
Xiong asked in surprise, because he didn't think he was anything special.

"Hahaha, you must know that the human body is the largest treasure in the world, don't give it up easily for the so-called research, when you lose your mind, the bear will really disappear!"

Ao Long has always felt that Xiong is a type of person with faith, for pirates or enemies, he is still the tyrant, looking at his behavior in the original book, you know that he doesn't have much compassion for those people, but he has firmly become a revolutionary army, so this should be a very calm person, for his own purposes can hide himself deeply.

The main thing is that Ao Long's big plan is about to begin, and Xiong can be regarded as a fierce general!

"Spring breeze and rain trick !!"

Without waiting for Bartholomy Bear to react, Ao Long directly hit him with a light of life.

"What is this...."

Out of his understanding of the Dragon King, Bartholomy Bear did not resist violently, and let the green light of life spread on him.

Crunch squeak ....

In an instant, the bear stiffened, and I saw all kinds of screws, steel, and circuits squeezed out of his clothes....

"It seems that this Vegapunk has really changed a lot of parts for you, and it's almost replaced from the neck down, tsk, look at these steel thighs, next door to steel, it's really.... Vulnerable! "

Ao Long watched the bear directly to the ground, and the drive composed of a bunch of parts was all discharged by Ao Long's spring breeze and rain, only to see that the skeletal muscles of the bear began to grow from the neck down, and then the impurities in the dough were squeezed out.


Xiong was really surprised, although it was a decision he had made a long time ago to dedicate himself to technology, but at this moment, seeing his flesh and blood reborn, it would be false to say that he was not excited, not to mention that this kind of rebirth of a severed limb made him think a lot.

As a sleeper, Xiong has always been sensitive to intelligence, and he knows that the Golden Lion, one of the Four Emperors of the New World, originally lost both legs, and later returned to the top after recovery.

There is also the red-haired Shanks's severed left arm, which has been rumored to have healed recently, and his strength has reached a higher level, which puts a lot of pressure on the navy, after all, the greater the power of the pirates, the more difficult it will be to arrest them in the future.

At this moment, Bartholomy Bear felt a sense of awe in his heart for the titular leader of the Dragon King, who was not only a powerful lord, but also a master with mysterious means.

This world is not afraid of your strength, because there will be stronger than you, I am afraid that you are mysterious, all kinds of means are endless, and you never know which one is your last hole card.

"Alright, let's go see Moonlight Moria!"

Ao Long saw Moonlight Moria, who had been defeated by Luffy in the field, and jumped directly in front of him.

"Moonlight Moria, it's really miserable, how do you feel about being forced to this level by a newcomer?"

After a spring breeze, Moria woke up, looking at the bear and Ao Long who appeared in front of him, his head was still confused, but he could still hear the mockery in Ao Long's words.

At this time, the Ao Long was right in front of Bartholomy Bear, and it happened to be covered, so Nami and the others found the bear at the first time, but they didn't find the blocked Ao Dragon.

"Suffered.... Meet with.... Oops, there's something I forgot to tell you! "

Nami looked at the bear's back, and she was nervous and speechless.

"What's the matter, Nami-san!?"

Sanji responded to the call of the beauty as soon as possible, and the others also looked at her, only Chopper was in the emergency rescue Luffy, and because he swallowed too many shadows to fight with Moria, he was left with too many dark wounds in his rubber body, and he is still unconscious.

"That's... That person was Bartholomy Bear of the Seven Martial Seas!! "

Nami pointed to the bear's back and said, the news took everyone by surprise.

"What, it took so hard to kill a king of the Seven Martial Seas, and it turned out to be another !!"

Usopp felt that he was going crazy, Moonlight Moria had left his entire Straw Hat Pirates half-crippled, and now there was no way to survive a tyrant with a much more fame.

Meanwhile, on one of the pirate ships of the Great Passage, a frantic crew member screamed.

"It's back, it's back, my shadow is back, Moriah is defeated!! Captain, Moria has been defeated, and our shadows are back!! "

His captain was seen lying among a pile of wine bottles, looking decadent and depressed.

"What are you making all the fuss about, don't hide in the shadows yet, be careful that you kid turns into ashes, since our shadow was taken away by Moria, we don't dare to appear in the sun again!!"

The decadent captain threw a bottle at the crew's head and muttered.

"No, Captain, we're not afraid of the sun anymore, we're all back to normal, Moria is defeated!"

The crew didn't mind the blood being smashed out of their heads, and none of this could stop his excitement, knowing that he was really fed up with this life of not seeing the sun today, and was ready to understand himself in the sun, only to find that his shadow had actually returned.

"How so? How could Moria be defeated, that is.... Is that your shadow? "

The captain, who didn't believe it, suddenly found that under the sunlight, the shadow of the crew was long reflected on the deck, and he was instantly stunned.

In the next second, he ran to the deck with a bottle of wine like crazy, soaking up the sun, feeling his shadow and the warmth on his body.

"Boys, Moonlight Moria has been defeated, our shadows are back, and today we have a banquet to celebrate!!"

At the same time, in the East Sea, the West Sea, the South Sea, the North Sea, and everywhere else in the world, there are people who have been restored by Moria's shadow, cheering, celebrating that Moriah has been reached, and that their dark days are finally over.

At this time, Moria had woken up leisurely.

"Bartholomy Bear, did you come to see my jokes?"

Moria didn't know Ao Long, so she naturally talked directly to the bear behind Ao Long.

"No, it's not me looking for you, it's him looking for you. However, Moria, you really threw yourself into the face of the Seven Martial Seas of His Majesty this time, and the World Government has already ordered me to get rid of you, but I need to wait until after that battle is over! "

Xiong calmly pointed at Ao Long, and then said something that made Moria grit his teeth, the result of this kind of failure to be wiped out was unexpected to him, you must know that he is the oldest in the Seven Martial Seas, and one of the original Seven Martial Seas, he knows that the identity of the Seven Martial Seas has given him great convenience.

The point is a small failure, the world government is actually going to kill him!!

Originally, this task was handed over to Doflamingo in the original book, but now that Doflamingo died at the hands of Ao Long, this task was actually handed over to the bear.

"So, who are you?"

Moonlight Moria stared at Ao Long tightly, the fierce aura that chose people to devour came to the surface, it was obvious that Moria would not sit still!!

"King Canglong, Ao Long!!"

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