In the seven years of Ao Long's retreat, the Canghai Kingdom has not stopped developing, and the powerful shrimp soldiers and crab generals have each supported 100,000 troops, and the population of the mermaid and mermaid tribes has also doubled.

Under the common development of many water tribes, the city of water capital is already a city full of buildings, day and night. All kinds of shops are dotted on the streets, and all kinds of industries are also thriving, and the fish people, mermaids, other aquariums, and water demons come and go on the streets, with a wide variety of types, calm and calm, which is the confidence and sense of belonging to this country, the powerful Yulin Army, and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals all provide a sense of security for the people of Canghai Country!

On the original Fish-Man Island, the underwater forest has been developed into an amusement park, the children of Fish-Man Island can play without going to the Chambord Islands, the original town has been built into major business circles, and many of the aborigines of Fish-Man Island have moved to other underwater cities, and Fish-Man Island has become an international exchange city!

"Hancock, come, try this sugar gourd, this is the fruit of the hawthorn tree, sweet and sour "four ninety-three"! "

Ao Long bought a string of rock sugar gourds, of course, these Chinese foods were introduced and invented by him, and today's night market is really both ancient and modern!

"Thank you, Lord Aolong, the concubine is so moved!"

Hancock on the side bit off a sugar gourd, and his happy eyebrows jumped.

"Young master, I want it too!"

Monet, who was in the back, saw the two of them showing affection there, and immediately began to coquettish Dafa.

"Okay, all of you! Come on, come on, one for each person! "

It turned out that Ao Long, who was on Fish-Man Island, traveled with all the beauties, after all, it was impossible to stay in the Crystal Palace all the time.

A month later, Luo finally arrived at Fish-Man Island to join Ao Long and the others.

"Young master, it turns out that the person you have been waiting for is Luo!? Just tell me no."

Monet has been waiting to go to Dressrosa to rescue his fellow villagers, you must know that although the original Dressrosa is not rich, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and the king can be regarded as poor and happy under the rule of the king!

"Hehe, Luo's situation is quite special, and this time it can be regarded as part of fulfilling the original promise to him!"

Ao Long touched Monet's hair and comforted, everywhere in Xia Qi's extortion, Monet was also present.

Three days later, on the Dragon, Ao Long took Hancock and Monet's daughters on the way to Dressrosa, at this time Punk Hazard was still under the rule of the world government, Caesar's experiment failure had not yet happened, and the duel between Pheasant and Akainu had not yet happened, so it was not an island of ice and fire.

Ao Long has no intention of challenging the authority of the world government, after all, he is not idle to go around fighting fires every day.

Dressrosa is a tropical island with resort customs, known as the "Land of Love and Toys".

Because Doflamingo's high-ranking cadre Sucrose is a childlike devil fruit ability, it can make the person who touches it become a toy that the capable person wants, and the type and style of the toy that becomes is completely determined by the preference of the capable person. For example, it is possible to turn the target into a doll or an animal doll.

However, the goal of being turned into a toy is proportional to the height before it was turned into a toy. Persons who are related to the target of the toy (e.g., relatives or others) will lose "all" memories of the object they have ever been with.

The target is denied the ability to speak and think independently while in a toy state, but the body has been controlled by Sucrose and made a pact not to harm humans, work for the Don Quixote family, or fight to the death.

After Don Quixote Doflamingo overthrew the power of the Liku royal family, he was ordered by Don Quixote Doflamin to turn more than half of the inhabitants of Dressrosa into toys, and Dogo issued a decree separating humans from toys to control the minds of the inhabitants of Dressrosa.

The coast near Dressrosa has a large number of mushroom rocks, and Don Quixote Doflamingo, a member of the Seven Martial Seas, set up a factory to make artificial animal-based devil fruits, and ruled the entire kingdom.

Before, Ao Long let Olbia expose part of the truth about Dressrosa's crimes, which were suppressed by Doflamingo and the world government, anyway, the people of Dressrosa are now richer than before, and those people have also lost their memories of the toy people, so they will naturally believe Doflamingo's explanation!

If it is proven that Dressrosa's sins will inevitably lead to a war, this war not only means that a Seven Martial Seas will be defeated, but also means that the entire new world will be subverted, a huge world war is inevitable, behind Doflamingo is a huge dark market and most of the buyers behind it are monsters belonging to the New World or the king of a certain country.

So Ao Long's plan this time is to disrupt the new world, Whitebeard is still there, the four emperors of the new world are in power, and the navy is united to the outside world, which is very bad, at least not for Ao Long's plan!

So in the Four Seasons Island, Ao Long did not hesitate to kill the beast Kaido, which can be regarded as one of the four missing, if the sea knows that the position of the Four Emperors is vacant, it will be fun!

However, in order not to let the navy fishermen benefit, they have to find something to do for the Warring States, otherwise Ao Long will probably make a wedding dress for the navy after finally killing the beast Kaido!

The autumn wind rises at the end of Qingping!

A Dressrosa can cause a typhoon in the New World, and it can greatly damage the prestige of the world government and navy, so Ao Long is going to uncover this pot!

Stepping into the port of Dressrosa, there are many pirate ships coming and going, but Ao Long knows that the real big head is the dark pier under the palace of Dressrosa....

There's a Smile Factory, which is a factory for making artificial animal-based Devil Fruits.

"Monet, although this is your hometown, a lot of changes have taken place here, maybe Luo knows more about it! This time, let Luo Xian take everyone to have a good look! "

After getting off the Dragon, Ao Long is going to take a good look at Dressrosa before doing something, after all, after the war, it is unknown how many buildings remain, and Doflamingo's line fruit is very destructive!

"Your Majesty, I still think it might be easier to go to Punk Hazard to arrest Caesar first, and let Doflamingo come into line!"

After being a general in Zhennan for a few years, Luo's thinking mode has become more strategic, but Ao Long doesn't need it.

There is a way of fighting called horizontal pushing, with Ao Long's current strength, there is no need for those intrigues, Caesar, is just a small person, Ao Long is not uncommon to his skills, even the original first shipbuilder Tom, Ao Long did not change his fate, because there is no need.

"Luo, don't think so much, just be your own guide and take everyone to enjoy the Colosseum and the hot dance in Dressrosa!"

Ao Long didn't explain much, he had his battle plan, and people standing in different positions naturally saw different things.

There is no good feeling for the people of 2.4 Resrosa, although it is said that the people are ignorant and easy to be bewitched, but at the time when King Liku was manipulated, none of the people suspected his evil deeds, and they all thought that it was the cruelty of King Liku, and it had to be said that the people of this country were not very loyal.

You must know that the image was also damaged by the conspiracy of the Seven Martial Seas under the king, and Vivi's father Kobra has always been convinced that he is a good king!

Only a lack of faith can collapse overnight, so Ao Long went to Dressrosa to think more about his interests.

"Wait, we seem to have met an old friend, let's go, Hancock, let's catch up together!"

Hancock followed Ao Long's gaze and saw a tall man with curly hair and a dark blue shirt in a white suit vest and dark blue shirt on the street of Dressrosa!

"Pheasant... Kuzan! "

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