After staying on Four Seasons Island for more than a month, learning about the development of these years, and dealing with some old things, he let the three ruling ministers control Four Seasons Island and fly towards the White Sea.

Speaking of which, Four Seasons Island can also be regarded as a foundation of Ao Long in this world, and it was originally planned to use it as a basic plate to occupy the entire pirate world and do something to change the world.

It's just that with the improvement of strength, these things are not as important as they used to be.

Ao Long had been hesitating to unify the empty island by force, after all, he had no foundation there, and the people were not willing to collect it, but after thinking about it again, why not go, Tianyu didn't take it, but suffered the blame.

Sky islands exist in the White Sea (10,000 meters above) above the White Sea (7,000 meters above). At such altitudes, the air is very thin, and the movement ability of the people of Qinghai (ordinary sea) will be greatly reduced. Sky Island is the origin of shellfish. Some of the island's inhabitants (mainly Angel Island) have two plumes on their backs.

The Kingdom of the Gods Skypiea (スカイピア) consists of Angel Island and Apayado (アッパーヤード). For generations, Skypiea's leaders have been called gods.

Originally part of the island of Gaya in Qinghai, Apayado was carried by the ocean current to the Baibai Sea 400 years ago. 400 years ago, the North Sea navigator Vinbrando Rolando visited Gaya (when Gaya was still intact). Upon his return, Norland claimed to have discovered Sandora, the land of gold. When Norland led the king to Gaya again, the entire island was cut off and the land of gold was gone. Noland was executed for deception, and he refused to deny the existence of the Land of Gold until his death.

After being carried by the currents to the White Sea, Apayado was considered a sacred place by the people of the Sky Island, as it was the only island in the Sea that had soil. The Sandyas (descendants of the original inhabitants of Gaya Island) have waged a 400-year war against the Sky Islanders in order to reclaim their homeland and ring the golden bell again.

A month later, Ao Long ordered 100,000 troops on Four Seasons Island, of course, these soldiers were used as troops to conquer the Sky Island, you must know that the existence of the Sky Island is not as secret as the Four Seasons Island, it is said that the Hundred Beast Kaido once jumped from the Sky Island to commit suicide, but did not die, and later Doflamingo also looted the Sky Island.

Ao Long wants to make the Sky Island another subsidiary of the Four Seasons Island, and has taken a fancy to the shellfish resources on the Sky Island, which is not available anywhere else. The shellfish of the empty island has a magical effect, and Ao Long believes that even in other worlds, it is a scarce resource, because of the large yield, rich ability, and convenient use, there are mainly the following 14 kinds of shellfish.

1. Yinbei: It can record and play sound, as a tool for transmitting information or entertainment.

2. Lampshell: It can emit light for a period of time, and it can also emit light by itself, as an indoor lighting tool.

3. Shuibei: It can store water and be used as a firefighting tool.

4. Image shell (Yingbei): It can record and play images for preventive monitoring at the entrance of Skepia.

5. Flavor shellfish: It can store odors and be used as aromatic utensils, and it can also be used as a prank (storage farts ~ embarrassment). The above 5 kinds of shellfish should be said to be just shellfish for daily use, and there are fewer opportunities to appear.

6. Cloud Shell: It can spray clouds unique to the Sky Island, and it cannot be used when returning to land - Battle Link: The White Beret Force is used for teleportation when fighting Braham and others, and the Priest Ohm has stored Iron Cloud's sword, called Iron Whip.

7. Wind Shell: Can store the wind and release it - Battle Link: Except for the civilian Mighty, almost all Sky Island warriors use their skateboards and skateboards to move quickly, and can be detonated after storing gas, see Vaipa Incendiary Cannon.

8. Flame shell (i.e., fire shell, flame shell): can store fire and spew it out - battle link: Priest Seurat's mount Firebird is equipped with this kind of shell in its mouth.

9. Rebei: Can store hot gas and release high heat - Battle Link: Seurat's weapon Scorching Gun. The above 4 kinds of shells are shells that can be used in both life and combat, and can build houses, make transportation, and cook vegetables...

10. Flash Shell: Can store light and release it instantly--Battle Link: Shandora Warrior Braham's Flash Gun.

11. Shock Bei: Can absorb the impact and release it freely--Battle Link: The basic equipment and tools for all air island fighters to travel at home and go out to fight.

12. Slash Bey: A type that Scapia does not have, it can be freely released after absorbing slashing - Battle Link: The Divine Soldiers mainly use weapons. The above three types of shellfish are only used as combat shells in all appearances.

13. Spray Shell: A type of Wind Shell, but it can spray a stronger wind - Battle Link: Divine Officer Nirvana is equipped with a high-speed strike on the wrist (and Anilu's Ark Maxim is also equipped with two hundred Spray Shells).

14. Platoon shellfish: The shellfish that existed on the ancient sky island can release 10 times the power of the impact shellfish, but at the same time, the recoil is enough to kill - battle link: The war ghost Weber uses, the power is really a "big" word.

Under the leadership of Luo, the soldiers of the 100,000 Four Seasons Island will attack the Sky Island after waiting for the Four Seasons Island to connect with the White Sea, but before that, Ao Long still has one important thing to do, that is, the Thunder Fruit of the Sky Island, which is a Devil Fruit that is one of the basic elements of the heavens, Ao Long believes that after the fusion, his own strength and the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven can be greatly improved, and then Ao Long's Thunder Law can also be used freely.

So Ao Long didn't wait for Luo's action, after setting up the attack plan, he took Monet, rode Hexue, and went straight to the White Sea, as for Kella, she stayed by Olbia's side, on the one hand, Kella was too young to be inconvenient to always take with her, and she was a human on Fish-Man Island before, so she was brought out, on the other hand, Kerra's strength was not enough, so she followed Olbia's practice accumulation.

The two of them left Shikishima Island and rushed to the forest of the White Sea within a few days, and according to the guidance of the karmic compass, the Thunder Devil Fruit was in this forest.

Following the guidance, the two soon found a different Devil Fruit at the top of a tall ancient pineapple tree, according to the detection of the system, it was the Thunder Devil Fruit, Monet carefully picked it off, and put it in the sandalwood box prepared in advance.

"Young Master, we got the Thunder Devil Fruit, what are we going to do next?"

Looking at the causal compass in his hand, Ao Long felt that there was a huge causal line implicated in this forest, through the causal line, Ao Long saw a bruised, hungry and cold child, look at that appearance, there is a bit of Anilu's appearance, it seems that this is the Anilu when he was a teenager.

If it weren't for Ao Long's arrival, he would have defeated the current god in four years and become the new god of Sky Island, but now that Ao Long has seized his opportunity, he will naturally have a cause and effect with him. However, cause and effect are the best nutrients to promote the growth of the causal compass, so Ao Long wishes that these causes and effects would come a little more.

"Let's meet an interesting guy who seems to need our help."

Looking at the causal compass, Anilu should have been expelled and beaten again because he looked different from the others in Bica. Charcoal in the snow is always more precious than icing on the cake, isn't it? Although many people feel that it is immoral to take advantage of the situation, it is not to reach out when others need help and warm people's hearts.

Through Monet, Ao Long has discovered that the fate of many devil fruits and people in this world is destined, because those people's bodies are originally very suitable for those devil fruits, so they can develop to a very powerful level after obtaining the devil fruits.

The so-called no most powerful Devil Fruit, only the most powerful person, also has a lot to do with whether this person is compatible with the Devil Fruit, Ao Long guessed that Anilu's physique should also be very close to the thunder element, so in a short period of time, the Thunder Fruit was developed to a very high level.

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