All the members of the Chef Pirates were stunned, was it just for a meal? How is this possible? Fortunately, Tetsuo's reflexes are quite fast, and as soon as his brain turned, he immediately agreed:

"Our Chef Pirates have assembled the elite Chef Pirates of the sea, and if His Majesty the Dragon King is willing to dine at the Chef Pirates, it will be our honor!"

"Well, then I'm going to trouble you!"

In fact, Ao Long not only wants to change his appetite, but also wants to take over the next good fate and prepare for the rest of the matter. After Monet, Luo and the others came over, a sumptuous banquet was held under Tetsuo's warm hospitality.

After the feast, Ao Ryu asked Tetsuo:

"What's your dream?"

"My dream is to find the blue ocean, where the world's best ingredients come together!"

"If I knew where the blue ocean was, would you follow in my footsteps?"

Tetsuo was stunned, this legend was actually recruiting him, a newcomer who had not been in the Great Channel for a long time, and although his kicking skills were passable, they were not outstanding.

"Forget it, I still hope to achieve my dream by my own strength!"

"Even if it costs with my life? Do not hesitate to do so? "

"Yes, even if I pay with my life for this, I am willing!"

"Well, then I can only wish you luck, thank you for your hospitality, the food tastes amazing! I'll have a chance to taste it again next time! "

"Thank you for your compliment, it's a pleasure to be able to serve you a delicious meal!"

Ao Long didn't eat white food, he left a copy of "Golden Goose Gong" for Tetsuo, which was from the Quanzhen Sect Light Gong in the Condor Archery, with its own qi training function.

Ao Long and his party embarked on the itinerary again, heading towards Gaya Island, and through the connection between Monet and Olbia, Four Seasons Island is also on the way to Sky Island, and may meet before reaching Gaya Island.

After a week, a huge honeycomb-shaped cloud appeared above the Canglong, and Ao Long knew that it was a storm group around Four Seasons Island, and greeted everyone:

"Let's prepare, Four Seasons Island has already rushed over, let's go back to Four Seasons Island first, and then go to Sky Island!"

"Is that Four Seasons Island? I can't see it at all, it's just a big cloud! It's amazing! "

Kerra looked at the cloud in the sky and was surprised that the Isle of Four Seasons was hidden in it.

With a wave of his hand, Ao Long put Canglong and Luo and others into the Longzhu Cave Heaven, took Monet with him, rode on the crane snow, and took off.

Ao Long's heart at the moment is whether Robin has returned to Four Seasons Island, and Monet is thinking at this time that he will see Olbia, his other sister.

In the past few years after leaving Four Seasons Island, Hexue has never returned, and when she just flew five thousand meters, she found that there were other Chongxiao cranes flying in the clouds, and when she saw the clansmen, she couldn't wait to fly back to her parents immediately, and talk about the abuse that Ao Long had treated her in the past few years.

Passing through the storm layer, surrounded by raging winds and flying lightning, it was pitch black in the clouds, only the occasional lightning could illuminate Ao Long's face, Monet's whole person was so frightened that he hid in Ao Long's arms, it turned out that this storm layer that entered the Four Seasons Island was so terrifying.

Ao Long did not hurry to take out the dragon flag from the dragon bead cave sky, and showed it in the wind, only to see the dragon on the dragon flag flying with the flag, the surrounding wind and lightning seemed to be appeased, and soon became peaceful and calm, and when Ao Long passed, it returned to the appearance of the wind raging again.

Monet snuggled quietly in Ao Long's arms, enjoying this last time alone, she knew that after returning to Four Seasons Island, Ao Long would not be her alone.

Last night, knowing that Four Seasons Island was coming, Monet tried his best all to let Ao Long know her goodness and feel her wonderfulness all night.

The eyes of the two suddenly lit up, and a blue ocean appeared, with a blue sky in the sky, floating auspicious clouds, cranes soaring into the sky, and golden scales leaping into the water, which was really a good scene. It turned out that Ao Long had already taken Monet through the storm group successfully.

Originally, the soldiers patrolling the Four Seasons Island saw that someone suddenly broke in, and directly raised the alarm, but when they found that it was a Chongxiao crane with two people, they took a closer look, and it turned out to be their king, Ao Long returned.

"That's... Is that... Your Majesty, Your Majesty is back, Your Majesty is back!! Ring the bell! "

I saw the soldiers on the watchtower, ringing the heavy bronze bell, the sound was loud, and it was transmitted in all directions, under the offensive of propaganda and brainwashing in recent years, the people of the four seasons island country were about to treat Ao Long as a god.

You must know that since Ao Long popularized the cultivation exercises, all the people have improved their physique, coupled with Ao Long's advocacy of the development of various science and technology, the level of medical care and education on Four Seasons Island has also risen. As a result, the population of Four Seasons Island has entered a period of blowout development in recent years, and the original sparsely populated Four Seasons Island has begun to become slowly densely populated and more prosperous.

Now if you pull down a random person on the streets of Four Seasons Island, his strength may be at the rank of a major in the Navy, this is the essence of Ao Long, so the 500,000 elite soldiers on Four Seasons Island are not just talking.

The three ruling ministers soon received the news and rushed to the docks on Spring Island to bring the king's support team, and Ao Long found that even the strength of his honor guard soldiers was at the rank of colonel.

At the docks of Spring Island, Ao Long took Monet, Rowe, and Kerra, waiting for the arrival of the three ministers. As for Hexue, she had already flown away, and she naturally refused to stay by Ao Long's side when they all went home.

"Your Majesty, you haven't returned to China for a long time, the subjects of the Four Seasons Island Country miss you very much, and today with Your Majesty's return, I also ask Your Majesty to board the Dragon Rim, inspect the islands, and spread grace!"

As soon as Ao Long heard it, he heard the voice of the political minister, that is, he has not been on Four Seasons Island in the past few years, and the people can only see him from stories or news, and now he needs to patrol the five islands to win over the hearts of the people, which can be regarded as consolidating the imperial power, although Ao Long does not mind, but he knows that this act can indeed shorten the distance between him and the people, so he did not refuse.

I saw Ao Long wave his hand, change into his dragon king suit, Pingtian crown, Gon dragon robe, and lotus silk steps, and then took Monet's hand, saw Olbia behind the three ministers, and pulled the dragon chariot together.

At first, Olbia was embarrassed, but Ao Long said directly, I miss you so much in the past few years, and I want to stay with you for a while, so I persuaded her.

Then the three ministers were behind Long Yuan, and Luo and Kella opened the way in front, and the emperor-like procession began.

Along the way, the people of Four Seasons Island were able to admire Ao Long's face, and in the face of the excited people, Ao Long naturally would not be stingy with his spiritual power.

At Ao Long's suggestion, the Four Seasons Island has now built a fast track around the island, even so, the whole inspection has passed a day, but fortunately, everyone is not an ordinary person, this fatigue is nothing.

The dinner was held in the royal palace, and a table full of delicacies was prepared according to Olbia's orders. It was held in the Qinzheng Hall to the east of the palace, and the three ruling ministers, plus other important subjects, all participated in the banquet, and Luo and Kella were naturally among them.

Today, Luo's eyes were wide open, and he could feel the heartfelt love and support of the subjects of Four Seasons Island for Ao Long, this Canglong King was indeed an excellent ruler as the legend goes, very tolerant of his subordinates and subjects, and fierce to his enemies.

More importantly, this is a king with brains, means, force value, and foundation, and following him will definitely be able to realize his dream and overthrow the world government.

"Olbia, did Robin say when he will be back?"

Ao Long asked Olbia next to him, he knew that Olbia was in contact with Robin.

"She said that she recently learned a piece of news about the historical text, and she won't come back for the time being, since you know that there is a historical text on the empty island, you can help her bring it back when the time comes, so she won't rush back."

"This girl, are you still angry with me? After all these years, she doesn't want me? "

Ao Long felt a sense of frustration and used the historical text to attract Robin, but she still didn't come back.

"Don't worry, she's not angry, she told me that she misses you very much, but she has her own dreams and wants to achieve them, if possible, she hopes that you will accompany her to realize her dreams when the time comes!"

Olbiya looked at Ao Long with a smile, now Olbia can't see the appearance of being in her thirties at all, she looks like she is in her early twenties, with a perfect figure, delicate skin, long black hair and natural shawl, and Monet on one side is like a pair of sisters, which adds a lot of style to the whole banquet.

In the evening, after the banquet, in the royal palace, in the bathing pool specially built by Olbia, Olbia and Monet accompanied Ao Long and soaked in the hot springs together.

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