For the gargoyle's recruitment, Ao Long is not in a hurry for a while, and one mountain does not tolerate two tigers, unless there is a male and a female.

During this time, let the gargoyle and Klockdahl have a good time in the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, anyway, it will be limited to a small area, and there will be no storms.

Looking at the situation on the field, Ao Long knew that it was almost there, and directly dodged to the side of the grass sword that was fighting with Robin, and as soon as the dust went down, the grass sword lost the power to resist, and then turned into a little law power and integrated into the dragon bead cave sky.

looked at the navies brought by Vice Admiral Cha Dolphin, and they were basically stripped of their ability to resist by the fruit of Bonnie's age, and were slaughtered by the Praetorian Guard.

"Princess Otohime, hehe, since you have many sons, you shouldn't care if you lose one or two, it's enough to teach you a profound lesson!!"

I saw that Ao Long put the two spears under his feet, and directly broke the spear out, and the two iron spears were like arrows off the string, and finally directly submerged into the chest of the shark star and the emperor star.

"Don't!! Shark Star !! "

Princess Otohime watched from afar as her eldest son, Shark Star, had just slashed the sword of a Praetorian Guard, when he was skewered into a skewer by an iron spear that flew sideways, and was stuck in the air, and his eyes were about to split.

At this moment, she was extremely remorseful, she had lived a good life, and the lives of the clansmen were also very happy and stable under the improvement of Ao Long, and then look at the present, the corpses are all over the field, and the ruins are broken, these are all caused by her ambitions, or dreams.

"No, there's the Imperial Star, what about the Imperial Star...."

At this moment, Princess Otohime had just turned back with a frightened countenance, when she found that once again a spear flew directly from her back and passed through the imperial star, and then her second son slowly fell down from the sky.

"Don't..... I... Wrong..... up..."

Princess Otohime was going crazy, and desperately crawled to the side of Shark Star and Huangxing, hoping that what she saw just now was an illusion, but the hideous death of her two sons in front of her told her that she had just witnessed the death of her two sons.


Princess Otohime, who has always been dignified, is crazy at this moment, all the imperial hegemony has become a dream bubble, and even her son is gone, so what is there to talk about seeking power and inheriting the heirs.

Ao Long didn't look at Princess Otohime, Princess Otohime at this time didn't deserve his mercy even if she was miserable, and the betrayer couldn't wash away the shame even with blood.

"Peach Rabbit, since you sent it to the door yourself this time, don't leave again!!"

Ao Long directly appeared beside Peach Rabbit, grabbed her long sword between two fingers, and said softly.

"You... It's you whore!! I'll just say how could you not show up for such a big thing, it turns out that you have a different face!! "

Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit was very sure that the Taoist in front of him was Ao Long.

"When this big event happened, I didn't plan to go back when I came out, didn't you ask Smoker to bring me something to marry me?"

Peach Rabbit put away her long sword and said very arrogantly, it seems that she is serious.

Monet, who was on the side, rolled his eyes when he heard Peach Rabbit say this.

"I know you two have a situation!!"

"Hmph, besides, my subordinates are loyal to me, and they didn't participate in the battle just now, you can't hurt them!"

At this time, Peach Rabbit pointed to the navy she brought behind her, you must know that she is a goddess-level existence under her subordinates, so her subordinates are very supportive of her, and if the relationship is good, naturally she can't bear to see them slaughtered by Ao Long.

"Don't worry, I just happen to have a place that needs to be replenished with the population, so let them go!"

After saying that, Ao Long waved his sleeves and put all the people under Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit into the Dragon Bead Cave Tianzhong, of course, near the sea.

"It's time for this to be over! Since the world government can't tolerate me so much, let me crush him! "

Ao Long looked at the crystal palace in front of him and said directly to Monet.

"Inform Shrimp A and Shrimp B, take the Praetorian Guards to Fish-Man Island to protect the Fish-Man who are willing to migrate with us into the water capital, and then let Han Cook and them directly cooperate with Crab A and Crab B to solve the navy of Fish-Man Island!!"

Ao Long decided to make a mobile artillery battery and directly kill the foundation of the world government piece by piece.

Ao Long flew to Princess Otohime's side, and at this time, Princess Otohime was stupidly holding the body of her son Huangxing, and a spear next to her was hanging the corpse of Shark Star.

"Forget it, since you want Fish-Man Island so much, I'll leave it to you!!"

I saw Ao Long fly to the sky above the Crystal Palace, his left hand turned into the size of the sky, and grabbed directly at the Crystal Palace, and the majestic Crystal Palace shrank magically, and gradually flew to Ao Long's hand.

In order to establish a foundation, Ao Long refined this crystal palace by refining magic weapons, and also left the function of washing and upgrading the power of wish and luck, and over the years, this crystal palace has become a rare treasure.

The women who greeted themselves directly, all of them were included in the Dragon Bead Cave Heaven, Ao Long didn't look at Princess Otohime, anyway, the main body of the water capital is the Crystal Palace, after the Crystal Palace is taken away, the spiritual power shield above the water capital will collapse after not long to support, and all the accumulation of Canghai Country over the years is in the Crystal Palace, and those people also live in the Crystal Palace.

It can be said that Ao Long's salary is drawn from the bottom of the kettle, and what is left for Princess Otohime and the world government is an empty city under the sea... of the city base.

With his women and men, Ao Long is ready to take matters into his own hands.

At this time, on Fish-Man Island, under the hunt of Hancock, Guina, and Dusty, the agents of CP8 were basically killed.

"Sister Hancock, let's go and help those two crabs get rid of all those navies!"

Guina said to Hancock that today's fight made her feel that her swordsmanship had been well tempered, and if she could rest assured that she could cultivate for a while after this incident was over, she would definitely be able to break through again.

"Well, this time, these people from the World Government have no way back, and they dare to bully Brother Ao Long!! Let them taste the sharpness of the long sword in Dusty's hand!! “

Dusty playfully followed.

On the square of Fish-Man Island, the navy and the army led by Crab A and Crab B are inseparable, and Virgo and Ghost Spider are also on a par with the two commanders of Crab A and Crab B.

"Hmph, I didn't expect that this Ao Long's subordinates are really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and the two crabs actually have the strength of a lieutenant general!"

After the ghost spider slashed off the crab armor, he said self-deprecatingly.

You must know that he is a vice admiral who has been famous in the Navy for many years, and he can't solve a crab-led shrimp soldier crab general for half a day, and the ghost spider feels that there is nothing more shameful than this.

"Hmph, what's wrong with the crab, the crab is also better than you, never underestimate our aquarium!! Under the leadership of our king, the world government or something will eventually be trampled under our feet!! "

The carapace of the crab shell was jet black, and it looked like a hundred-year-old King Kong, I saw him open his crab claws, directly clamp the long sword of the ghost spider tightly, and then another pincer cut the neck of the ghost spider fiercely, this move is a bit like the long scissors of the South China Sea crocodile god in "Tianlong".

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