Seeing the elf princess Alwyn running away shyly, the corners of Ao Long's mouth slanted, anyway, the life of the elf is long, take your time, don't worry.

"Then please have dinner together, I have already commanded it."

As the sun set over the valley, King Elon spoke to Oron and Gandalf in the afterglow, and extended an invitation to Thorin.

At this moment, under the influence of Ao Long, Thorin did not have the heart to fight against King Elon all the time, he thought of his own country, his own persistence over the years, displaced, although he called himself king, but he had already lost the banner of the kingdom.

The group arrived at a platform inside the elf castle, which overlooked the beautiful scenery of the entire river valley, and the afterglow of the setting sun shone on the platform, shining with golden light.

After the dwarves sat down around the long table, the elves brought up the carefully prepared food, only to see a plate of cabbage, cabbage, bayberry and other vegetarian vegetables, the most important thing is that all are raw, obviously, the elves usually eat vegetarian.

But the dwarves are different, they are all carnivores, and they are all cooked food.

"I wonder if they have baked potatoes?"

"Ahh I want to eat meat..."

"I don't like to eat cabbage."

The dwarves looked at each other and expressed their helplessness.

At this time, the sound of music flowed slowly, like the river outside, which made people's hearts full of tranquility and serenity.

Gandalf, Aolong, Thorin, and Bilbo apparently ate at the same table as King Elrond.

I don't know when, the elf princess changed into a silver-white makeup, and the whole person looked slim and slim, her fair skin was faintly bloody, and her delicate elf ears looked crystal clear.

Arwyn walked up to King Elon with a harp in his arms, took up his skirt and bowed, and said to King Elrond:

"Father, I heard that you have a distinguished guest here, and it just so happens that I have learned a little harp playing technique from my grandmother during this time, please allow me to entertain my father's performance."

It was obvious that Arwyn had made a temporary decision and had not communicated with King Elon in advance, which could be seen from the slightly surprised expression on King Elron's face.

"Gandalf, Aolong, Thorrin, this is my daughter Arwyn, who has been living with Queen Galadriel of Roslorian and has recently come back to visit me. Alvin, this is Gandalf the Grey-robed Wizard, Ao Long of the Land of the Dragons, and Thorin, the King of the Mountain. "

King Elon politely introduced the beautiful Alvin to everyone, and when he heard his father's introduction, Alpha saluted everyone again, especially the pair of talking eyes that stayed on Ao Long's body for a long time.

"Princess Arwyn is as dazzling as the twilight star, and her kindness and beauty will surely shine on Middle-earth, keeping all the darkness away."

Ao Long's straightforward praise, it was obvious that Arwen liked it very much, and King Elon didn't think much about it at this time, just thanked Ao Long for his affirmation of his daughter.

Ding Ding Dong .....

The elves are indeed a race that gathers the aura of heaven and earth, Alwyn is not only beautiful, but also plays the harp very well, and the pleasant sound of the harp calms down the irritable Thorin and listens quietly.

The harp is one of the oldest plucked string instruments in the world, the appearance of the harp is exquisite, beautiful, and full of artistic temperament, elegant and pure, as crystal as a pearl, and as clear as morning dew.

The wide vocal range, the unique performance effect, the long aftertaste, the fun to play, and the smell is refreshing. Like the beauty of the wonder gushing out of the fountain in the moonlight, it is filled with a poetic atmosphere.

After playing the song, the aftermath lingered, and I don't know if Princess Arwen deliberately took this opportunity to come out to show it, and after playing, she deliberately picked Ao Long to take a look, obviously the previous things made Ao Long leave a deep impression in the heart of this simple elf princess.

Bang Bang Bang ....

Ao Long took the lead in clapping, and Arwyn laughed happily.

"Princess Alwyn's tune reminds me of a story and a tune I wrote myself."

In order to attract the attention of the elven princess, Ao Long brazenly prepared to do a copyist.

"Oh, I don't know what kind of story it is?"

Alwyn looked at Ao Long curiously, obviously, she has been living in the elven forest is still relatively simple, with the innocent side of a girl, although she is thousands of years old, it is only equivalent to the sixteen or seventeen years old of humans, it is really full of curiosity.

After thinking about it, Ao Long is ready to put together several stories that should have a good effect.

"The little girl Alice chases a talking white rabbit with a pocket watch and falls down a rabbit hole, and thus falls into the magical underground world. In this world, you can shrink to the size of a mouse by drinking a sip of water, eat a piece of cake and become a giant, eat the right side of the same mushroom and become shorter, eat the left side and grow taller, and when a dog loses its temper and grows its tail, a cat growls and wags its tail because it is happy. In this world, it seems that everything that eats is weird.

She also encounters a whole host of people and animals: a dodo, a lizard Bill, a Cheshire cat, a mad hatter, a March hare, a dormouse, a vegetarian turtle, a hargygriff, and an ugly duchess. In the large garden behind a small door, she encounters a full deck of playing cards, including the rough Queen of Hearts, the good old King of Hearts, and the spirited Jack of Hearts (J). "

Ao Long organizes the language and changes the love story of the Mad Hatter and Alice so that Alwyn sounds like she is the Alice and Ao Long is the Mad Hatter.

Sure enough, after listening to Ao Long's story, Alwyn was very moved, moved by the love between Alice and the Mad Hatter, and also envious of Alice's ability to experience such a magical world and have so many interesting friends.

Everyone was fascinated by the conversation, and it was a good choice for Gandalf to learn more about the person from these stories.

"Then I don't know the tune composed by Lord Aolong, can I play it for Arvin?"

Obviously, after listening to Ao Long's story, Alwin became more interested in Ao Long's songs, and King Elon on the side did not feel any rudeness, but was very happy to see his daughter who he hadn't seen for a long time so happy.

"This piece of mine is called 'To Alice', so I'll borrow the princess's harp."

At this time, the music next to it stopped, and it was obvious that everyone was looking forward to Ao Long's performance.

In fact, "To Alice" is Beethoven's song, and it has nothing to do with Alice in Wonderland, but Ao Long is enough to tease his sister, and he adapts a love story with beautiful music.

Using the harp to perfectly interpret this classic piano piece is not difficult for Ao Long.

It appears three times before and after the overlap, which becomes the basic theme of this piece, which is simple and intimate, and depicts the gentle and beautiful image of the heroine in a general way, as if Ao Long has endless kind words to tell her.

Interlude 1 changes from a veined whisper to a pleasant conversation, and the music is smooth, cheerful and gorgeous.

The mood of the music in the second part of the interlude changes dramatically, advancing layer by layer, and the irrepressible enthusiasm burns like a flame.

Finally, the piece returns to the overlapping section, which is the last repetition of the first part. When the music gradually becomes soft, it is like a pair of lovers holding hands and looking at each other, frozen in the music that gradually diffuses.

After a song, Ao Long's delicate face, the pride of carrying his family and country on his shoulders in the afternoon, coupled with the sweet story, made Alwyn's uncontrollable love burst out continuously, and she knew that she liked this human being.

Elves are a race that is very loyal to love, especially female elves, and it is clear that Arwyn will not easily change his mind after making a secret promise.

Ao Long's song, the melodious sound of the piano, not only Alwyn was plucked heartstrings, but even the other performers on the side looked at him with adoring eyes, even a big old man like Thorin felt that this song was played really well, so that he had the idea of looking for a female dwarf.

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