Thank you for the flower reward of A**, and thank you for the flower reward and praise and encouragement at the beginning of the year!!

The biggest feature of Middle-earth is that there are many primeval jungles, and the environment is very beautiful, with thousand-year-old trees abounding, just like a paradise.

It's a pity that these seemingly beautiful worlds lurk with unknown dangers.

While the five wizards of Middle-earth were negligent, Zoro was already secretly gathering strength, ready to make a comeback, and it was clear that these orcs were his vanguard.

The brown-robed wizard Radagast in the dark forest has spotted an anomaly in the castle, sensed the resurgence of the dark, and is driving his rabbit express to Gandalf.

Not long after the group left the ogre's cave, Thorin spotted birds flying and shadows swaying in the surrounding forest, apparently approaching at a rapid pace.

"Everyone, hurry closer, there's something coming!!"

The noise was getting louder and louder, and it was obvious that it was not a movement made by someone, but the sound of a group of things running at a rapid pace.

"Everyone took up arms, and there was an enemy attack!!"

Gandalf directly pulled out his enemy fencing to warn the dwarves, and even Bilbo pulled out his small pinprick sword, only Ao Long did not move, calmly looking at the shaking shade.

"Robbers, thieves, killers!!"

A flock of fat gray rabbits, pulling a sleigh-like frame, appeared in front of everyone, and an old man in a brown coat and a fur hat with feathers and bird droppings appeared in front of everyone.

The long hair and beard were mixed together, and there was clearly undried bird poop on it, and it looked like a raunchy weirdo.

"Don't do it, it's Redagast, oh, it's weird, how did you get here."

Gandalf stopped the dwarves from preparing to attack, but glanced at Ao Long curiously, he felt that Ao Long's performance just now seemed to be too calm, as if he knew that there was friend or foe, but this was not the time to delve in, Gandalf walked to his old friend Ridagast, the brown-robed wizard, and could see that Ridagast had been running for a long time.

"I'm looking for you, Gandalf, something is wrong! Something is wrong!! "

"What's wrong??"

Seeing that Ridagast looked so nervous, Gandalf also became serious.

"Oh, wait a minute, I'm so nervous I've forgotten what I'm going to say, he's almost on the tip of his tongue!!"

The words of the preface did not match the afterword, which made Gandalf look dazed.

I saw that Ridagast really took out a living old stick worm from his tongue, which made the dwarves who were staring at him feel sick, even Bilbo felt that this brown-robed wizard was not very reliable, but Ao Long thought it was very interesting, he knew that the brown-robed wizard Rydagast was the Maia of the plant forest of this world, so he fell in love with this elegant environment of Middle-earth.

Although the behavior is strange and the style is uninhibited, but the love and sincerity make people feel at ease to be friends with this kind of person.

At last Redagast relented, his thoughts became clear, and he pulled Gandalf aside, and said in fear:

"The green forest is sick, Gandalf, the darkness is coming, everything is no longer growing, the air is filled with the smell of rancidity, and most importantly, those disgusting cobwebs!!"

"Cobwebs? What do you mean? "

Gandalf knew that there was a special spider, powerful and disgusting, a product of dark magic, and he hoped that the news brought by Redagast was not this spider, but unfortunately it backfired.

Ridagast said with a look of fear:

"Spiders, Gandalf, giant spiders, evil and disgusting magical creatures, I have visited them, they came out of that abandoned castle in Dolgodo."

It was clearly even more than Gandalf's surprise, the castle was not a good place, but a war fortress.

"Isn't the castle of Dolgodo abandoned?"

Gandalf looked incredulous, after all, this was not good news.

"No, Gandalf, you are wrong, I personally visited that ancient castle and fought a great battle with the necromancers there, it was very thrilling, they came back, I saw him, in the shadows of darkness, Gandalf..."

Speaking of this, Ridagaste's face was frightened, as if he recalled the scene of that day, he still has lingering palpitations, it was an opponent whose strength was much greater than him, and he was also a demigod-level Maia, Zoro, who had subverted the existence of a continent.

"Don't be nervous, Ridagast, come, take a sip and speak slowly."

Gandalf fed him a sip of Shire's fine tobacco and spit out a smoke ring, and he finally calmed down.

I saw Ridagast trembling his hands and taking out a long sword wrapped in oiled paper from his robe.

"This is not an item from the living world, Gandalf."

This is evidence obtained by Ruidagast at the risk of his life, and the presence of physical witnesses makes Gandalf's mood even heavier.

But before he had time to say anything, suddenly a wolf howl sounded in the surrounding dense forest, and it was obvious that this was not an ordinary wolf howl, but a unique fierce wolf howl from the half-orc wolf.

Bilbo looked at the dwarves and Gandalf around him with a confused expression, and asked:

"What is this sound ...."

Before he could finish speaking, a huge wolf jumped out of the forest, and was about to attack Bilbo, only to see Ao Long take out his longbow with dazzling speed, and pierce the wolf's head with an arrow.


The corpse of a huge wolf lay in front of Bilbo, Thorin, and Gandalf, scaring the hobbits to death, and they quickly hid behind Ao Long.

One after another, wolves appeared, but fortunately, the dwarves were not mediocre, and with the concerted efforts of everyone, seven or eight wolves were slaughtered one after another.

"This is a half-orc, a wolf scout!! It means that the army of orcs is not far away!! "

"An army of orcs?"

Thorin hacked the last giant wolf to death, and it was clear that Bilbo didn't like the news.

Gandalf, who was already anxious, was even more angry when he saw this scene, and looked at Thorin and asked loudly:

"The plan I made requires strong secrecy, who else have you told besides the family members about the plans for this expedition!??"

"No one!!"

"Who did you talk to??"

It was clear that Gandalf was already upset at this point.

"Nobody, I swear !!"

Seeing that Thorin said this, Gandalf could only soothe himself and gasp for air, which was really a little too much bad news this time.

Ao Long watched this scene and was ready to add a little more to the old wizard, anyway, it was not a big deal to watch the excitement.

"Gandalf, I know of a rumor that you can refer to."

"Mr. Ao Long, what do you suggest?"

"I've heard that the blasphemer Asog seems to have a lot to do with Sauron, and Sauron doesn't seem to be getting along very well lately..."

Needless to say, it's just a matter of pointing. However, it is clear that Gandalf understands, and combined with the news brought by Ridagast, he is not good.

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