A year later, in 1503, Capenbergi's arsenal was fully operational.

Four Seasons Island also has a new means of transportation, airships, airships that can pass through storm clouds. Of course, it is currently a strategic control tool, and ordinary people can only take Qinghai after passing the assessment.

The standard is absolute loyalty to the Four Seasons Island, absolute loyalty to Ao Long, and absolute character passing, and then you can spread the prestige of the Dragon Emperor like a missionary.

Similarly, Carpenbecky's cultivation has also been promoted to the level of a major general, and he can be on his own, and the cultivation method of domineering is recorded in the royal palace of Four Seasons Island, and everyone has cultivated accordingly, but because of strength, only Saron is good at arming and domineering, while Carpenbecky is good at seeing and hearing domineering, and the others are close to nothing.

"Becky, you went to the West Sea for three purposes, one is to promote our civilian version of the mobile phone, the other is to sell weapons to those rebels who are fighting against violence, and the third is to promote the prestige of the dragon god. You can control the specific operation method yourself, and contact you when you can't make up your mind. "

"Okay, lord, I will definitely build up the Pingxi Army according to your instructions and pull up an excellent team for you."

A group of people held a farewell banquet, and Becky filled his castle fruit with supplies and went to the West Sea, and from then on, he was a nail buried in the West Sea before Ao Long started a major counteroffensive, and an eye in the West Sea was inserted into the market, through arms trading, and eyeliner was planted, supporting pro-dragon doctrine, and slowly eroding the foundation of the world government.

"Salong, the armed color domineering you mastered, coupled with the fact that your strength has also been greatly enhanced, should reach the combat level of a general."

"Telai hee-hee-hee-hee... This is all thanks to Ao Long's exercises and resources, with the supply of Four Seasons Island, I can cultivate unscrupulously, and I can improve so quickly. "

"I'm going to let you go to Qinghai to set up an organization, the name is the Beggar Gang, and the purpose is that there are no beggars in the world. Now Qinghai is full of oppression, uprisings, wars, resulting in a lot of displaced people and orphans, these are caused by the world government, we can't let these orphans and displaced people end up becoming murderous criminals, so you go and form a beggar gang and do the world with chivalry. "

"Sounds like a lot like the justice of the navy?"

"This is different from the navy, which is organized and has a fixed base, but we obviously can't do that, but you can develop more rudders, so that everyone's information can flow, and avoid being surrounded by the world government. When the time comes, you may face up to the government army, and although you have the strength, you will inevitably be besieged. I'll teach you another set of palm techniques and stick techniques, these two sets of exercises are for your protection, and they will be used as methods for the town gang in the future."

"Telai hehehehe..., I don't know what kind of palm and stick method it is? What's the effect?"

"The palm method is called the eighteen palms of the dragon, and the stick method is called the dog stick method. In the future, we must cultivate good seedlings well, and dig out more talents for our cause, and these two sets of exercises can also be taught appropriately. "

"Righteousness in the world, is it unparalleled? Okay, I'll take care of that. "

"Well, here's one of my thoughts on the basic structure of the Beggar Gang, you can take a look. It is divided into four halls, namely the Good Hall, which is responsible for adopting orphans, displaced people, and doing good deeds; Dharma Hall, which is responsible for training newcomers and teaching martial arts; The battle hall is responsible for foreign wars, righteous deeds, and chivalrous fame; The evil hall is responsible for rewarding the good and punishing the evil, and punishing the internal and external. I am the leader of the beggar gang, and you are the leader of the gang. "

"What does this leader mean? What does this gang leader mean? "

"The leader is the meaning of the head and leader, and the leader of the gang is the meaning of a group of leaders, and when the time comes, you will take care of the specific affairs of the beggar gang, but you must ensure the loyalty and faith of the gang to me."

"Well, I see, your architecture is already clear. Where will the headquarters be located then? "

"The current headquarters is located in... You ask Becky to help you get a ship, it's mobile, and the headquarters will be mobile in the future, and there's a phone to contact anyway. On the islands of the Great Voyage it is possible to build rudders. When the time comes, your main area of development will be the Great Route. "

"yes, I see."

It took half a year for Salong to master the eighteen palms of the divine dragon and the dog-beating stick method, and every time he palmed out, his spiritual power had condensed into a golden divine dragon's wave shadow, which was mighty, coupled with the burly body, it had a feeling of Qiao Feng.

"Hee-hee-hee... Ao Long, why are you looking at me like that..."

"Robin, come and see Saron, do you think something is missing?"

"What's missing? There's nothing missing, his clothes and shoes are all there, and the trunk of the tree is a little shabby..."

"The trunk ... That's right, the dog beater!! I didn't think of that. Robin is so smart, come on, come on. "


Robin, who is already 11 years old, has begun to emerge, and there is no obstacle to Ao Long and her intimacy from time to time.

Instructed the Ministry of Science and Technology to use high-grade cyan spar mixed with other steel and other metals to tailor a dog-beating stick for Salong, and later Ao Long had a whimsical idea to exchange it through the system to add two runes of size Ruyi and stainless steel to the dog-beating stick like Four Seasons Island, and the Ruyi dog-beating stick came into being.

The new Ruyi Dog Stick is green and transparent, because it is made of spar doping, the energy conductivity is very strong, coupled with the cool function of the size of Ruyi, even the bold Saron is excited and can't put it down.

Robin looked very envious and clamored for one, Ao Long would not let her be a beggar woman, and later carefully designed a sword with an emerald green carved phoenix, named Qingluan, Robin was very happy after receiving this gift. However, Ao Long also customized a fiery red sword for Olbia, which was also carefully crafted and named Huofeng. At first, Olbia was pleasantly surprised, but in the end, he refused to ask for it, and it was Robin who helped persuade him to make Olbia's next gift.

Since then, Olbia often sits quietly in a daze alone with the Fire Phoenix Sword, and sometimes flips through the two masterpieces of Ao Long Cottage and admires with emotion. An independent and self-reliant woman is most likely to have admiration for these two great books full of knowledge.

No matter what world you are in, talented and powerful men are not liked by girls, even if they are a little older. The mating principle of any race shows that only if you are good enough can you attract the eyes of the opposite sex.

Oppressing a group of people and intimidating a small country may be enough with top-notch force, but if you want to change the world, you must stir up a new wave of ideas, which is a movement, a Renaissance change.

Newcomers and new books, ask for support, ask for praise, ask for flowers!!

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