One Piece: Dark Sky

On the 247th, if you agree, you will pay attention to proportion.

Bahn looked at the three people whose vitality was already very weak from the perspective of the mind's eye, and said helplessly to the golden lion standing in front of the three people with a face of "I haven't exerted any strength, you will fall down".

"I've already paid attention to propriety, aren't they dead?"

The corner of Golden Lion's mouth twitched, and he said with a smile.

"Ahem... People from Qinghai, are you also with that fellow Enel?"

The man who was knocked down by the golden lion with a strange pattern on his left eye was lying on the ground, still coughing up blood from his mouth, and asked in a hateful voice.

Bahn turned his head away, but shook his head, only listening to what he said.

"Anilu? If he is the so-called god here, unfortunately, he is our enemy, or our target."

"An enemy? Hehe..."

Hearing what Bahn said, the man with the strange pattern on his left eye smiled bitterly. After that, he seemed to have made a painful decision, and his unyielding face was covered with tears.

"My body is no longer good...I beg you...defeat Enilu!"


Bahn squatted down, helped up the man who was now in tears, and asked.

"May I have your name."

"My name is Weber, and I'm a descendant of the great warrior Kalgara! But I'm useless! I can't fulfill the last wish of my ancestors!"

Weber cried bitterly, his voice becoming very hoarse due to his already seriously injured body.

"Are you the natives of this island of gods?"

Bane asked in a low voice.

"This is not an island of gods! This is our hometown! Gaya!"

Weber growled again.

"It was the ignorant god who drove us out of our hometown. For hundreds of years, we have been fighting with them in order to take back our hometown!"

Hearing Weber's cry, Bahn's face became more and more gloomy. He stood up slowly and said to the golden lion.

"I told you to show mercy. Really, I'm going to waste my life again."

As he said that, Bahn waved his hand at the three people who fell on the ground, and a green light appeared on that hand. The green light seemed to be guided and connected to the three people. I saw that the injuries on the three people were recovering rapidly, but Bane's white hair had grown a lot.

"Why do you want to save us?"

Weber, who had recovered from his injuries, stood up and asked Bane, who was a little weak at this time, strangely. He didn't wonder how Bane rescued them. In his opinion, the most important thing was Bane's reason for saving them.

Bahn, who heard Weber's words, smiled, but his body was a little weak, but the smile was very reluctant, and he only listened to what he said.

"Isn't this your hometown? Of course you have to take it back with your own hands."


Wei Bo looked at the man in front of him in surprise, but his teeth were biting his lower lip.

"People from Qinghai, please tell me your name."

Weber said with a serious face.

"Barne, Barn Bashuit."

Bahn sat on the ground and said with a smile.

Weber, on the other hand, took a deep breath, and together with the two partners behind him, bent down towards Bahn.

"Master Bahn! Thank you very much!"

Bahn immediately stood up, helped Weber up, waved his hand, and said.

"Don't, we are the ones who are wrong. We attacked you indiscriminately, and we should treat your injuries."

"Please help us take back our hometown! I know it's shameful to say this, but we are indeed not the opponent of Enel, please! Help us!"

Weber and the two men bent down again, earnestly begging.

Bahn smiled and helped them up again, and said.

"I can't help you with this. I've already said it before. I'm here this time only to knock down the man who calls himself a god. As for this place, it's your hometown. Of course, you still need to take it back yourself."

When Weber and his two companions heard what Bahn said, joy appeared in their eyes, and they bent down again, but this time they shed their tears together.

Yes, for hundreds of years, countless Sandia warriors fell on the road to retake their hometown, but they found nothing. They were almost desperate and finally saw hope, so how could they not be moved to tears.

As the saying goes, when a man tears, he doesn't flick it lightly, but he just didn't reach the point of sadness, only to hear Wei Bo and the others choked up and said.

"thanks, thanks……"

"Okay, can you take us to your place to have a look?"

Bahn said helplessly.

"Okay! Lord Bahn, please come with us."

Weber said loudly, and walked to the front to lead the way for Bahn. At this time, the golden lion behind Bahn came up, stroked Bahn's hair and said.

"It's grown a lot, can you lend your life to others?"

The golden lion said curiously.

"Yes, but this is not a loan, or I will come back."

Barn said with a smile.

"How many times can this method be used?"

asked the golden lion.

"I don't know, after all, I don't know how long I can live."

Bahn said with a smile, but ignored the golden lion, and walked a few steps quickly to catch up with Weber and the others.

Golden Lion looked at Bahn's back, touched his wrinkled face but shook his head helplessly, and followed.

"Lord Bahn, this is where we live now."

Weber brought Bahn and the Golden Lion to a place hidden among the clouds, which was filled with totems with unique patterns, and the people here, like Weber and the others, were completely different from the residents of the Holy Land in the sky.

"There is still such a place."

The golden lion sighed again when he saw Sandia's base.

"Hey, Shiji, do you know that your current appearance is embarrassing, and you have never seen the world."

Bane grumbled.

"Tch, you are also blind, if you can see, maybe you are more embarrassing than me."


There is no way, the fact is that, Facing the taunt of the Golden Lion, Bahn can only remain silent, but the current Golden Lion is indeed much easier to talk to than when he saw him in prison. Maybe he has really changed. Thinking of this, being called Bahn, who was ridiculed by the golden lion, showed a smile instead.

"Weber! Who are they?"

"From Qinghai?"

The return of Weber and the others attracted the attention of those who were still working, but they looked wary when they saw Bane and the golden lion.

"Don't worry everyone, they are Qinghai people I met on Gaya Island, and they are willing to help us take back Gaya!"

Weber jumped out and explained.

"What? Weber, you went to the Island of the Gods again?"

A beautiful, scantily clad woman yelled at Weber.

"Enough of Larch! How many times do you want me to say, that's not some god's island! That's our hometown! Gaya!"


The man called Larch didn't speak, and retreated silently, while Weber turned around and said to Bahn.

"Master Bahn, this way please."

Except for Weber, the other Shandians were still wary of Barn and the others, standing to the sides, watching the two Qinghai people from outside with vigilance.


Golden Lion couldn't understand the way they looked at him, and snorted coldly. Those who had been wary of him were about to explode, and at this time a pretty female voice came over.

"Wait a minute... everyone, they are not malicious."

It was a little girl wearing a plush beret, just said a word, and hid behind Larch again.

Bahn heard the voice, walked over with a warm smile on his face, and slowly squatted down.

"Little sister, you are right, we have no malicious intentions."

The little girl slowly popped her head out from behind Larch, looked at Bahn, and nodded heavily.

"What's your name."

Bahn put his hand on the little girl's head and rubbed it and said.

"My name is Aisha! I am a warrior of Sandia!"

Maybe it was Aisha's words that really lowered the vigilance of the other Sandians. Hearing what Aisha said, smiles appeared on the faces of the others.

Bahn also said with a smile.

"That's it, then Miss Warrior Aisha, can I touch your face, let me remember your appearance."

"Huh? Can't brother see it?"

Aisha said innocently.

"Tch, he's old enough to be your grandfather."

Seeing such a harmonious scene, the golden lion behind Baan couldn't help complaining.


Bahn gave the golden lion a cold look, but the golden lion didn't speak, but curled his lips at Bahn.

"Can you?"

Bane put on a smiling face again and asked Aisha.


"Are you from Qinghai?"

An old man with a hat made of wild animals came over, glanced at Bane and the golden lion and asked.


The other Sandia said respectfully after seeing the person coming.

Bahn stood up after hearing the voice, nodded, and said.

"I'm from Gaya Island on the Qinghai Sea."


"It seems that what Nolando said is true."

Bahn said lightly.

"Of course, what Nolando said is true. He is an honest man, and he is also our Shandora's true friend!"

said the chief seriously.

"But if he really died with grievances as you said, it would be really sad."

Having said this, the faces of the chief and the residents of Sandia behind him were a little sad.

"But it also shows that Nolando told the truth until his death, didn't he?"

Barn said with a smile.

Hearing Baan's words, the serious chief also nodded.

But at this time Bahn suddenly had an idea, just listen to him say.

"If possible, do you want to go back to Qinghai?"


Other Sandiya people including the chief looked at Bahn in amazement, as if asking if it could really be done?

Bahn turned his head and looked at the Golden Lion with a smile. The Golden Lion noticed Bahn's gaze, curled his lips, but nodded.


"Can I finally live on the earth again!"

All the Sandia people said happily.

But at this time Bahn suddenly became serious and said.

"But the first thing to do now is to take back Gaya Island here."

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