With Ao Long's guarantee, Thorin Oak Shield and other dwarves were received like heroes, and without Qili's injury, all the dwarves were wearing battle armor and changed their mercenary temperament, as if the Lonely Mountain Kingdom was resurrected again.

In the sound of a loud military trumpet, the townspeople who yearn for the wealth in the lonely mountain gather on the docks to see off the hero in their eyes, and the marksman silently watches this scene, he knows that he can't change it, he can only do his best to do the consequences of angering the fire dragon.

"Tarrel, that evil dragon in the Lonely Mountain is too dangerous, you two stay in the town to prevent those orc pursuers from doing something to the people of the town!"

Ao Long didn't let Tariel follow, as two elves, it was too risky to directly participate in this demigod-level evil dragon.

Tariel could feel Ao Long's care and care for her, and wanted to refuse to go on an adventure with Ao Long, but Legolas rarely got the opportunity to be alone with Tariel and separate Ao Long, so he immediately happily decided:

"Okay, leave the safety of Changhu Town to us!! Definitely not let those orcs set foot in the town. "

Tarrel's eyes had already begun to have affection, and he looked at Ao Long, and stepped forward to tidy up his clothes, like a little woman who sent her husband to the front.

"Be careful yourself, if the dragon can't win, run away, I believe there should be no problem with your agility!"

Legolas on the side saw this scene and didn't say anything more, although he liked Tariel, but he was also an elven prince of justice and honor, Ao Long's move to expedition against the evil dragon was a kind of sacrificial adventure spirit in Legolas's eyes, at this moment, he had a sense of admiration for Ao Long in his heart.

"Alright, it's getting late, we have to find the secret door before it gets dark!!"

The bow of Thorin Oak Shield's tone was full of emotion, which would have made him less cautious in front of Ao Long, as if his throne was at hand.

The small boat carried the expedition team, rippling on the sunlit lake, and the lonely mountain was already close at hand.

"I don't know where Gandalf is now, if he can't make it to our operation, the day of Durin is today!!"

Balin looked at the mountains in the distance, and suddenly said, this dwarven old warrior is still full of fear of the evil dragon, and if there is that mysterious wizard with him, he may feel a little more secure in his heart.

"I don't think we can count on him anymore, didn't you notice that the leader of the orcs who hunted us down last time was no longer Asog? Maybe they were plotting something, and it was clear that Gandalf was trying to find out the truth behind this, and with his character, it would be difficult to get out of the enemy's lair once he entered it. "

Ao Long looked at everyone and said calmly, although his strength is good, it is really difficult to say compared to that evil dragon, after all, the scale armor of that dragon is very likely to be not inferior to Ao Long's divine dragon body, and that black arrow is definitely a demigod-level existence, otherwise how can it break through the armor and shoot the dragon.

As long as Bud shows his talent for dragon archery again, then with his family's status, he will definitely be re-elected as the leader of Long Lake Town.

Ao Long needs to push Bard to a level that everyone wants, and then disappoint everyone, so that he can completely destroy their family's prestige, and at the same time destroy his own self-confidence, at that time, Ao Long can receive a good subordinate and a relatively stable foundation in Middle-earth.

The group crossed the long lake and stepped on the land at the foot of the lonely mountain, only to see that it was a very desolate and barren mountain. Scattered stones, dwarf thatch, not even a large tree more than the height of a dwarf, birds extinct, green grass without a trace.

"It used to be full of green grass and flowers, but the scene of vitality and prosperity still seems to be right in front of you."

Balin looked at Bilbo's disappointed face, and said with emotion, this was originally his homeland, the last and most powerful dwarven kingdom in Middle-earth.

"There's a great kingdom buried here, the last dwarven kingdom in Middle-earth, but it's a pity that everything is ruined, isn't it?"

Seeing that Thorin seemed to be immersed in the beautiful fantasy of his throne, Ao Long directly broke this bubble, the original book once said that Durin has a dragon disease in his blood, which can make the dwarf king crazy because of his greed for wealth and power.

"Destroyed? Why? "

Bilbo Baggins' curiosity made Thorin feel the cruelty of reality, and now he is not the king of the mountain, but a wandering king who even hobbits do not know his past glory.

"Because of the evil dragon, Smaug, but one thing Ao Long said is wrong, what is buried here is definitely not the last dwarf kingdom, and the dwarf kingdom will definitely flourish again in my hands!!"

Thorin's resounding words made Ao Long feel that this dwarf sometimes still has a bit of a king's spirit, and his turn of face and denial of people may really have something to do in this turbulent continent, but unfortunately...

"Look, what's on the other side?"

Climbing up a hill, there was an abandoned ruin built against the hill across the valley.

"That is the kingdom of the river valley, the human kingdom that once thrived on the lonely mountain, because of the flames of the evil dragon, it has become what it is today, and it can also be said to be the homeland of the people of Changhu Town."

Ao Long introduced Bilbo this time, and the other dwarves looked at Ao Long curiously, as if he was surprised to know this secret.

"Don't forget, before I joined the expedition, I had adventures all over the continent, and I naturally saw a little more, maybe not as good as Gandalf."

Ao Long said lightly, and at this time, Gandalf had already met Thorin's father, the crazy Thorne, in the lair of the orcs and Sauron, but it was a pity that Thorne's Dwarf Ring had been taken away.

And Sauron is recovering because he has reabsorbed the power of these rings he forged, Gandalf is not Sauron's opponent, and in the end, Thorne was directly killed by Sauron, and Gandalf was also imprisoned in a cage.

The orc army had already been dispatched, and it was just like Gandalf's eyes that the army set off with a solemn appearance, although his heart was anxious, but his strength could not escape, and he could only passively wait for the rescue of others.

Under the deliberate guidance of Ao Long, the dwarves found the secret passage above the giant stone statue of the dwarven ancestors, and finally came to the place where the map guided, but waited for the arrival of the last ray of sunlight on the day of Dulin.

When the thrush jumped back and forth on the gable, and the last rays of the setting sun fell on the ground, Thorin could not find the keyhole, and seeing that everyone was only one step away from success, they could not find the keyhole and could not enter.

"Falling short!! Let's go...."

"Hey, the map is wrong..."

Looking at the dejected dwarves, Ao Long smiled slightly, it was time for him to show off his IQ again, this kind of scene could not be snatched away by Bilbo.

"I don't think the last ray of sunshine on the day of Turin has yet to come!!"

Pointing to the moon obscured by dark clouds, Ao Long looked at Thorin and said.

"No, Lord Ao Long, this key will be given to you, keep it as a souvenir, and the reward promised to you is gone!"

After saying that, all the dwarves were gloomy and ready to leave.


Seeing that the moonlight shone on the wall, a keyhole really appeared, Ao Long did not hesitate, directly put the key in, and with a slight twist, the sound of a magic mechanism being opened came out.

Although the voice was soft, all the dwarves paused, and everyone looked back at the key stuck in the rock.

"The secret door has been found!!"

"The keyhole is there!!"

"You're amazing, Mr. Ao Long!!"

All the dwarves cheered and boiled, and even Thorin, the dwarven king with a high chest, shed tears of excitement.

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