Facing the dragon is obviously a great challenge, not to mention that among these dwarves, some are toy workers, some are miners, some are blacksmiths, and there are only three dwarven warriors, and they are still old warriors.

Although Bilbo and Ao Long joined, everyone's mood was still very heavy, after all, there were a few who could come back alive, and they were not sure at all.

The flames of the fireplace in Bilbo's house were dancing freely, and Thorin Oakshield, the king of the lonely mountain, who had lost the mountain, took the lead and began to chant their war song.

Over the cold, misty mountains...

Go to the deep ancient cave rock...

We must leave before dawn...

Retrieving our long-lost gold...

The pine waves roar on the top of the mountains....

The night wind wails like a heartstring...

The scarlet flames burn endlessly...

Giant trees spread like torches in the mountains and forests...

A deep snort sounded, with a heavy sense of history, and the other dwarves slowly hummed along.

The deep singing echoed in Bilbo's house for a long time, and at this moment, the image of the thirteen dwarves began to magnify in the hobbit's heart, although they were not yet legendary, but they already had the air of heroes.

In the light of the closet fire, the dwarven face looked resolute and resolute, maybe he would never return, then he would never return.

At this moment, Bilbo Baggins was suddenly a little glad that Ao Long had agreed to it, and he felt that joining such an expedition would definitely become a proud legend for his life.

The next morning, the expedition to the lonely mountain really set out on the journey, and Bilbo climbed aboard a small mare with difficulty, but fortunately with Ao Long to help him, nothing happened to him.

"Ahh Pander to... Sneezing"

Obviously, the first time you go out, the first time you ride a horse, halfling people are allergic to horse hair, life is like this, when you embark on an unexpected journey with a hot head, you want to turn back but find that you are far from the starting point.

"What's wrong? Bilbo, did you get sick just after you set off? "

The dwarf said with a smile, as if poking fun at Bilbo's emaciated physique.

"No... No, no... I'm just allergic to horsehair, no, my handkerchief has fallen off, I'm going back to find my handkerchief!! "

When Bilbo tried to wipe his face, he realized that he had forgotten to bring his little handkerchief, and it was clear that he was not used to going out for the first time.

"You have to learn to go out and forget a lot of things until the end of this journey!! Bilbo Baggins! "

Gandalf the Grey Wizard is like a didactic teacher who guides Bilbo on his outdoor journey.

"Here, Bilbo, I happen to have a handkerchief with me, and I think that if I am careful enough, I can make myself comfortable even if it is an adventure, right? Gandalf! "

Ao Long duly handed Bilbo a clean towel, showing off his extensive adventure experience.

For Ao Long, since the conditions allow, there is no need to deliberately suffer himself.

Gandalf could only watch in amazement as Ao Long took out a pile of fruit from his pocket and threw one away.

"Mr. Ao Long, I have to admire your adventure experience, you are so thoughtful!!"

The old wizard did not refuse Ao Long's kindness, after all, as a 10,000-year-old bachelor, he was still very content to be able to enjoy such comfort.

"But I still have to say that since we set off, there is no turning back from the road under our feet, the Charles is behind us, but our world is ahead!"

As they chatted and exchanged ideas along the way, they got to know each other, and after walking through the lawns and green spaces, over the forests and valleys, the Lonely Mountain Expedition gradually walked out of the quiet and peaceful Hobbit settlement of the Shire.

Night was coming, and the dwarves were snoring so much that Bilbo had to get up and feed his horses the fruit he had hidden, so that he could make a better friendship and make his trip safer.

Gandalf leaned against the rock wall and smoked his tobacco leaves, a habit he learned from Bilbo, smoking when he thought.

Ao Long sat on the top of the cliff, facing the moonlight, meditating quietly, what the dwarves did not notice was that the moonlight above his head seemed to be exceptionally bright around Ao Long, that is, the energy tide was attracted by Ao Long, he was indeed absorbing the energy of the outside world to promote the growth of the Dragon Pearl World.

"Whew.... Whew....."

Suddenly, there was a wolf howl from the opposite mountain forest, and Bilbo hurried back into the crowd.

"What's that....."

He asked fearfully, only a burning bonfire could give him some sense of security.

"Murderer, there's a lot out there... They hide in dark and low places, and come out to attack in the early hours of the morning when people are asleep, fast and quiet, with only blood..."

Thorin's nephew saw Bilbo's frightened appearance and deliberately frightened him, and Gandalf watched quietly as the dwarves played a prank, and it was clear that Bilbo's nervous expression showed that he was indeed frightened.

"Hahaha, you were really bluffed..."

Brother Chili and Brother Fili looked at each other and smiled, as if they were pleased with their prank.

"You guys think that's funny? Or do you think being attacked by orcs at night is a joke? "

The dwarven uncle Thorin asked in an angry tone, looking sternly at the two nephews.

“... We don't mean anything else..."

Faced with the dwarf king's questioning, the two dwarves obediently apologized.

"No, you don't understand anything! You don't know the world!! "

Seemingly dissatisfied with Chili and Filip's answers, Thorin veiled the two of them, walked away with a little anger, walked to the other side of the cliff, stared at the forest opposite, and recalled his unbearable past, under the moonlight, this king seemed so lonely.

"Don't pay attention to him, man, Thorin has more reason to hate orcs than anyone else!!" After the dragons took over the Lonely Mountain, King Thor tried to reclaim the ancient dwarven kingdom of Moria, but our enemies came first, and the orcs took over it, and the leader was the most evil guy of their race, Asog the Blasphemer!!

When King Thor died in that battle, Thorin relied on a piece of oak to fend off Asog's attack and cut off his arm. But the war was so terrible that maybe only a few of us survived...

At that time, I thought, in this world, there may be another king worthy of my follow, and that is Thorin... A dwarf I could still call a king! "

The painful memories were picked up again in the mouths of old Bahrain, and dwarves who did not have history books could only know the stories of what happened from the mouths of their ancestors like old Bahrain. And it is clear that Thorin's heroic deeds were dictated by Balin, and Thorin once again gained the respect of this group of dwarves.

Listening to Bahrain's story, Thorin also recalled the old incident of the bloody battle together, and turned around, his eyes were already full of tears.

The twelve dwarves, who did not know when, got up and stood in front of him with respect, looking at their king with respect.

In fact, Ao Long knew that the orc legion was arranged by Sauron in advance, and it was occupied by the fire demon as early as the beginning, which is also the reason why Moria was abandoned, but unfortunately Thor did not listen to the persuasion of others, so he died at the hands of Asog, otherwise with his people, find a new habitat, maybe the current Thorin is still at ease to be his dwarven prince.

"And then... What happened to Asog? "

Bilbo Baggins is more concerned about the fate of this bad guy.

"He fled back to the original cave, and the scum was dead from his wounds!!"

Thorin replied, judging like a king that his enemy was long gone.

What he didn't know was that in the forest opposite, there happened to be a person who was going to kick his pride!!

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