Obviously, Thorin was hunted down, and whoever was behind it had to pass the orc in front of him.

"We need to get out of here!!"

Dwarin, the elite warrior among the dwarves, said that his sense of war told him to stay here and wait for everyone to sit still.

"No, we don't have a war horse!!"

Unfortunately, the dwarves who watched the horses brought even worse news, and it was really a house leak that happened to rain overnight.

"They're out of the leash, they're already running into the woods!!"

Everyone was embarrassed, and without the horses, they would not have been able to outrun the huge wolves.

"I'll lure them away!!"

Seeing this, the brown-robed wizard Redagast offered to help the dwarves share the firepower, and it was clear that this was a very dangerous job.

Gandalf, who is a good friend, naturally does not approve of his friend's adventure.

"Don't talk nonsense, these are Gondaba wolves, they're going to catch up with you!!"

But the brown-robed wizard Ridagast was not convinced, and pointed to his rabbits and said:

"They're Rasgober rabbits, I'd like to give it a try!!"

The Las Gober rabbit, a rabbit known for its speed and strength, is constantly kicking on its hind legs, even when it is resting, and it is clear that it is ready to run away at any time.

Obviously, there was no other way to do it, and although Ao Long could get his hands on the horses, he was not prepared to do so, because it was only after this hunt that the dwarves would be led by Gandalf into King Erondale's Rivendell, where there was a beautiful elf princess.

"Come on, come after me!!"

It must be said that the brown-robed wizard Radagast is a very competent friend and bait, and under his attraction, all the orcs and wolves rush to him, while the dwarves take the opportunity to escape.

Out of the forest, there is a wasteland, above which is green grass, blue sky and white clouds, and there are huge boulders that can provide shelter, relying on the shadow of these boulders, the dwarves run in confusion.

Looking at the beautiful scenery around him, Ao Long sighed that if there were no orcs chasing after him, this should be a very comfortable trip.

Under Gandalf's deliberate guidance, Thorin felt that Gandalf was a directional guide.

"Where are you going to take us?"

Gandalf glanced at Thorin, obviously not ready to answer, looking at the orcs who were chasing and killing, Thorin had no choice, let's escape first.

Ao Long looked at this scene and smiled slightly, he knew that Gandalf was leading everyone to Rivinedell.

The brown-robed wizard Ridagast obviously can't always attract the attention of the orcs, and the orcs have already discovered the traces of Thorin and the others.

In the shadow of a boulder, a dozen dwarves huddled together, and on top of the boulder behind them, a half-orc riding a wolf ready to attack.


Ao Long once again saved everyone, as a sniper-like existence, he was always a few steps behind everyone, so that he could rescue everyone at any time.

The leader of the scouts apparently found out that his men were dead here, and quickly began to turn back and divert the pursuit target.

"Take advantage of the moment, everyone hurry up and !!"

Ao Long roared, and under Gandalf's leadership, continued on.

Obviously, people can't outrun the wolves, after a distance of running, the dwarves' physical strength is almost exhausted, and Gandalf looked at the boulder in front of him, his eyes lit up, obviously, this is his purpose, and Ao Long, who has been paying attention to him, also knows that it is almost, no longer need to keep his hands.

Looking at the wolves and orcs who surrounded him from all directions, Ao Long said to the dwarven archers:

"Chili, you will cooperate with me later, and the two of us will try our best to kill these orcs with our bows and arrows!!"


The long arrows of the two men shot out one by one, causing a lot of damage to the orcs, but soon Qili's arrows were gone, and Ao Long was the only one here.

However, at this time, Ao Long was like a mobile battery, and which wolf it shot at was definitely a man on his back, and the half-orc was solved.

But there were too many enemies, and it was clear that Ao Long had deliberately made an appearance of being invincible, and just when the dwarves were anxious, Gandalf stood behind the stone and shouted:

"This way, idiot!!"

Obviously, Gandalf, who had been holding back the fire, finally scolded his heart, but at this time, Saurin didn't have the energy to care so much, and the dwarves were exhausted from a big battle.

Seeing that it was a cave, Thorin turned back and shouted to the dwarves:

"Hurry up, everyone, hurry up!"

Obviously, wherever this escape route leads, it is a salvation for the dwarves.

One by one, the dwarves slid into the cave like rolling gourds, and Thorin and Ao Long stood at the end.

Whining.... Whining...

"Alright, Thorin, let's go in too!!"

Hearing the attack horn of the elves faintly in his ears, Ao Long knew that he couldn't delay any longer, otherwise he would be a gang, and pulled Thorin directly into the cave.

Sure enough, elven cavalry appeared on the ground, to be precise, archers, these are all the subordinates of King Elrond, but they will not be soft on the orcs, and under the rain of arrows, the half-orcs and wolves were quickly exterminated.

The corpse of a half-orc rolled into the cave and smashed in front of Thorin, and it was clear that the body of the half-orc brought back bad memories for Thorin, and it was clear that these dozen dwarves were not enough for the orcs to stuff their teeth.

"This seems to be a secret passage, shall we continue to walk?"

Fili took a few steps forward, found that the cave was very deep, and hurriedly asked.

"Of course you're leaving, the orcs out there are so dangerous!!"

Dwarin said, "It's not a headache to go to the orcs to find the orcs desperately, and it's clear that Thorin didn't deny this decision.

Obviously, he heard the sound of the elven horn outside him, and Gandalf's purposeful performance along the way made him guess in his heart.

"I think that's wise!!"

Watching the Lone Mountain Expedition follow its own plan, Gandalf finally felt that something was going well.

This is a deep canyon that looks like a ray of sky, the distance between the two sides is less than fifty centimeters, and there is no end in sight, and it is obvious that it leads to a very secret existence.

After twisting and turning, he finally walked out of the passage, and Devalin in front of him looked at the scenery in front of him and stopped.

There is a peaceful atmosphere here, beautiful waterfalls, beautiful sunsets, ancient and exquisite buildings, many streams flow under the buildings, forming large and small waterfalls, next to the waterfalls are all kinds of ancient trees, the whole city is built on the mountain, here is a paradise-like valley.

Looking at the shocking scene in front of them, everyone was stunned, especially the hobbit Bilbo, who had never seen such a beautiful place, much more beautiful than Charles.

"Imralis Valley, usually we call him by another name, Rivendell!! There are very few cosy cottages left on the east shore of the sea!! "

Gandalf looked at the view in front of him, the elves' last shelter, and introduced the group, but apparently, Thorin was not very happy with the answer.

"That's the plan you've been having? Seeking refuge from the enemy? "

Thorin stared at the gray-robed wizard closely, it was clear that the dwarven king was also full of anger at this time, and his resentment against the elves made him full of indignation.

"There's no enemy here, Thorin Oak Shield, the only enemy you can find in this valley is from yourself!!"

Obviously, the old wizard had had enough of the dwarves' stubbornness, and he was very direct.

"I think that since our map needs the Elven King to help us interpret it, we can hide our expedition for the time being, and we can leave as soon as possible after achieving our goal, after all, we need the information on the map, don't we?"

Obviously, Ao Long's words touched Thorin's heart, after all, he was worried that the elves would stop their expedition.

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