One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 185 From Hope To Despair, Now Ke Locke Is Afraid Of Death, Right?

Jinbei's waves fell over his shoulder and hit Ke Locke Dahl's giant civet cat heavily, and the powerful current impacted the huge civet cat.

It's okay for others to be hit by this current, but as a Sand-Sand Fruit capable person, he was attacked by such a huge current, and immediately became powerless, and was thrown out by the current and fell heavily to the ground.

"Uh, did Locke become stupid after he turned into a toy? He just stood there motionless and let others attack him? Is this the shortcoming of the devil's toy?" Sugar asked doubtfully.

"He didn't become stupid, ho ho, maybe he thought sea water could remove your Devil Fruit ability!" Brother Ming said with a smile.

"That's why Ke Lockedar foolishly allowed Jinbei to attack him with sea water?" Sasuke said in a daze.

Brother Ming and the others have already experimented. Putting seastone handcuffs on the toy, or dumping the toy into the seawater, there is no way to unlock the childlike fruit ability of the sugar.

Think about it too, if it is so easy to untie the ability of the fruit of childishness, those toys in the original book Redesrosa will not be without the ability to unlock the fruit of childishness 040, at least Cyrus is free to touch There will be many chances in the sea, but I haven't seen his ability to unlock the fruit of childishness.

The only way to unlock the ability of Tongqu Fruit is to shoot Sugar, use seastone or seawater to limit the ability of Sugar, or make Sugar unconscious, otherwise there is no way to unlock the ability of Tongqu Fruit.

"Yeah, so to speak, Ke Locke Dahl is not in a bad mood right now!" Enel said with a smile

"Na na na, from hope to despair, now you have the feeling that Locke Dar is afraid of death?" Torrebol asked.

"Hehe, he thought sea water could restrain the ability of sugar, but it only restrained his own ability. Thinking that he would wear the body of a civet cat toy for the rest of his life, no one knew his original identity, no one knew his His existence, hehe, I feel sorry for him even thinking about it!" Diamandi said.

"You deserve it, you wasted the opportunity the young master gave him!" Gladius said coldly.

"Bastard!" Locke Dahl, as they say, is in the worst mood ever.

Earlier, he saw Mingo's Parasite String disappear after being washed by sea water, which made Ke Locke's eyes brighten.

He thought that the ability of Devil Fruit is afraid of sea water, what will happen if he comes into contact with sea water, he will definitely be restrained by the sea, but also, the ability exerted on him by sugar may disappear, right?

At that moment, Quedar has never looked forward to the sea more than that moment, even if he just died in the sea, he would not hesitate to do anything.

But Klockedar has always been controlled by the sugar. As long as he does something slightly out of line, he will be stopped by the sugar. His body has no way to resist the sugar, so it is difficult for him to come into contact with seawater.

But this is the fishmen island under the sea. Although it is in a huge soap bubble, it is still full of sea water. After all, it is the place where murlocs and mermaids live.

It seems that it is not difficult to touch the sea water here. The only trouble is that he is a Demon fruit power, and he is also restrained by the sea water. He will become weak because of the restraint of the sea water, and he will still be captured by the Don Quixote family even if he is not dead, and he will still be turned into a toy in the end.

If you become a toy, you don't even want to die. If you become a toy for the rest of your life and are enslaved by others, you might as well die. But isn't there a chance now that you can change your destiny without dying?

Thinking of the move that Jinbei just attacked Kent and made Doflamingo remove his ability, as long as he let him use it on himself, he would be able to remove his ability.

Thinking of this, Ke Locke's eyes flashed.

It's a pity that Locke Dahl was wrong in the end. Although Brother Ming and Sugar have the same ability as Paramecia, they are completely different types.

Mingo's ability belongs to the creation category in Paramecia Devil Fruit, and the ability is achieved by making various types of threads.

Like Taizuolo Paramecia dominating golden fruits, the items they control are very restrained by sea water, and will disappear when they touch sea water.

Their abilities, such as Mingo’s Parasite String and Taizuolo’s Gold Dust, “their ability will be dispelled when they encounter sea water.

And the childlike fruit of Granose belongs to the category of superpowers, and the main body of her ability is Granose herself. As long as Granose has nothing to do, her abilities will not disappear.

When hope is shattered, what is faced is despair. Locke Dahl finally saw hope, but it turned into despair again in a blink of an eye, making his face extremely gloomy. He stood up angrily, turned around and walked towards Brother Ming and the others.

His gloomy face seemed to want to destroy the world!

"Yo, with this face, the anger in his heart is probably at its peak!" Enel said with a smile.

"Maybe he forgot that he was still in the cage." Luo said lightly, he took out a heart and squeezed it, and the civet cat showed an extremely painful expression on his face.

At this time, Brother Ming waved his hand, stopped Luo from continuing to move, smiled and looked at Locke Dahl who was very gloomy, and said, "Hey, I'm really curious, what is he going to do!!

Hearing Brother Ming's words, Luo put away his heart.

In a blink of an eye, Locke Dahl came in front of Brother Ming, and he stared at Brother Ming with a murderous look in his eyes.

"I agree, the premise is to remove my ability!" Locke Dahl looked at Brother Ming gloomyly and said. .

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