In the night breeze, in the hometown of O'Hara, in Capone Becky's elaborate castle, in an artificial hot spring pool, Ao Long is bathing.

Everyone drank a lot tonight, and it happened that Monet said that he wanted to soak in the hot springs, and then everyone came over together as a matter of course.

"Hey, Bonnie, why are you hiding so far? Isn't it very bold when you just drank it? Why is it cowardly at this time? "

Dusty was a little shy, but in the comparison of Guina, the left swordsman was out, and she, the right swordsman, naturally refused to admit defeat, so she mustered up the courage to stay by Ao Long's side.

Feeling her strangeness, coupled with the strength of the alcohol she had drunk before, Bonnie felt like she was starting to feel dizzy.

However, Ao Long gave her a really good feeling during this time, both a sense of security, but also very considerate and gentle, and the most important thing is that she is strong, people on the sea worship the strong, when she didn't see Ao Long, Bonnie admired the Dragon King very much, and now she feels good when she is in close contact.

Thinking about things, Bonnie didn't have time to worry about anything else

Guina and Dusty, who helped Ao Long pinch his legs, noticed the changes in Ao Long for the first time, and their little hearts were like running into a wild deer, crashing around.

The hot spring pond is surrounded by gorgeous curtains, and Ao Longzhu is naturally the top floor of the castle, and the moon and stars are scarce, and the atmosphere is strong.

It is a good description of the state at this time.

The night wind struck, the wine swelled, and the dark clouds in the sky just drifted by, blocking the bright moonlight, and Ao Long finally fulfilled a girl's dream like a white radish like a white radish.

Youth is poetry, and there are many traceless dreams in one night.

In this way, Ao Long lived a shameless life in O'Hara for a month, and also participated in the training and patrol of the Zhenxi Army from time to time, without waiting for the golden lion that Becky said, and the entire West Sea did not seem to find any trace of him, Ao Long used the cause and effect compass to find it, and found that the golden lion man should no longer be in the West Sea, so he decided to enter the next plan.

The five Devil Fruits he got from Capenbecky were all good, namely the Nature-based Golden Fruit, the Gargoyle, the Hail Fruit, and the Forest Fruit, as well as a Superhuman Vision Fruit.

Coupled with the Thunder Fruit and Burning Fruit in Ao Long's hand, the five elements are basically complete, which should make the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven go one step further.

Speaking of which, the strength of the One Piece world Ao Long has never understood, if this is a low-martial world, but it has such a thing as a devil fruit that directly invokes the power of the law.

Not to mention the superhuman and animal fruits, which natural fruit is not equivalent to a rule of heaven and earth, the potential is strong, and it is placed in a cultivation world, this is the innate spiritual root.

Even if it is Da Luo Jinxian, he has to snatch something that breaks his head, and the technological development of the pirate world is also very distorted.

It is said that even intelligent robots can be explained, but it is still the era of sailboats.

It can only be said that the unique geographical environment makes the technology tree in this world a little crooked.

So Ao Long crossed the windless belt directly from the West Sea and returned to Canghai County, and now Fish-Man Island has developed into an important commercial town, and in addition to the soldiers of Fish-Man Island, there are more shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The neat military appearance seems to warn the secret agents who come and go at all times that the Dragon King is not so easy to mess with, and if you are not absolutely sure, it is best not to act rashly.

This is the purpose of Ao Long, to start to develop quietly, to let the world government know that these forces like the beggar gang are just ringworm scabies, but when this is the force all out of the banner of Ao Long, it will be a powerful combination punch.

After staying in Canghai County for a month and dealing with related affairs, Ao Long set off again, and when he passed by the Chambord Islands, he remembered Luo who was still on the empty island, and then directly asked Luo to report to Reilly, and the increase in strength was urgent.

In the end, he went straight to the empty island, and after settling down everyone's affairs, he threw Anilu a copy of "Five Thunder Rectification", and Ao Long entered retreat.

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