One Piece: Doflamingo

Chapter 186 If You Want To Experience Turning From Hope To Despair Again, You Can Try It,

"Ho ho ho, heh heh!" Brother Ming looked at Ke Locke Dahl with a wanton smile, making Ke Locke Dahl's expression even more gloomy, as if he was dissatisfied with Brother Ming's ridicule.

Brother Ming knew what Ke Locke Dahl meant. Brother Ming asked Locke Dahl to surrender earlier and become a member of their Donquixote Family, but how could he surrender with the character of Locke Locke Dahl? There is a way to make Ke Locke Dahl surrender, even if it is turned into a toy, it still does not make Ke Locke Dahl change his mind, but just after hope emerged, he fell into despair, and finally Ke Locke Dahl was shaken.

"Now that things have happened, do you think it is necessary for me to change you back? Don't you think that your current appearance is more beneficial to me? Maybe you are stronger in toy form!" Brother Ming laughed.

"Now you don't lack thugs like me, you just lack people who can stand alone and guard one side for you. Turn me into this, you can only get a marionette at most, but if you remove my ability, You'll get someone who can help you defend one side!" Klocke Dahl~ said.

Jinbei in the waterway also heard Ke Locke Dahl's words, but Jinbei wondered what the words meant. Jinbei, who had no memory of Ke Locke Dahl, could only judge that Ke Locke Dahl was controlled by Brother Ming, and Jinbei didn't know what the specific situation was. - Ways to figure it out.

"Heh heh heh! Very good, your words have successfully moved me, Granose!" Ming Hehe said with a smile.

"Understood, young master!" Granu said.

As soon as the words of the body fell, the body of the giant civet cat began to change, and the huge body began to shrink. The civet cat, which was originally five or six meters tall, turned into a human being two meters tall.

"Klockedar?" Jinbei exclaimed the moment the tanuki changed back into a human form.

"Ke Locke Dar? Could it be that he is Sha Ke Locke Dar who is listed as one of the Shichibukai along with the Jinbei boss?"

"How did he become a tanuki toy?"

"Why did I not know this name at all just now, but now I suddenly remembered it?"

"It's the same for me. I heard Doflamingo mention the name Ke Locke earlier, but I didn't remember who he was, but now I clearly remember that he is Ke Locke, one of the Shichibukai."

Seeing the sudden appearance of Klockedar, the surrounding murlocs became astonished, and even the Iron Blood Legion also showed a look of astonishment.

Not long ago, there was news from Marine that Locke Dahl was deprived of the title of Shichibukai by Marine because he violated the rules of Shichibukai, and was defeated by Shichibukai Doflamingo at the same time. Locke Dar's memory, could it be that Devil Fruit's ability actually affects other people's memory of him

What a terrifying Devil Fruit ability!" Jinbei said in surprise.

In just a short while, the effect of Sugar Devil Fruit's ability has been analyzed by the side!

"Luo!" Brother Ming stretched out a hand at this time and said.

Hearing Brother Ming's words, Luo immediately understood what Brother Ming meant. After all, Luo had trained with Brother Ming for so long.

Luo took out the heart that had just been put away and handed it to Brother Ming.

"Hey, since you agreed, you are now a member of the family. Since you are a member of the family, there is no need to keep this in your hand!" Brother Ming casually threw Klockedar back Gave it to Locke Dahl.

0 looking for flowers...

"Aren't you afraid that I will go back on my word after I get the heart?" After receiving the heart, Ke Lockedar said lightly.

"Ho ho ho, if you want to experience turning from hope to despair again, you can try it. I like to give people opportunities, and I am also good at burying other people's hopes!" Brother Ming said with a smile.

"It's really bad fun!" Locke Dahl said lightly, and he opened his clothes while talking.

"Where is the heart?"

"How is it possible, how can someone be alive without a heart."

"You can see that the heart in Ke Locke's hand is still beating. Could it be that this heart originally belonged to Ke Locke?"

As soon as Klocke Dahl's clothes were pulled open, people around him immediately saw square holes in his chest. Anyone with a little understanding of the human body would immediately know that the location was exactly where the heart was, and that That is to say, Klocke Dahl's body does not have a heart now, and people without a heart are still alive, which makes people feel unbelievable.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, Klocke Dahl pressed the heart in his hand against the hole in his chest, and the heart entered the hole, and the hole disappeared, and the whole body became intact. Not just now his body had a hollow look.

"Hahaha, I, Locke, is back!" After the heart came back, all restrictions were lifted, and Locke showed a maniacal laugh.

"Next, it's time to end this farce!" Brother Ming ignored the laughing Ke Locke Dahl, he knew that Ke Locke Dahl needed to vent now, Ming Ge looked at the murlocs around and said three. .

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