The jackdaws outside the mountain were frightened, perhaps afraid of the breath of the evil dragon in the lonely mountain, and did not dare to stay in the slightest, but the moonlight in the moon still shone on the mountain rocks, and the mysterious keyhole was reflected in the middle, as if mocking the dwarves for almost missing the splashing wealth.

Thorin walked over excitedly, with mixed feelings of fear and nostalgia, and pushed open the stone door, it was a complete rock without a single gap, and a silver moon-colored circle of light appeared on it, it was the power of magic, without the key, this door would not have been opened at all.

After pushing open the stone door, Thorin said with emotion as if he were caressing a gem:

"I still remember the rock walls here, I still remember the patterns here, and I seem to be able to hear the glorious voice of the dwarven kingdom back then..."

It's a feeling of losing power for many years and suddenly returning.

The white beard of the head of the Dwarven Kingdom guard on the side, Balin, trembled, leaving tears of excitement:

"Thorin, my king, I thought I wouldn't have a chance to enter the Lonely Mountain again in this life...."

Thinking of his brothers, comrades-in-arms died under the dragon flame of the evil dragon, and everyone finally became wanderers whose country was ruined, how can a handful of tears be able to say the sadness in this.

This is a narrow corridor, at the end of the corridor, is the main entrance to the Lonely Mountain Palace, on this door is engraved the ancient oath of the dwarven kingdom, the seven dwarven tribes must accept the order of the dwarven king holding the Akin Treasure Diamond, which is also Thorin's ultimate goal, get the Arkon Treasure Diamond, return to the dwarf throne, at that time, he will once again dominate the storm.

"Alright, everyone, after all the adventures and hardships along the way, we have finally entered the interior of the Lonely Mountain, and now it's up to our Bilbo Lord!!"

Thorin looked back and looked at Bilbo excitedly, as if the hobbit was really going to be able to retrieve the Arkan Diamond.

"Huh? Look at mine? What's the matter? "

Bilbo Baggins looked at the dwarves around him with a blank expression.

"That's the ultimate goal of your trip, Bilbo Baggins, the Dwarven King's token, the Akon Gem, is in the Lonely Mountain, and we need you to steal him out."

Thorin Oakshield looked at Bilbo and said, as if it was a matter of course for Bilbo to steal the Arkon Gem.

"But I don't know it!!"

Bilbo didn't understand, he didn't know what the gem looked like or how to steal it.

"Don't worry, the first time you see him, you will definitely recognize her, because she is so charming! That's the heart of the mountain!! "

Bahrain said, and seemed to be comforting or warning Bilbo Baggins:

"You have to be careful, try not to make noise, and be careful to hide your body."


Bilbo didn't understand.

"Because, there is an evil dragon sleeping in this lonely mountain, if you wake him up, it is estimated that all of us will be buried in the dragon flame."

Ao Long said, unhappy that the dwarves had repeatedly withheld this dangerous information.

Seeing that the other dwarves had exited the cave, only Ao Long had not left, and the fool knew the risk of entering.

"Thank you, Ao Long, for you have faith in me, I'm the most potential thief among the hobbits, and Gandalf compliments me like that."

"Bilbo, remember to protect yourself, this is the most important thing, and try not to anger the dragon, his flames are not something you can resist."

Looking at Bilbo's distant figure, Ao Long was also mentally prepared for a duel with Smaug in his heart.

Everyone waited for Bilbo's triumph at the entrance of the secret passage, but Ao Long knew that the evil dragon might have woken up long ago, because he had already joined forces with the necromancer in the south, that is, Sauron, and had heard about the Lonely Mountain Expedition.


Suddenly, the entire Lonely Mountain trembled, just like an earthquake, and this tremor was transmitted to Changhu Town.

"What is this...."

Fili asked curiously, but the faces of the three experienced old warriors, Thorin, Balin, and Devalin, had already begun to be frightened.

"That's when the dragon Smaug woke up, and it looks like Bilbo woke up the dragon!!"

Ao Long's voice directly shattered everyone's illusions, which means that Bilbo is already in danger.

The townspeople of Long Lake also felt the tremors, and the whole town had been expecting good news since the Dwarven Expedition had set out, but it was clear what a familiar tremor it was, and the whole town was boiling, filled with horror and regret.

"Damn, I didn't let them go if I knew they wouldn't have go, they really angered that monster, hurry up and pack up the gold and silver, we need to get out of here."

The mayor of the town told his eagle dogs that it was clear that he was going to abandon the town.

On the lonely mountain, the dwarves are still fighting over whether to rescue Bilbo, and it is clear that Thorin is not willing to confront the dragon for the sake of a hobbit.

"Since Thorin is going to repeat the responsibility of Thor and Thorne, and lose the courage and dignity of a king, then I have nothing to say."

Looking at the greedy, mean, short-sighted, and cowardly appearance of Sol Na Long after the outbreak of Sol Na Long, Ao Long turned around and walked directly into the secret passage.

"Thorin !!"

Seeing Ao Long's departure, Bahrain and others admonished one after another.

"Looks like this dragon likes to set fires, and I don't know if Bilbo succeeded."

Looking at the mountains of gold products under his feet, Ao Long didn't say a word, and directly loaded it into the Dragon Pearl World, anyway, the dwarf didn't come in, here is him, although now, these have little effect on him, but who would have too much gold, after all, there are still some precious metals in these.

"Why does it seem that there is less treasure in the Lonely Mountain?"

Thorin was not Thorr after all, and in the end he bravely came in with the dwarves, and did not see the appearance of Ao Long's big harvest.

Just then, Bilbo ran over out of breath.

"Bilbo! Here, run! "

Ao Long's eyes were sharp, and he saw the hobbit at a glance, and behind him was a fiery dragon flame, filled with a smell of sulfur.

"How's it going, Mr. Bilbo, has the Arken Treasure been found?"

When Thorin saw Bilbo appear, his first concern was whether he had succeeded in stealing his symbol of power.

Unfortunately, before Bilbo could speak, the dragon Smaug had already appeared above everyone's heads.

"Damn, that guy blocked the secret passage when we came in, and we got caught in the urn!!"

Dvalin said angrily.

"Damn thief, I said why did you run this way, it turns out that there is backup, look who this is? Son of Thor, son of Thorne, have you come to reclaim your position as King of the Mountain? It's a pity that you will die here!! "


After the evil dragon Smaug finished speaking, a stream of dragon flame erupted, shooting at the dwarves, only to see that this layer of rock wall was directly ignited, and it was still burning, dragon flame is worthy of dragon flame, and the high temperature can be used as fuel from rocks.

Fortunately, Ao Long reminded him in time, and everyone fled one after another, and at this time, Ao Long's eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of a colorful light in the golden mountain.

"Akon Gem, Bilbo didn't find him, did I change the plot?"

Ao Long thought in his heart, since this was the case, he was not welcome, and led the dwarves to lead the evil dragon in the other direction, and in the middle Ao Long deliberately separated by the flames of the evil dragon at the entrance of a large hall.

With Ao Long's strength, if he was serious, it would be easy to pick up something, and sure enough, Ao Long soon unknowingly put away the Akon Gem, a treasure known as the heart of the mountain.

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