Thank you for the abundant and multi-sprinkled flowers!

The Devil's Delta, shrouded in a terrifying fog all the year round, can be said to be a chaotic area of magnetic fields, and even experienced navigators can get lost here, this is a large sea area, like the geographical entrance to this world, and more than a hundred ships get lost here every year.

Due to his concealment, Moonlight Moria, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, chose to hide here. The island stands in the Magic Triangle, and its true face is the "Terror Three-Masted", a huge sailing ship from the Western Sea, with a skull with the leader Moria's flaming hair and a pair of flaming bat wings, and the front door resembling a giant mouth that specializes in catching passing ships.

Of course, even Moriah can only be on the periphery, and does not dare to go deeper, the power of heaven and earth here is terrifying, it seems to be like a monster that chooses people to devour.

Moonlight Moria, the "Shadow Fruit" ability, is a shadow man, who has the ability to take the shadows of others. Possess an oversized pair of scissors in order to cut out other people's shadows and place them in corpses, forming zombies with the abilities of their original owners, but the Devil Fruit abilities cannot be transferred to zombies; The original owner of the shadow who was taken away would have completely disappeared if he had been exposed to the sun, so he could only live in a place where he did not see the light of day. In addition, he can swap himself with a shadow.

In the past, Moria was also a pirate who was confident in his own strength and had the courage to chase his dreams like Luffy now, but once in a battle in the "New World", Moria was defeated by Kaido, one of the current "Four Emperors". Convinced that "if you live, you will lose", Moria sailed the dreaded three-masted sailing ship into the foggy waters 10 years ago, and began to build her own zombie army with the genius surgeon Hogubak.

The Straw Hat Pirates and their entourage left the Seven Cities of Water on the route to Fish-Man Island, entered the territory of the Seven Martial Seas Moonlight Moriah, and met Brooke who had eaten the fruit of the Yellow Springs and was reborn at sea, Luffy was very happy to let Brooke join the Straw Hat Pirates, because Luffy had long wanted a musician to join.

But Brooke left the ship because the shadow was taken away by Moria, Nami Choba Usobu accidentally arrived on the three-masted ship, and Luffy went to the rescue, but Moria was helpless, and the shadows of Sanji, Kirby, Zoro, and Luffy were cut off by Moria, and Moria put Luffy's shadow into the body of Oz to resurrect Oz.

The Straw Hat One Piece Regiment fought hard with Oz except for Luffy, but the bloodline of the Ozna Demon gave him a strong physique, coupled with Luffy's ability combination, he directly swept away the other Straw Hat Members.

Bartholomy Bear happened to be on the island because he was delivering the news of the new Seven Martial Seas to Moonlight Moria.

"Looks like you're idle, huh?"

Just as Xiong was comfortably drinking coffee and watching Luffy on the field fight because he absorbed 100 shadows, a very gentle voice suddenly came from behind.

"If you travel, where do you want to go?"

The bear's alertness is very high, and when the voice comes to mind, he is behind the man in a black robe who covers his face, and is ready to use his fame to make this sudden person travel.

Bartholomy Bear, one of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty, is now a revolutionary army lurking in the World Government, a superhuman meat ball fruit, with cat-like pads in his palms that can bounce through anything, including tiredness and pain, and can also bounce air at the speed of light into a palm-shaped shockwave that continuously pierces objects.

"If I travel, how about I go to the office of the five old stars first?"

Ao Long said mischievously, as if it was amusing to see the stunned expression on the bear's face.

"Since you don't choose, then I'll help you choose a location!!"

Sensing that the person in front of him was not easy to entangle, Xiong shot directly, but unfortunately, as his flesh ball fruit ability bounced on the man in front of him in a black cloak, he did not move at all.

"How is that possible? Even if he is in my flesh ball fruit ability, it is impossible for him to be motionless!! "

This time Xiong was really surprised, you must know that his meat ball can bounce the sky and the air, and he actually lost for the first time.

"Surprised? The person you're talking about is Dorag, his strength is a little worse than mine, naturally not as good as me!! "

Ao Long's mention of Dorag seemed to mean a very ordinary subordinate tone, which puzzled Bartholomy Bear.

"Who the hell are you? What's the purpose of coming here!? "

Knowing that the person in front of him was not something he could bounce off, the bear regained his composure again.

"What, don't try anymore? I'd like to see your air bombs? "

To be honest, Ao Long is really a little interested in Xiong's extremely compressed air bomb, but unfortunately Xiong is now a very stable revolutionary, and he is no longer the arrogant and arrogant tyrant of the past.

"It's really boring, Dorag is still very good at bringing people, I heard that you brought news of the new Seven Martial Seas to Moria, can you tell me about it?"

Taking off the hat of the cloak, Bartholomy Bear finally saw the appearance of the person in front of him clearly, who else could it be if it was not the Dragon King Ao Long.

"It's you, I didn't expect you to show up here, is it for the Straw Hats?"

Xiong said in surprise.

"No, or not alone!"

"And what is the purpose of your visit?"

"Let's talk about your news first, the purpose of my trip is likely to have a lot to do with your news!"

Ao Long smiled, although he was not sure, but it was very likely that the bear conveyed the news.

"After Klockdahl was killed by you, his position in the Seven Martial Seas was favored by Blackbeard, and he captured Ace, the captain of Whitebeard's second team, some time ago, and then used this as a vote to get the position of the new Seven Martial Seas!"

Sure enough, it's news about Blackbeard Titch and Fire Fist Ace, it seems that it's really timely, and it's time for many things to close the net.

"Then the navy's handling of Ace should also come out."

Ao Long speculated that it was very likely that he would be executed in public according to the original book, because the navy had been forced into a corner by Ao Long, and the navy urgently needed a major event that shocked the world to wash the ground and re-establish its majesty, both in terms of reputation and prestige.

And because of Ao Long's butterfly effect, this event was obviously advanced, and the pirates in the New World were more rampant than in the original book, so Ao Long believed that it would be a good show, but he took pity on his cheap apprentice.

"Well, after research, the Navy Headquarters and the Five Old Stars have decided that Ace will be executed in public in a month, and it will be broadcast live on the whole network!!"

Bartholomy Bear said incomprehensibly, he didn't know what Ace had to do with Ao Long.

"Well, my purpose this time is to see if I can subdue Moonlight Moria, if he doesn't give in, I'll get rid of him, and the other purpose is you, I don't think you're suitable to continue to lurk in Poincarbec, compared to his research results, I need you more!"

Ao Long looked at Bartholomy Bear with blazing eyes, at this time Ao Long definitely didn't want Bear to cooperate with that Poonga Baker to successfully develop that super weapon, this is an enemy behavior.

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