"Pheasant, I haven't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Ao Long took the girls forward, and took the initiative to greet the pheasant enthusiastically, you must know that among the three admirals of the navy, he is a little more pleasing to the pheasant, and the red dog Sakasky is the spokesperson of the five old stars in the navy, and his personality is extreme. The yellow ape is too slippery and can produce seven points of force, but it will never produce eight points of force.

The most important thing is that the shining fruit of the yellow ape, Ao Long, has always coveted it.

"Ahh It's Ao Long, are you here for a vacation? "

It's a vacation now, and the pheasant's impression of Ao Long has always been good, so it can be said that the two of them have known each other since Ao Long's debut!

And along the way, in addition to the threat to the world government caused by the O'Hara incident, whether it is the Mary Joya incident or the Canghai State incident, it is either really in line with the people's will, or it has already shown its strength, which makes the world government jealous.

Therefore, the attitude of the navy towards Ao Long at this time was very unclear, because it was not ready for a large-scale war, and the Navy Headquarters never doubted that Ao Long had the ability to start a war.

"Yes, take my wives to this land of love and dance, what about you? Admiral Pheasant, who appeared on the streets of Dressrosa, frowned, seemed to be preoccupied! "

Ao Long took Hancock and Olbia's hands and said to the pheasant with a smile.

I saw the pheasant Kuzan's eyebrows twitch, and he said in surprise:

"If I'm not mistaken, this is Han Cook, the empress of the Seven Martial Seas, is she also your wife?"

You must know that His Majesty Qiwuhai has been to the Navy Headquarters for a meeting, and the pheasant and Hancock have naturally dealt with each other, and he naturally understands this beautiful and powerful Qiwuhai.

"That's right, Lord Ao Long is a man with a concubine! Shouldn't the pheasant general send his blessings? "

Hancock on the side hugged Ao Long's arm shyly, and he didn't care if the two snowy mountains were squeezed out, and looked at Ao Long happily and said.

"Eh, Ao Long, King Canglong, I really admire you a little bit now! Bless you both, but if you two stir up a bloody storm on the sea, I will not be able to bear it as a navyman! "

As an admiral who has fought with Ao Long many times, Pheasant knows very well that Ao Long's strength is definitely better than that of the Admiral, and if he and Hancock join forces to make any moves, it is definitely not a trivial matter.

The pheasant decided to report this matter to the Warring States as soon as possible. You must know that Ao Long and Hancock are not lone rangers, behind Ao Long there is Canghai Kingdom, and behind Hancock there is Nine Snake Island, both of which are not easy people.

In addition, the pheasant learned that Salon's beggar gang was inextricably linked with Ao Long, and Saron was rescued by Ao Long at the beginning, if there is no connection between the two, the pheasant will never believe it!

Since Saron reappeared in the sea and established the Beggar Gang, the reputation has been very good, and there are no criminal acts, and there are even many righteous acts, such as adopting orphans and supporting widows, which is why the pheasant has been sheltering the beggars intentionally or unintentionally.

"Actually, there is another reason why I went here this time, the tragedy behind Dressrosa, I don't know if you have heard of it~?"

Ao Long seemed to have inadvertently chatted about it.

Sure enough, I saw Kuzan Pheasant's pupils. The body rose up with his own momentum, stared at Ao Long and said:

"The Navy has refuted the rumors on this matter, you are a person who has a number of people on the sea, and you should know the truth that gossip should not be believed."

You must know that although the pheasant himself has not found evidence, after the revelation of the last navigation daily, he still found a lot of clues, such as the infamy of the Kaku clan, the female swordsman named Rebecca in the Colosseum!

But even if the truth is like the Navigation Daily, this scandal can only rot in the belly of the navy, and it cannot be announced to the public!

"Don't be nervous, I also know that rumors stop at the wise, but my secretary Monet is from Dressrosa, and happened to accompany her to her hometown, and you say that it would be better if I found something by the way?"

Seemingly unfazed by the tension created by the pheasant, Ao Long continued:

"Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for many years, and you said you were going to find your justice in the navy, but I don't know what you're looking for? My promise is still valid! "

"Hmph, you don't have to worry about this, I will definitely let the justice of the navy spread all over the sea, and when the time comes, those pirates will have nothing to hide!"

Speaking of this, it is the pain of the pheasant, over the years, he has experienced countless battles of all sizes, and not every battle meets his standards of justice, such as the one that organized the Ao Long War to liberate slaves.

There are too many sins in the navy that cannot be punished, and there are too many constraints that make him so disappointed, which is why he likes to float and sleep on the ocean when he has nothing to do, at least without touching the dirty affairs between the navy and the world government.

It can only be said that over the years, within the scope of Qing Pheasant's authority, he has tried his best to fulfill his commitment to justice.

"Okay, okay, we're old friends, let's go, I'll treat you to a drink!"

Pulling the pheasant, Ao Long is ready to talk to him about his friendship, you must know that with Ao Long's poisonous eyes, he can't see that the pheasant has a big opinion on the navy in the matter of Dressrosa.

Pulled the pheasant to find a hotel, and let a table of wine and food be served in a hula.

"Come on, Dressrosa's dishes are still very distinctive, let me tell you, it is said that these vegetables and plants are taken care of by a small human race, because they are small, so they can take care of all kinds of plants very carefully, and they can now be enslaved by Doflamingo, and it is said that they are planting an evil fruit!"

As he spoke, Ao Long gave Hancock and Olbia a a dish, glancing at the pheasant, intentionally or unintentionally.

"Thank you, Lord Aolong, the concubine is so touched!" Feeling Ao Long's meticulous care, Hancock shed tears of happiness.

"Lord Ao Long, is there really a small human race in this world? I've heard of the Giants, but I really haven't heard of this Villain. "

Dusty opened her lovely eyes and looked at Ao Long with a wink, as if she was very interested in the Lilliputians, and Guina on the side also stopped eating, curiously waiting for Ao Long's answer.

Bonnie on the side didn't seem to have any interest in these Lilliputians and Dressrosa's affairs, and focused on food.

"Ao Long, don't talk nonsense about things without evidence, and don't make things up if there are villains or something."

The pheasant took a sip of wine and said softly to Ao Long. If you want to say that the pheasant's two hobbies, one is sleeping, and the other is wine, Ao Long invited him to drink is still very appetizing to him!

"Moses Moses, I am Sengoku! Pheasant, where are you now? I've received a tip-off that someone has seen Ao Long, the king of the dragons, at the docks in Dressrosa, so go and find out what his purpose is! "

Just when Ao Long was about to answer, the phone bug in the pheasant's hand suddenly rang, and after connecting, the phone bug that became the appearance of the Warring States came out with a new mission for the Warring States, which happened to be aimed at Ao Long!

"Marshal, I'm drinking with Ao Long!"

The pheasant replied calmly to the phone bug, as if it was normal for an admiral to eat and drink with a world criminal.

"What? Well, since the Dragon King is also present, then I will ask directly, what are you going to do when you run to Dressrosa this time?! What is the purpose of farming! "

The Warring States on the phone bug's side deserved to be a wise general, and immediately adjusted his mentality and directly asked Ao Long's purpose!

"Ahh Marshal of the Warring States, I'm Ao Long, and I didn't have any purpose for coming here this time, just to take Hancock around for a honeymoon! "

Ao Long leaned back in his chair and said lazily to the phone bug!

"What?! You spent your honeymoon with Empress Han Cook?!? "

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