"Little crab, do you think you can be arrogant by holding me with a knife? I don't know if you've ever heard of the name of the general!! "

In the face of the attack of the crab shell, the ghost spider did not seem to be worried at all, but said with interest.

"Isn't it just a spider? Haha, anyway, in my crab armor's hands, you can become a dead spider with peace of mind!! "

The crab claws of the crab shell carry a strong wind, and this bite force is definitely not weaker than a cannonball.

"Boom !!"

But just when the crab armor thought that he could win, seven swords stretched out from the lieutenant general robe of the ghost spider, and slashed at the base of the crab armor's pincers in a continuous manner.


The joint part is definitely one of the crab's weak points, and there is no doubt that the ghost spider has been hiding clumsy, just waiting for the moment when the crab armor is paralyzed and careless, and wants to kill with one blow.

Crab Armor endured the pain of his broken arm, rolled forward directly, and hid in a pile of navy.

"Little crab, do you think you're still running away!??"

I saw that Vice Admiral Ghost Spider was like having eight hands, wielding eight knives, and pushed it sideways unscrupulously, and he didn't even look at the navy in front of him, and directly hacked them to death with several knives.

"I didn't expect the vice admiral of the Navy to be so cruel and murderous, and he didn't have any mercy when he killed his own men!"

Crab Jia knew that he had lost Zuo Ao at this time, and he would definitely not be able to stop the eight swords of the ghost spider, and wanted to delay time through the cover of the navy.

"Hmph, for the just cause of the navy, these sacrifices are worth it, as long as I kill you, it will be regarded as revenge for them!!"

The ghost spider had a cold face, not caring about the changing faces of the subordinates around him after hearing his words.

These navies actually know a lot about the reputation of the ghost spider, this is a typical hawk navy, although it is a student of the legendary naval coach Zefa, but it is indeed an extremist, and he can kill his own men without scruples in the execution of the mission, to reduce the difficulty of the mission.

Now those navies are blocked by crab armor as a self-defense shield, and the ghost spider is naturally unscrupulous, in his dictionary, as long as the goal can be achieved, it is not very normal to die a little person.

"Wow, Guyna, look, that navy is actually an eight-knife stream, it's very interesting, I'm going to help that crab!!"

Dusty seems to have discovered a new continent, you must know that her horizontal sword technique can use sword qi that traverses all directions, but after all, it is still very different from the real Eight Sword Flow.

"Hmph, since you use a sword, you are naturally my opponent, do you think you can win me if you rob it? Hundred Steps Flying Sword !! "

As soon as Guina saw that the only person who used a sword in the field was a ghost spider, she naturally wouldn't let go of such a good opponent, so she directly used her signature swordsmanship.

I saw that Guina directly threw out her Qingluan sword, like a long rainbow running through the sun, carrying the sound of wind and thunder, and Guina, who was advancing in parallel with the Qingluan sword, integrated her sword intent into this move, pointing directly at the throat of the ghost spider.

"Huh? There are kendo powerhouses!! "

The ghost spider felt a pain in his throat, as if it was a premonition of the strong, and directly gave up the crab armor, wielding the eight swords in his hand to form a sword web, blocking the supreme move of the ghost valley sword technique that Gu Yina stabbed directly.

I saw that under Gu Yina's sword, the eight swords of the ghost spider formed a star web, and the overlapping parts blocked his throat in front of him, so as to avoid the end of being filled with sword qi, but there were still traces of stabbing with sword intent on the throat of the ghost spider.

"But, Guina, your swordsmanship is much stronger, but mine is not weak, look at my horizontal swordsmanship!!"

I saw Dusty holding his fire phoenix sword tightly, and it seemed that it was a clone, attacking the ghost spider from the four directions of the ghost spider, southeast, northwest, and north, and it seemed that it was all attacked by a shadow.

This is Dusty's recent research across the Quartet, compared with the Crossing Eight Directions, each afterimage has a certain attack ability, Ao Long gave Dusty the knowledge that in the end, the eight clones directly evolved across the Eight Directions, and the natural power of eight people with the same strength is more than just one plus one.

"What a woman!! You are the pair of ghost valley double beads under Ao Long's hands!! How can a woman's swordsmanship be so strong, are all those rumors true!! "

After blocking Dusty's attack in embarrassment, the ghost spider wiped the blood from his mouth and asked angrily.

For an extreme hawk like the ghost spider, he will never allow himself to lose, let alone lose in the hands of a woman!! The consensus in the One Piece world is that the strength of female swordsmen will not be stronger than that of men, this is an iron law, even if it is the king of the Seven Martial Seas, Han Cook is only a fruit with strong ability.

"It seems that he is another swordsman who looks down on women, so let you sober up!! Playing the sword and singing, heaven and earth moving!! "

Guina hates others for discriminating against women and not being able to become a great swordsman, and when she heard the ghost spider say this, she was furious.

Directly flicked away several long swords of the ghost spider with strong finger power, and then rose in the air, slashed at the head of the ghost spider's middle door.

"Bang!! Bang!! Bang!! "

I saw the ghost spider take out a gun from his long navy robes, and shoot directly at Guina at such a close distance.

"Guina, be careful!!"

At the critical moment, Dusty found out early, and directly blocked in front of Guina with a horizontal step, and used his fire phoenix sword to slash the bullets.

"Damn ghost spider, you've pissed us off!!"

Guina also broke out in a cold sweat, and looked at Dusty again, although she slashed a few bullets, she was still hit in the shoulder by a bullet, and her white samurai robe was stained with blood.

This time the ghost spider touched the hornet's nest, although Guina and Dusty are usually more serious, but the two are actually like sisters, seeing Dusty injured in order to save herself, Gouina broke out!!

"Look at my 100-step flying sword again!!"

At this moment, he was angry, although the ghost spider escaped the vital point, he was directly cut off an arm by Guina, but the crazy woman was unreasonable, and Guina's hundred-step flying sword moved one move after another, regardless of the loss.

"Guina, if you hurt me, let me take revenge!! Across the !! "

Although he was injured, the ghost spider at this time was also stabbed by Guina, so when Dusty used to cross the eight directions, and the eight phantoms surrounded him, he couldn't tell which one was real and which one was fake, and finally he was directly cut off by Dusty's fire phoenix sword The six swords and six spider legs behind him were directly cut off.

"Now, look at how you still use your Eight Knife Flow!! Die to this swordman!! "

Dusty said hatefully, the injury on his shoulder was really painful.

"The last move is handed over to me, the hundred-step flying sword !!"

Taking advantage of the gap between the ghost spider's six spider legs being cut off by Dusty's traverse, Guina's Qingluan Sword Bearer's fierce sword intent directly pierced the ghost spider's throat, and his powerful defense was vulnerable under the sword intent.

In this way, the vice admiral who came with the tea dolphin and the ghost spider who escorted Ace in the original book died under the joint efforts of Guina and Dusty.

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