Above the White Sea, there is a storm cloud, like a hornet's nest floating above the Golden Township of the Island of the Gods, and now, from directly below the Four Seasons Island, the original waterway for the turtle immortals to enter and exit has been guided by the bridge built by the floating clouds of the White Sea, just like a giant marshmallow inserted in the White Sea, the people of the Sky Island and the people of the Four Seasons Island rely on this waterway to communicate, and a straw made of a cloud directly penetrates the triple heavens.

Bonnie is the first time to the Sky Island, Dusty and Guina are also the first time, looking at the beautiful scenery of the Sky Island, as well as the Sky Island people with the wings of the elder angels, the three girls are surprised, and the accompanying Fisher Tiger and some of the Fish-Man Praetorian Guards led by him are also eye-opening, they can't imagine that there are other oceans in the sky above the ocean.

This fish-man Praetorian Guard was specially dispatched by Ao Long from the Canghai Kingdom this time, and it was time to strengthen the integration and interconnection of his forces.

Under the leadership of Ao Long, everyone was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, and it was strange to see everything.

This is 10,000 meters above Qinghai, and because it is very close to the sun, moon and stars, the sky is very blue and the aura is abundant. Breathing in the sea breeze with a different taste from Qinghai, Ao Long released a lot of fish-people and mermaids from the dragon bead cave sky, which was a good opportunity to promote racial exchanges and bloodline fusion.

Under the governance of Ao Long, well, in fact, under the care of the three ruling ministers, the economy of the empty island prospered rapidly, and the most commendable thing is that the life has diversified, the original empty island because of the scarcity of land resources, mainly relying on shell resources, life is only in a state of self-sufficiency.

It was the breaking of Ao Long that brought about great changes in the whole island, first of all, the diversification of resources, which led to the diversification of side hustles, and then the informatization of entertainment, which led to the enrichment of life.

In the past few hundred years, the people of the sky island have basically lived a traditional life of sunrise and sunset, and they know nothing about the information and technology of Qinghai, but the scientific and technological development of Four Seasons Island has been at the forefront of Qinghai, so the popularity of telephones and laptops, the rise of the entertainment industry, and the interpretation of various stories have made the people of the sky island feel that their current life is more colorful than the original.

So I slowly recognized Ao Long from the bottom of my heart, coupled with the propaganda of various brainwashing TV and movies, so that the hearts of the people of the empty island buried the concept of how great Ao Long is, how heroic the concept is, these people of the empty island originally did not have a strong sense of resistance, so that the propaganda slowly developed into the people.

For Four Seasons Island, it is now a holy city-like existence, and many places have been developed into places to live, which can refer to the metropolis in "Zootopia". Not only the people of the empty island yearn for the Four Seasons Island, but also the people of the West Sea yearn for the Four Seasons Island, especially those who have participated in the training and study on the Four Seasons Island, and bring the beauty of the Four Seasons Island back to their hometown, which is like going to the capital of a country, which broadens their horizons and boosts their spirits.

Isn't that how the sense of belonging comes from? So Ao Long came into being and set up a flagpole in front of the palace square on Four Seasons Island, and let the Praetorian Guards be responsible for the flag-raising ceremony every day, which really attracted many people to worship.

Nowadays, the people who are loyal to Ao Long in the West Sea can apply to immigrate to the empty island after layers of tests, and the empty island can also apply to the West Sea if they yearn for land life, and those who yearn for marine life can apply to go to the sea country and yearn for a sunny life, such as Princess Otohime can apply to immigrate to the empty island. The daughter country is also thriving under the funding of Ao Long, and the mother-in-law has always been happy to say that Hancock has found a good man.

The strict household registration system can effectively identify spies, and the layers of checkpoints have eliminated secret agents, which is the net that Ao Long has pulled up over the years, with a three-legged three-legged combination of sea, land and air, and complementary advantages and resources.

The navy contacted Ao Long many times, hoping to buy his airship technology, but unfortunately Ao Long didn't even sell them the finished airship, and the navy was helpless about it, after all, they were only the navy, not the air force, but for this matter, it seemed that the world government was making some small moves, and Ao Long also felt a breath of mountain rain coming and the wind was full of buildings.

This is also this time after he hurriedly deployed the relevant resources, he hurried back to the empty island, to enter the state of retreat, only to improve his strength, can not be afraid of the Warring States and Karp, although he did not fight directly last time, but he can feel that his strength will not exceed Karp too much, if you add the five old stars, I don't know if he has to stop eating now.

The country of the dragon is the Ao Long regime with the Four Seasons Island as the core, and the subordinate forces include the Four Seasons Island Country, the Sky Island, some island countries in the West Sea, and the Canghai Country (the original Mermaid Island and Water Capital), and the daughter country is also counted, plus the beggar gang rudder all over the Great Channel.

Specialty treasures include: the energy spar of Four Seasons Island, which can be used as energy power and can also promote the improvement of people's cultivation; a variety of shellfish from the sky island; the abundant natural resources of the West Sea; Fish-Man Island's characteristic underwater resources such as water sword grass and so on.

Shellfish collection can be relied on by fishmen and mermaids to increase shellfish production, of course, with sustainability in mind.

Returning to the Four Seasons Island Country, a bell tower was built on the side of the gate of the royal palace, and according to the rules of morning bells and dusk drums, there will be a bell ringer in charge every day.

Back at the palace, Ao Long summoned the three ruling ministers, and communicated with the three of them about the political shortcomings he had seen along the way, and then settled Fisher Tiger, or as the commander of the Praetorian Guard, guarding the palace, you must know that the strength of Tiger is now close to that of a general, and he can be regarded as a master on Four Seasons Island.

As for the three auxiliary ministers, they are old monsters who have lived for five hundred years, and their strength is unfathomable, and it is estimated that they are no worse than the existence of the five old stars.

After finishing official business, it is naturally a private matter.

In Ao Long's dormitory, I saw Ao Long awkwardly introducing to Olbia:

"Olbia, this is Joelly Boni, and she will also be your sister in the future, Monet, you have known each other for a long time, these two are my left sword servant Guina and right sword squire Dusty."

"It seems that every time Your Majesty comes back from an outing, he will bring back some surprises for Olbia, and Kella is getting more and more beautiful as she grows..."

It seems that if there is something to say, Olbia pulled Kella, and also introduced it to Guina and others, although she didn't say it, but Olbia must still be jealous, but she is a woman who takes the overall situation into account and has a culture, plus she is the oldest, so she plays the position of everyone's eldest sister.

Monet has no opinions, Bonnie naturally doesn't have any opinions, Guina and Dusty are both swordsmen, so naturally they won't have any opinions.

"In the next period of time, I may enter a long state of retreat, and I have a plan I don't know if you would like to hear it."

Looking at the women in the palace, Ao Long never regarded them as vases, whether it was Monet or Olbia, they occupied a relatively large proportion of his life and career.

Needless to say, Olbia's propaganda and intelligence analysis are basically shoulder-to-shoulder, while Monet is in the role of uploading and reminding various tasks.

Dusty and Guina are still growing, so is Kerra and Joelle Boni.

"I don't know what your plans are, let's tell them and listen to them."

The most polite thing to be with Ao Long is naturally the man's style of Boni, directly said that he listened first and then decided whether to do it or not, during this period of time after the development of Ao Long, Boni's growth rate seems to have accelerated a little, it is already a style, looking at the forest side into a peak, the distance and the height are different.

"I'm in retreat on the Isle of Four Seasons, and you don't have to do anything about safety, and during this time, both Olbia and Monet have restricted your pace because of me, and I want you all to travel to Qinghai, and in the Chambord Islands, there is a beggar gang in Salon, and I have found two teachers for you, and you take Luo and Anilu to study together. If you get permission from your teacher, you can also form a team and go out on the sea together, and maybe even make a name for yourself. "

Ao Long had a hunch that this retreat would not end in a few years, so why not let the women out and have their own experiences, the sea is so wonderful, it is a waste of resources to always tie people to your side. Anyway, with Sharon, Reilly, and Xia Qi in charge, nothing will happen.

"Okay, okay, I've wanted to form a pirate group for a long time, it's called the Bonnie Pirates, this time, I'm the captain, and I'll take everyone to find the treasure!!"

When Bonnie heard this suggestion, she felt that it was very much in her favor, and it was clear that she had chosen to ignore the request for them to practice.

"Is it Uncle Reilly and Aunt Xia Qi?"

Only Monet was more aware of the affairs of the Chambord Islands, so he asked directly.

"Yes, that's them, Reilly turned out to be the deputy captain of One Piece Roger's ship, and Xia Qi was also a female pirate who was able to let Karp chase all over the world twenty years ago, so you go and learn from the two of them this time."

"Okay, let's go there!"

When Olbia heard that he was learning from these two legends, he naturally agreed.

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