On the opposite side of the mountain where Ao Long and the others rested was a steep cliff, and although the moonlight shone on the top of the mountain, it was immaculate, but in the darkness of the forest, it was difficult for the hidden enemy to detect.

"Hurry up and report to the master, we've found traces of those dwarven dregs!!"

On top of a fierce dragon sat a hideous-looking orc in simple leather armor, whose cracked face indicated that this was a veteran of the battlefield, and the wolf under the seat was definitely as tall as a horse, and the bared teeth showed a powerful attack power.

This is the pale orc leader of Thorin Oakshield, the blasphemer of Asog, who is considered by Thorin Oakshield to have died of pain, and it is clear that the Lonely Mountain Expedition has become known to the enemy.

For all this, Ao Longdong watched the fire, but he did not remind the dwarves, after all, how could he show his heroic martial arts without suffering a little hardship.

You must know that behind the orcs there is a demigod Sauron, although he is now deeply injured, but the demigod is a demigod after all, he is still very concerned about this kind of big event, and the evil dragon and treasure of the lonely mountain cannot be ignored.

Most crucially, Sauron did not want a united, powerful dwarven empire to re-emerge, and finally tear the dwarves apart, and if Thorin were to be united again, it would be especially detrimental to his dream of ruling Middle-earth.

So Thorin's trip was destined to be bumpy, Ao Long's waist hung his sword in the stone, it seems that after arriving in this realm, this sword in the stone has changed a little, becoming more mysterious and sharp, but the wide blade makes people look more like a stone bar.

Gandalf looked at the hilt of his sword from time to time, and it seemed that the sword seemed familiar.

The next morning, the sky began to rain lightly, and at the level of Ao Long, it was natural that the clouds would be able to stop the rain, but there was no need to be so unsociable.

So the Lonely Mountain Expedition was in the midst of heavy rain, sneaking on horseback, and Gandalf's pipe could not be lit several times.

"Hey, Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about this heavy rain?"

Obviously, in the eyes of the dwarves, wizards should be magical and omnipotent, so they who have become soup chickens finally can't help but speak, it is obvious that the dwarves who live in the mines all year round do not like to travel far on rainy days.

"It's raining, my dwarf, it's going to rain until it's over!" If you want to change the weather, you should find another wizard!! "

The corners of Gandalf's mouth began to twitch again, these dwarves are really a slap in the face.

"Anything else?"

Bilbo asked.


"Other wizards??"

"Yes, there are five more people like me, the most powerful of them is the white-robed Saruman, followed by the two blue-robed wizards, but I've almost forgotten their names!"

"And what about the other one?"

"It's the brown-robed wizard Radagast!"

"Is he a great wizard? Or like you...."

Clearly, Bilbo Baggins was complaining that Gandalf didn't seem to see anything unusual about him except for a few fireworks.

"Ahem, I think he has his own strengths, and each of us wizards has their own specialty! He is now in charge of guarding the vast forest to the east and preventing the invasion of the dark Ones. "

The wise Gandalf apparently understood Bilbo's complaint about him, and pretended not to understand.

Ao Long knew that at this time, the brown-robed wizard Radhagast had discovered the changes in the Eastern Forest, the great spiders of the Second Age had begun to appear, and the necromancer would also return, and Sauron's conspiracy was also quietly unfolding, all of which were the highlights of the Third Age.

The horror of giant spiders is not only their huge size, but also their poison with magical elements, and the dark magic they already carry, so at this time, a large area of animal death has appeared in the Eastern Forest.

"Actually, it's not impossible for you to stop the rain."

At this time, Ao Long suddenly spoke.

"Oh, I don't know what Ao Long-sama can do?"

Thorin Oakshield was also curious about the special skills of this yet-to-be-revealed human.

"This has to start with the formation of rain, water vapor transpiring into clouds, the wind blowing clouds, gathering together, encountering low temperatures, and turning into rain again. So if you want the rain to stop, either continue to cool him down and turn him into snow, or give him a gust of wind and blow the clouds away. "

Obviously, this kind of scientific knowledge of nature made the dwarves feel like they were suddenly sudden.

"Lord Aolong, why do I start to think that you are wiser than the gray-robed wizard Gandalf..."

The dwarf was so honest that he didn't consider Gandalf's darkened face at all, and bluntly praised Ao Long.

"Then I don't know, our Lord Ao Long, is there a way to get a gust of wind, or is there a way to lower the temperature of the entire sky?"

Gandalf thought to himself that it was impossible for an elite wizard to do all of this, let alone a mortal.

But it's not that he can't do it, it's just that there's no need for it, you know that Saruman can cause a blizzard, and Gandalf can be so bad.

"Actually, I know that with Mr. Gandalf's magic, it would be easy to create a strong wind to blow away these clouds, but I happen to want to see the snow, so why don't I cool down!!"

Ao Long patted Gandalf on the back at a very good level, no matter what, it's always bad to embarrass the old man.

Then he saw that Ao Long finally took off his ornate longbow and faced it to the sky, ready to draw the string.

"Lord Aolong, it seems that you don't have any arrows on your bow!"

The dwarven archer, Thorrin's nephew, Chili, graciously handed Ao Long a long arrow.

"Thanks, I don't need arrows for my bow!"

Ao Long rejected Qili's kindness very stinkyly, and in the curious eyes of everyone, he slowly pulled out the longbow, the golden stripes were like a dragon-like coiled bow, which looked noble and elegant, and the pure black bow body had a solemnity and majesty.

"Ice Arrow, go!!"

He shouted a very pretentious slogan in his mouth, and saw that the center of the longbow with gold patterns on a black background suddenly seemed to attract the surrounding rain, and converged into a crystal clear ice arrow, the entire ice arrow was like a dragon, and the tail of the divine dragon was pinched in Ao Long's hand, and the head of the divine dragon turned into an arrow.


In the stunned eyes of the dwarves and Gandalf, the Ice Dragon's arrow burst through the air, then transformed into a huge six-edged snowflake-patterned firework above the dark sky.

I saw that all the rain turned into snowflakes as if it defied common sense, and in this warm spring climate, these snows not only did not melt, but turned the forest into a world covered in silver.

"Suddenly, like a night of spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossoms bloom!! I just love the snow!! "

Putting away the longbow, Ao Long smiled happily.

"Lord Aolong, it's really extraordinary!!"

Gandalf took a deep look at Ao Long, he didn't feel the fluctuation of magic on the magical arrow just now, it was a power he didn't understand.

At this time, Ao Long once again received a wave of respect, and thus established his position in the Lonely Mountain Expedition.

Sometimes the muscles just need to be bright, otherwise Thorin Oak Shield's always hesitant eyes will not be conducive to the development of the follow-up plan.

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