Thank you for your praise and encouragement and flower support, thank you!! //

"Robin is 10 years old, and he is getting more and more beautiful, so it's okay to be my princess in the future!"

In the midst of everyone's celebrations, Robin is a year older, perhaps because he didn't wander around in his childhood, and now Robin is more lively and cheerful. Faced with Ao Long's teasing, the precocious Robin ran over directly with a red face, stepped on Ao Long's kick fiercely, and quickly ran away.

"Well, it depends on how Brother Ao Long behaves as a princess for Brother Ao Long!"

"Okay, since you want me to behave, then I'll perform well."

"Hahahaha... You're chasing me... If you catch up, I'll be your princess, hahaha..."

Looking at Robin, who was chasing after Ao Long in the Royal Garden of Four Seasons Island with a silver bell-like laughter, I don't know why Olbia began to feel a little envious in his heart, envying that the girl who was being chased was himself.

"Oh, how can I think that, I'm Robin's mother."

Since the last time she was bumped into by Ao Long in the bath, Olbia's heart seems to have a strange wave, and it seems that she has returned to the years before Robin was born, the age of chasing love.

Of course, the most important thing is that all three of them live in the palace, live together, and live for nearly two years, getting along day and night. Although Nicole Olbia is now thirty years old, under the practice of "Eternal Youth", her skin is getting better and better, but it gives people a more youthful feeling.

"Hey, big man, how about you go and practice your hands?" Capenbecki has also changed a lot in the past two years, the belly of the original underworld boss has now become a hard muscle, and the development of the castle fruit is not very advanced, and he can fight with Saron, of course, he will definitely not be able to beat Saron.

"Becky, it looks like you haven't eaten enough of my Iron Fist."

Saron turned out to be a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and now he has a stronger body after the "Nine Grades of King Kong Jue", he has a particularly deep understanding of King Kong, and combined with his own strength, he also created a set of King Kong boxing, which can basically achieve both strength and speed, and it can be said that it is a fist to the flesh in Becky's competition.

"Your Majesty, there is a joy, and the minister has a great joy to report to you!"

"Uh... Lord Han Bing, there are happy events, there are happy events, don't say that I am happy. By the way, what the hell is going on?"

"Your Majesty explained that the 'mobile phone' researched by the Ministry of Science and Technology based on the telephone bug has finally succeeded, and through the giant telephone bug on Four Seasons Island as the signal base station, it can already cover the entire West China Sea, and can receive and transmit signals without barriers."

"Oh, is it really happening? You guys are just so good. "

In order to set up his own information department, Ao Long began to order two years ago that the science and technology department of Four Seasons Island would develop mobile phones and computers.

In fact, the world of One Piece has a certain film and television foundation, and it can be monitored and broadcast through phone bugs, which shows that there is such a thing as TV. It's just that no one is developing for the convenience of mobile phones and computers, and it may also be because of the existence of phone bugs that cause the technology tree to be crooked. After Ao Long exchanged a bunch of finished mobile phones and computers through the exchange point, as well as related technical information, the local scientists of Four Seasons Island finally studied them in combination with phone bugs.

"Looks like our plan can start, let's go, let's go and see the effect."

After arriving at the research base, Ao Long found that mobile phones and computers with modern painting styles are basically not much different from modern ones in use, and the difference is only in application.

"Okay, let's have one for each person in the future, and there is no need to promote it for the time being. Based on this communication, the people of our Four Seasons Island system can effectively avoid being tapped on key information. "

"There is also the matter of transportation, it may be a little difficult to develop an airplane now, but it should not be difficult for an airship, with the help of samples, I think you should be able to quickly combine energy crystals to develop a stable airship, and then it will be the day when the prestige of Four Seasons Island will spread to Qinghai."

"Your Majesty's will will be carried out, and Your Majesty's decision will be carried out!"

It's good to have a group of loyal and capable subordinates, but it's a pity that there are still too few talents.

"Becky, the weapon system and the fortification of your castle should have been upgraded, right?"

"My lord, at present, my weapon level can withstand a naval warship, and it is far beyond the ordinary warship. The fortification of the castle has also been greatly improved, and even if Saron attacks with all his strength, it can withstand it for a while. "

"Well, your development direction is a mobile military fortress, where you can set up a base, an arsenal with high offensive and defensive capabilities. Now that your strength has reached this level, and the weapon level of Four Seasons Island has also been improved, you can start the Arsenal Project, and you will be responsible for this matter. "

"Okay, my lord, I will definitely build an arsenal to provide firepower support for the lord to unify the sea."

In the following time, Ao Long began to write books while practicing. Writing, or plagiarizing, books about the Dragon Emperor are respectively "The Collection of Sayings of the Dragon Emperor", which mixes some ideas from the Analects, the Bible, and Capital; The Dragon Emperor's Neijing mainly includes some herbology and traditional Chinese medicine.

In the One Piece world, order collapses, and if you want to reformulate order, you need to have an overall thought, a direction to strive for, a program of action, and a clear banner. And that's what Ao Long is doing now, first let the mind penetrate, and then conquer by force. The other is related to the people's plan, no matter which side of the position, they will never refuse medicine, let alone a complete medical system.

Perhaps Ao Long just thought of this method for the sake of the great cause, but he didn't realize what kind of storm his two books would set off again after the past two years of "the Dragon Emperor ascended to the pole and the world was in harmony".

This is a new cultural movement, an ideological frenzy that has swept the world of One Piece, and a god-making movement.

Although no one knew who the Dragon Emperor was and who ruled where, his ideas began to take root.

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