Thorin also knew that without the guidance of that map, there would be no way to know how to enter the Lonely Mountain, and the expedition would not be able to continue, so he chose to listen to Gandalf's opinion.

Led by the veteran driver Gandalf, the Ao Long and the Dwarves crossed the stone bridge in the river valley and entered the territory of Rivinedale.

Below the stone bridge is a slowly flowing river, and at the head of the stone bridge is a small square, with two sculptures of elves armed with spears at the entrance, which seem to be guarding the last shelter of this elf, and the setting sun shines on everyone's faces, composing a beautiful picture.

Bilbo looked around like Grandma Liu when she first entered the Grand View Garden, and it was obvious that he liked the beautiful scenery here.

I have to say that it is easy to have acquaintances, and the arrival of the gray-robed wizard Gandalf was soon greeted by elves.



A middle-aged-looking elf came out, shouted Gandalf's elf name, and gracefully walked down the steps. Ao Long knew that this elf had lived for at least a thousand years, otherwise he would have looked like a teenager.

"I heard you're in the valley!"

Speaking elven language, the dwarves present could not understand it.

"I have something to discuss with Lord Elon."

"Lord Elon is not in the valley."

"Not here? Where is he? "

Apparently Gandalf also hoped that nothing would happen to him, and just as Lind was about to answer him, the trumpet of the elves sounded outside the stone bridge.

A group of elven archers, led by King Elron, had returned, and it was evident that they had just experienced a battle when they saw that their weapons were still stained with blood.

"Lean together and prepare for defense!!"

Thorrin, who was already hostile to the elves, shouted, and all the dwarves moved like frightened birds.

Ao Long pulled Bilbo and stood aside, clearly knowing that King Elon would not do anything to harm the dwarves.

As if sensing the hostility of the dwarves, the elven archers, led by King Elron, circled around the dwarves, forming a two-tiered encirclement.

Without paying attention to the dwarves, King Elon saw Gandalf on the steps, and he naturally didn't know Ao Long and Bilbo standing beside him.

"Gandalf!! My friend!! "

"King Elron!!"

The humble Maia, the gray-robed wizard Gandalf performed an elven ritual on King Elrond.

"Where have you been?"

"I've gone out of the valley, and we've hunted a group of orcs from the south. Killed some in the secret pass as well. "

Obviously, King Elon killed the orcs who chased and killed Thorin, and it can be said that he saved the lives of these dwarves, but it is obvious that the dwarves don't understand, and even if they do, they shouldn't appreciate it.

"It's strange that orcs are so close to us, something or someone has brought them in."

After handing over the weapon in his hand to Lind, King Elon analyzed, and looked at the dwarven king Thorin, who he clearly recognized.

"Welcome Thorrin, son of Thorne, grandson of Thor."

"Is it true that in the eyes of King Elrond, only the grandson of the king of the mountain can attract your attention and receive your greetings?"

When he arrived in Rivendell, Ao Long naturally didn't want to be so low-key, but he wanted to bubble Rivendell's elf princess.

Sure enough, his words diverted King Elrond's attention and avoided the conflict between the elves and the dwarves.

Looking at the tall and extraordinary human next to him, King Ayron was also interested, and it was obvious that this human gave him an extraordinary feeling.

"And who is this adult?"

"The Land of the Dragon, Ao Long!!"

Ao Long gave a brief introduction, and it was obvious that his identity should not be revealed too much for the time being.

"The Land of the Dragons? Forgive my shallowness, I don't seem to have heard of this country, and the gods? "

Obviously, for the people of Middle-earth, the dragon is not a good synonym, let alone the dragon as a national.

"Oh, the gods of our god dragon country are different from the lizards you have here, our gods belong to a kind of gods, and they are in charge of the clouds and rain in the world, conditioning Kawazawa!!"

As he spoke, Ao Long waved his long sleeves, and his dragon banner showed his demeanor for the first time in the hobbit world, and the dragon engraved on it made Gandalf and King Elon feel a sense of righteousness, which was obviously different from the evil dragons of this world.

"So may I ask where the land of the gods and dragons is?"

"Obviously, on this continent, I am the only one left in the country of the dragon, but as long as the dragon flag is still there, the country of the dragon is here!!"

That domineering aura made Gandalf and King Elon put away the contempt in their hearts, and they could not be extinguished if they survived alone, what an admirable patriotic spirit.

After all, the history of this continent is very long, maybe it is a small country that existed for a short time, because it is very possible for a fantasy totem to be destroyed in a certain war, so King Ayron did not delve into it, but he did not wait for Ao Long to be idle.

He felt the dignity of a king from Ao Long's body, and he couldn't be wrong about this, it was obvious that Ao Long was more like a king than Thorin.

And the dwarves were also infected by Ao Long's story, thinking that Ao Long is alone in the country, that is to say, he is a person and a country, and he is naturally the king.

There is far more than one dwarf, but the country under the mountain is gone, and the twelve dwarves looked at Thorin, who was their king, and Ao Long alone held up the honor of a country, and they dwarves could not do it.

"Mr. Ao Long is a very powerful human being, full of wisdom and kindness, it is hard to imagine how glorious the Kingdom of the Divine Dragons once was."

Gandalf introduced to King Elon that he was actually trying to say that as Maia, he had never heard of the Kingdom of the Dragons, but the dragon banner that Ao Long took out was indeed a real one, and he was not allowed to refute it.

"It's a big world, isn't it? Mr. Gandalf, we are far smaller than we think, perhaps just a drop in the ocean!! "

Playing the edge, Ao Long is really half a master, a mouthful of unfathomable words, Gandalf, who is known for his wisdom, does not understand at all, and when Ao Long gives him the story of the vicissitudes of science, he deeply sighs with the rich historical heritage of the country of the dragon, but he is even more confused in his heart.

Where no one noticed, the princess of Rivinedell, Alwyn was about to welcome his father's return, but he unexpectedly saw this scene in the square, looking at Ao Long's hand holding the dragon flag, standing in the wind, the heavy responsibility and domineering oath, so that Alvin remembered this handsome human.

Arwyn was still living in Roslorian, ruled by her grandparents, the elven queen Galadriel, and would return decades later to meet Aragorn in the garden and fall in love at first sight.

However, this time the Lonely Mountain Expedition alarmed the white-robed wizard Saruman, and gathered Galadriel and others to prepare to unite with King Elon to stop Gandalf, and Alwyn returned with his grandmother because he missed his father.

As if feeling the peeping gaze, Ao Long turned around and found the beautiful elf princess behind the stone carving, and the beautiful face made Ao Long's eyes light up, it was obvious that such a beautiful flower could not be given to Aragorn.

So Ao Long winked mischievously at Alvin, and then whispered in Arvin's ear in Elven language:

"Beautiful princess, you are so beautiful!! When I first saw it, I was fascinated. "

Obviously, Alwyn could tell from the voice that it was Ao Long, and although he was curious how Ao Long did it, she was shy, like a frightened fawn, and turned and fled.

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