden lion, and said.

"Of course you are still the golden lion, but you have become stronger now, Shi Ke, I believe that if Roger can see you now, he will also be eager to fight with you."

"Him? Haha, even if he can come back to life, he should run away after seeing me as a mother-in-law!"

The golden lion laughed and said, but countless scenes of Roger avoiding him and not fighting appeared in his mind.

"No, he will. This is a man's romance."

Bahn shook his head and said firmly.


The golden lion glanced at Bahn in surprise, but didn't say anything, and turned to his own small island.

"Have a drink together?"

The golden lion said with a smile.

"Happy to accompany you."

Bane also followed with a smile.

"You said there is still a piece of land here?"

The golden lion looked at Bahn in surprise while holding the wine glass in his hand and asked.

Bahn nodded and also drank a glass of wine.

"But how could such a place form land?"

Obviously, Golden Lion still couldn't believe it.

"Remember how I got up here, Shiki."

Bahn refilled himself a glass of wine, then asked the Golden Lion with a smile.

"You mean the sky current? How big is it to bring the entire island to the 10,000-meter white sea?"

The golden lion said in surprise, but nodded after being surprised.

"However, there is only one explanation."

"Is there what you want on it?"

asked the golden lion.

"Yes, I have this hunch, and it's very strong."

Bahn nodded.

"What exactly do you want?"

Golden Lion asked again.

"Thor's heart!"

"Thor? Is there really a god in the world? I have met countless guys who claim to be gods, but they are all idiots who ate devil fruits."

The golden lion was a little disdainful when he heard Bahn's words, and he was right, he had seen too many people like that.

"Who knows, but there's always something to look for, isn't it?"

said Bahn.

The golden lion didn't complain, in fact, he was also very interested in the piece of land that appeared in the sky that Bahn said.

"Sailing is really amazing, on this great route."

Bahn sighed a little, and stretched out the wine glass in his hand to the golden lion.


The golden lion also clinked glasses with Bahn with a smile, and said with a big smile.

"Cheers to One Piece!"

"Huh? You actually admitted Roger's title of One Piece?"

Bahn was a little surprised.

"Haha! Didn't you say that people always change!"

"Hehe, cheers!"

"Is this the God's Island you mentioned? It looks the same. If it weren't for Baibaihai, I might not even have the intention to go to this island."

The golden lion stood on the white sea, looked at the island of gods in front of him and said with disdain.

"Okay, okay, I know you're here to accompany me, can't I thank you? Let's go quickly."

Bahn did not refute the golden lion, but followed him and said with a smile, and then walked onto the island.

The golden lion glanced at Bahn from the corner of his eyes, but he followed obediently without saying a word.

It's a strange place, and the trees look like they're at least a thousand years old.

The golden lion stood on the island and touched the big tree above and said.

"No, most of them are not more than a thousand years old, and the trees with five or six hundred years are the most. These should all grow on them while they are still in the sea."

Bahn said indifferently, and said with one hand on an unusually thick tree.

"How did you know?"

Golden Lion asked curiously.

"I can feel their vitality. It should be that there is more sunlight in the sky that makes them grow so huge."

"Ah, it's really a convenient ability."

The golden lion complained.

"There is a river of clouds here, let's walk along it, we will always find something."


Hearing what the golden lion said, Bain nodded and agreed.

"Your abilities are really convenient, Shiki."

Sitting on a giant tree that was uprooted by a golden lion and floated in the sky, Bain said with a smile.

"Tch, my ability is far more than that useful."


As they were talking, a very huge eel jumped out of the cloud river below and appeared above them!


Just a red light flashed, and the huge empty eel turned into two halves, and fell back into the cloud river with a large cloud of blood mist.

As if nothing happened, Bahn continued to speak leisurely, but the first generation Onikiri on his waist was slowly retracted by him.

"Yes, yes, I know that your ability is very powerful."

"Hey! Was that an eel just now? Why is it so big! If he sucks it, he will definitely die!"

The golden lion said loudly.

"Eh? Is that so? I'm sorry I can't see."


"Hey, Barn, there's a light ahead."

The golden lion said suddenly, and then controlled the tree carrying the two of them and flew over.

"Where is this?"

The golden lion looked at the huge and empty place around it, and there was a huge high platform in the middle, which looked like an altar and said.

"This should be the inland lake of this island."

Bahn sensed the surrounding environment with his mind and said.

"Inland lake? Is this an altar? Is there really such a thing as a god?"

said the golden lion.

"I don't believe it. Maybe this is the belief of the people who originally lived here."

But at this moment, Bahn suddenly became vigilant.

"Hey, Skee, some little thieves are coming."

"Huh? Really."

The golden lion also opened up a domineering look when he heard Baan's words, and then said with a smile on his face.

"Hey, finally I don't have to keep looking at you, you white-eyed kid."


There are really not many people in this world who can be called Bahn's 'boy', but unfortunately, Golden Lion is one of them...

As soon as the golden lion finished speaking, three weird men in jungle costumes appeared in front of them. They were all painted with strange patterns, which were completely different from the costumes of the residents on the empty island, but they carried the same clothes on their backs. little wings.

"This is the angel mentioned in Roger's diary? Why are they all men? It's disgusting."

The corner of Golden Lion's mouth twitched and said.

"Hey! You are from Qinghai! If you want to survive, get the hell out of here, or..."

He only listened to the one who seemed to be the leader among the three weirdos.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the golden lion.

"What else? Brat."

"Otherwise, I want to destroy Enilo, destroy you!"

said the weirdo in the lead threateningly.

"Hahaha! Then I will see if you have this ability!"

The golden lion laughed wildly when he heard it, but his body had already floated up, and the two famous knives on his feet shone coldly in the sun.

"Hey, Golden Lion, don't hit too hard, they might know something."

Bahn reminded from the side.

The golden lion glanced at Bahn and said.

"Don't worry, I have a measure."

After speaking, he flew over!

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