PS thanks for the reminder vote in 1990, thank you very much!

The blue sea is always so calm under the shroud of the dragon flag, looking from afar, there are some seabirds soaring at low altitude, on the deck of the canglong, Ao Long once again lived the life of a landlord, and the only long-term worker Luo did both sailor's work and lookout's work.

Fortunately, Ao Long taught him a new exercise method, that is, let him lie in the seawater pool and work hard to control his body, strengthen his control over the body through the cultivation of the "Nine Grades of King Kong Jue", and gradually realize the problem of paralysis and weakness when the ability is encountered by the sea, although the effect is very small, but Luo found that the efficiency of running the "Nine Grades of King Kong Jue" in that state is particularly high, so he takes a bath under the guard of Kella every day in his spare time!

On this day, in the first half of the Great Voyage, on the way to Gaya Island, Luo suddenly found that there was a pirate group in front of him, and he didn't avoid the Canglong, Luo was very surprised, and of course he reported to Ao Long as soon as possible. You must know that since this voyage, Ao Long's dragon flag has been hoisted high, and the past pirates will take the initiative to retreat when they see his dragon flag, you must know that Ao Long's combat effectiveness at this time has been well known to everyone with his legendary story, although everyone may not know what he looks like, but his dragon flag is too recognizable.

This is also the reason why Ao Long has been arriving on Gaya Island smoothly since he left Nine Snake Island, because there is no idea that any pirates who are not long-sighted will dare to beat him, which has made Monet and Kerra say that they are bored recently.

Ao Long got up and looked at the pirate ship in the distance, the pirate flag hanging on it was actually a skull in the shape of a chef, as if he had thought of something funny, Ao Long turned around and smiled and said to everyone:

"How about I take everyone to eat something delicious? During this time, I always eat my own craft, and I also need to change my taste! "

"Okay, has the young master found out where there is something delicious?"

Monet on the side heard that there was something to do, and he was also very happy to divert his attention, you must know that a long voyage is still very boring, fortunately, Ao Long invented playing cards, and the three of them fought the landlord together, or they could pass the time a little, but it was not interesting to play too much.

Instead, Luo looked at the pirate ship thoughtfully, and it was he who told Ao Long that he had found a pirate ship, and Ao Long made the decision, which means that the destination is likely to be the pirate ship in front.

"Luo, turn the rudder, puff up the sails, we will catch up with the pirate ship in front of us with all our might, and today's lunch has been settled."

"Ah, are we going to plunder that pirate ship today?"

Kella asked in surprise, didn't she say that the Canglong was just an adventure group, not a pirate group? I'm not going to rob it.

On the watchtower of the Chef Pirates in front, someone soon spotted the Canglong chasing from afar.

"Oh no, Captain Tetsuo, a ship is chasing us, and it seems to be showing signs of fighting!"

The crew of this chef pirate group also reported the situation to his Redfoot Tetsuo for the first time, and Redfoot Tetsuo's strength is still very strong, and he is not afraid of ordinary pirates at all.

Tetsuo below was working on his new dish in the kitchen, it was a sea king caught from the Great Voyage in the morning, Tetsuo felt that the meat of this sea king was delicious, and was about to make a meat steak when he heard the report of his men.

"Don't you know how stupid it is to interrupt a chef while he's researching a new dish? Since we want to fight our Chef Pirates, let's take up arms and have a good fight, let those pirates know that the Chef Pirates are powerful, spread our prestige, and then we can recruit more pirates with excellent cooking skills as our partners! "

Tetsuo walked out of the cabin, while giving the order to prepare for battle, you must know that there are not many people who can enter the great passage and finally retreat, and Tetsuo happens to be the captain of the pirate group with such ability. The only one known to be a captain as a chef and form a group of pirates, he is known as Tetsuo Redfoot because he used his kicking skills to dye his feet red during his early years as a pirate.

It's a pity that the 13 can't be, and before Tetsuo Redfoot's battle horn sounded, the crew on the watchtower trembled and came with the latest news;

"Oh no, Captain Tetsuo, I saw a flag on that ship, and it didn't seem to be a pirate flag, but a dragon flag!"

Tetsuo paused at his feet, and thought to himself, it shouldn't be the big man, why bother with his little chef.

"Do you see what color that dragon flag is?"

Hurry up and confirm the identity of the opponent as soon as possible, if you can, you must definitely let the other party walk around without eating, but unfortunately the result is destined to disappoint him.

"It seems to be... Be... A dragon banner .... Oh my God, it's actually the crown of the dragon who is chasing us, what should we do, do we want to be arrested? Captain Tetsuo! "

Seeing the dragon flag hanging on Ao Long's ship clearly, the lookout naturally reacted immediately, although he couldn't understand why the legendary characters appeared in this sea area, but it didn't prevent him from warning Tetsuo at the first time, and the other chef crew members also panicked when they heard that the dragon king's car, the dragon was chasing the chef pirates.

"Why.... Why is it against us, I, Tetsuo, have never been afraid of any opponent since he broke out of the title of Red Feet, but today's one is definitely not something I can fight, so what is that legendary pirate group chasing me for..."

But no matter what it was for, it seemed that running for their lives had become everyone's consensus at this moment, and without Tetsuo's orders, the ships of the Chef Pirates quickly turned around under the control of skilled crews, trying to escape from the pursuit of the Canglong. It's a pity that the Canglong gave up other more performance, just for speed, so it is basically impossible to escape Ao Long's pursuit at this time.

Looking at the Canglong getting closer and closer, the Chef Pirates have fallen into a state of panic, although Ao Long himself has a good reputation, but who knows how many truths are buried on the sea, especially these vicious pirates.

Don't think that this is a group of pirates composed of chefs and think that they are very kind, they just leave food for the victims when they are plundering, and the status of food in their hearts is high, and for the looted people, the chef pirates will not let each other starve.

It's a pity that after they have robbed the treasure, even if they stay on the ship's food, how long will others be able to support it. Therefore, these pirates thought that this legendary king wanted to eliminate harm for the people on a whim today.

Ao Long on the Canglong looked at the Chef Pirates who were close at hand, and directly dodged and flew onto the deck of the Chef Pirates.

"You.... It is.... Respectful.... The Dragon King... Crowned? "

Looking at the frightened trembling of the crew, Red-footed Tetsuo looked at Ao Long silently, without saying a word, he is not a soft-footed person, he will not see that the other party is strong and will bow his knees to curry favor, the big deal is to fight, and if he loses, it is just to block his own life, Tetsuo had this realization on the day he went to sea.

Ao Long looked at Tetsuo who was conspicuous in the crowd, after all, his calm aura and burly body made Tetsuo stand out.

"I heard that you are a very good cook, don't you know that my crew and I can have a meal at your place?"

All the Chef Pirate crew members were surprised, could it be that His Majesty had spent so much energy chasing after him before, just to be able to eat a meal?

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