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Gandalf took his magic circle and knocked on the mountain demon that had been turned into a stone statue, and there was a loud bang.

Thorin also smiled when he saw Gandalf's return, after all, having a powerful wizard is still very helpful for the strength of the entire team.

The morning sun was rising, the green light shining on the forest was lush, and the entire Lonely Mountain Expedition gradually calmed down from the joy of escaping death.

Thorin walked up to Gandalf and asked:

"Let me ask you, where were you before?"

Obviously, although he was calm, the dwarven king still had some thoughts about the wizard's departure.

"Look ahead!"

Gandalf said casually, as a wise Maia, he knew how to deal with these dwarves, didn't he? Isn't life about looking forward from time to time, so as not to fall into confusion.

"Then why did you come back again?"

Obviously, Thorin smiled, noncommittal to the reply, after all, he had no right to delve into the whereabouts of a powerful wizard.

"Look at the back!!"

What a brilliant answer, life is not just about not forgetting the original intention in order to find a way back, Gandalf's wise answer soothed the heart of the dwarf king.

"That's terrible!!"

I don't know if Sorin was bad at last night's encounter, or if Gandalf had to come back.

"Thankfully, everyone is fine."

Gandalf thought the encounter was terrible as the Dwarven King, after all, the dwarves were almost stewed by the mountain demons.

"Your snitch didn't save us..."

Thorin was clearly not happy with Gandalf's insight, and that everything was in his plan.

"But he stalled, and none of you else thought about that!"

It is clear that Gandalf is talking about dwarves, not Ao Dragon, after all, Ao Long is approved by two people.

The two tacitly turned the page and did not discuss this matter.

Gandalf looked at the stone statue of the mountain monster and said with a serious expression:

"These things came from the Eaton Desert Wasteland in the north..."

"When did a mountain monster be able to migrate such a long distance?"

It was clear that Thorin was very strange about this phenomenon, and his brow was furrowed as he wondered what was going on in the north.

"Oh, it didn't take long, it only happened after the dark forces ruled the land."

Clearly, Gandalf was talking about the effects of Sauron's War of the Ring.

The sun had risen, golden rays were shining all over the land, the whole forest was beginning to warm up, and the lush old trees filled the place that had been eerie last night with the breath of life.

Looking around, Gandalf said:

"These things can't show up during the day."

Obviously, during the day, these ogres will turn into boulders, and Thorin understands what Gandalf meant.

"There must be hidden caves around here, Fili, Chili, let's look for them and see if we can find the caves where these ogres usually hide."

Soon, under the special guidance of Ao Long, everyone found a cave full of stench, and the flies flying at the entrance of the cave indicated that the air inside must not smell good.

Although the eldest husband is informal, it is not good to use a wizard well, and it is not a waste of resources.

Seeing that Bilbo Baggins wanted to take the lead in caving, Ao Long blocked him.

"Gandalf, it looks like this should be the cave of those ogres, but it looks like the environment is very bad, I wonder if you can get a wind and change the air inside, Lord Wizard?"

The corners of Gandalf's mouth twitched, it was obvious that he was so teased by Ao Long, he was very unhappy, how could he call the great gray-robed wizard as a cleaner?

However, looking at Thorin and the other dwarves who had stopped looking at him expectantly, Gandalf knew that if he didn't show his hand again, it would definitely affect his glorious image.

"The wind is blowing, and the filth is gone!!"

Gandalf raised his magic wand and pointed it at the mouth of the ogre's cave, and a ray of light flew into the cave, and sure enough, there was a whirlwind, and I saw a foul smell mixed with some feces and bones carried out by Gandalf's magic.

"Wow, it's the gray-robed wizard Mr. Gandalf, what a magical magic!! We can comfortably dig for the ogre's treasure, what a fun treasure hunt!! "

Seeing Gandalf's slightly proud expression after casting the magic, Ao Long naturally sent praise, and sure enough, the other dwarves also sent praise words, making Gandalf feel that he was indeed very talented as a cleaner.

Of course, it was just a fight between friends, and when they entered the cave, they found that the ogre did not seem to be the first owner of the cave.

Because in the cave, there are a lot of gold coins, jewelry, jewelry, and some exquisite weapons made by the High Elves, these weapons are already divine blades that no one in Middle-earth can make.

Thorin pulled out three weapons, a knife and two swords, from a chest.

Looking at the scabbard and the mysterious and intricate patterns on the scabbard, as well as the slender and graceful blade, Thorin judged.

"These weapons are not something that ogres can craft."

Gandalf took a long sword with a cross-shaped gauntlet, drew it, saw the blood groove on the blade, and said:

"It's not made by a human blacksmith, it's from the !! of Gondolin"

"Crafted by the High Elves of the First Age!!"

Ao Long drew a long sword, took over Gandalf's topic, and said.

Gandalf looked at Ao Long in surprise, obviously shocked that Ao Long was able to recognize the weapon created by Gondolin in the First Age, and became even more curious about Ao Long's identity.

However, Thorin was ready to put these First Age weapons back in place, and it was clear that Ao Long's words made him think that this might just be some antiques, and of course, more importantly, these weapons were made by elves, and he didn't want them anymore.

"There is no sharper weapon in this world!!"

Gandalf stopped him, and Thorin pulled out his long knife, only to find that it was as good as new, and apparently, sharp.

Without further ado, Thorin was ready to accept the unexpected gift.

Gandalf also tied the sword in his trouser belt, apparently preparing to take it with him, which was the famous enemy fencing in the future, and Thorin took the beast bite sword.

"If you don't have any ideas for other weapons, I think it's a waste of luxury to stay here!!"

Seeing a few dwarves burying treasure there, ignoring something even more precious, Ao Long reminded.

"Ah, Lord Aolong, if you need it, please take care of yourself, we still think it's a waste to have these gold coins scattered here."

Obviously, the Chili brothers rejected Ao Long's kindness.

"Okay, then I'll pick the one that is destined for me!!"

I saw that Ao Long also put away the long sword just now, he didn't know what kind of sword it was, and it was obvious that he also needed to be identified by King Ailong at that time.

"Bilbo, I think this sword might be right for you!"

Finding the short needle from inside the dirt, Ao Long handed it to Bilbo.

"Ah, Ao Long, I won't use a sword, and I won't kill."

Gandalf, who had always been more concerned about Bilbo, took the short sword directly from Ao Long's hand, stuffed it into Bilbo's arms, and said meaningfully:

"This sword is made by elves, which means that when an orc or elf approaches, it will emit a blue light warning. I want you to remember that true bravery is not how to kill, but how to forgive!! "

Once again, the wise man used his charisma to teach Bilbo a lesson, and it was clear that his words today would affect Bilbo for the rest of his life.

Then everyone found that there was no need, and the time was not early, and they had to hurry, so they left the cave in turn, and Ao Long deliberately walked last.

With a wave of his sleeve, all the weapons, as well as the treasures they didn't care, were all collected by Ao Long.

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