One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 101 Arrangement of troops (please subscribe)

"However, we witnessed King Liku's evil deeds with our own eyes. Even if he comes back, he will be just another evil king. Is there any difference from now?" said a soldier.

"Asshole, what are you talking about!" Taigu Repante glared at the soldier, then told all the things about Doflamingo threatening and controlling King Liku, and then shouted to these soldiers : "Don't you still understand? What happened back then, King Riku was deceived by Flamingo. The so-called evil deeds of King Riku were all his tricks!"

Normally, no one would believe what he said, but now that they had seen Doflamingo's cruelty and heard these words, the soldiers were all shaken.

"Soldiers!" At this time, a man wearing an iron helmet and a mask came out. He stood in front of these troops, took off his mask, and revealed his old face.

"King Li...Liku!" The soldiers immediately recognized the old man's identity and looked at him in surprise.

"It's me." King Liku looked at these soldiers and said in a deep voice: "What happened back then, even if I was deceived, did happen. I will not ask for your forgiveness, but this country is in Doflaming I have suffered too many crimes at my hands. I am here to implore you to help me save this country from the hands of this villain!" After saying that, King Liku knelt down directly in front of these soldiers, with his head on the ground. Be sincere.

"King, we believe in you."

"Yes, we will definitely help you regain Dressrosa, His Majesty King Riku."

In this way, King Liku only used his mouth and kneeled down to easily instigate these king's troops and most of the king's troops who saw this scene through the live broadcast.

"Grandpa!" In the bullfighting arena, Rebecca saw King Riku's actions through the huge screen that was projected by the phone bug, and she immediately covered her mouth.

"Father!" On King's Heights, a place in the palace, Violet saw the scene of King Riku kneeling to the soldiers through the screen, and she also shed tears.

"King Riku, you guy!" In the King's Heights, in the palace, Doflamingo's face became extremely ugly when he saw King Riku suddenly appearing.

"Hahahaha, JOKER, it seems that you can no longer keep your position as king." Jack said with a laugh.

"Hmph, they are just people living on their last legs." Doflamingo snorted coldly and said, "As long as we defeat that brat Fire Fist, it will be easy to deal with King Riku and those rebels."

"Lord Fire Fist!" After conquering the king's army, King Riku came to the coast, looked at Ace on the Spade, and said loudly: "I have been paying attention to you since you fought against Doflamingo. Looking at you, I know you are an upright pirate, so I am here to implore you to help me expel Doflamingo from this country. For this, I am willing to pay any price!" After that, he said to Ace lowered his head.

"He is worthy of becoming a king. His ability to assess the situation and his skills are superb."

On the Spade, Ace couldn't help but admire King Riku when he saw King Riku who had easily conquered the king's army and was now trying to make a big deal out of him.

Now think about it, in the original plot, didn't King Riku use this empty-handed white wolf method to take advantage of the Straw Hats and Luo and the others to regain the throne of Dressrosa?

"I don't have a good impression of this country, and I'm not interested in your so-called price. I'm just here to deal with Doflamingo." Ace looked at King Riku and said in a deep voice: "I don't care what your purpose is. , I don’t care who will control this country in the future, there is only one thing, you just don’t hinder me.”

Ace's gaze shocked King Riku, as if his inner thoughts had been seen through. He quickly lowered his head and said, "Don't worry, we will not hinder you."

Ace glanced at King Riku, then ignored him, and turned his attention to the island of Dressrosa.

At this time, George Salin and Doma had landed and fought with the cadres of the Don Quixote family. Joelle Boni also brought Carols and her men to land from the other side of Greenbit, and Ace gave His mission is to find the people of the Dongdada Kingdom (little humans) hiding there and convince them to join this war.

The Kingdom of Dontata and the Don Quixote family were old enemies as early as 900 years ago, and now they are secretly fighting the Don Quixote family with the goal of overthrowing Doflamingo. Coupled with the presence of Carol, Ace felt that it shouldn't be difficult to convince these little ones to stand on his side.

"The hidden combat power of this country has basically come to light. The next step is to see how many foreign aid Doflamingo invites." Ace stood up and said to his companions: "Gambi, you take Sei Ba and Barry go to the north of Dressrosa. The SMILE factory that Doflamingo attaches great importance to is there. I want you to capture that place completely. That is the gift I prepared for Sabo."

"No problem." Gambi nodded confidently, then landed with his twin brothers Seba and Barry, and sped towards the SMILE factory north of Dressrosa.

After Gambi and the others left, Ace said to Kukai, Ganliu, and Fenamore: "Kukai, you, Ganliu, and Fenamore go to the SAD factory south of Dressrosa. That is also the gift I prepared for Sabo, so you must also capture it completely."

"It's a trivial matter." The three Kukai nodded confidently, and then quickly rushed towards the SAD factory south of Dressrosa.

"Vores, Caesar's research laboratory is in the secret space below the bullfighting arena. You, Yaqi and Skarr go there and help me catch him." Ace looked at the three of Vores and said, "Then This guy is the most important gift I prepared for Saab. Without him, both SMILE and SAD would be just a pile of waste."

"No problem, let's take care of it." The three of Wares also lined up their chests with confidence, then boarded the coast and ran towards the bullfighting arena.

"Next, let's go meet the king of this country." Ace turned to look at Luo beside him and asked, "Luo, are you ready?"

"Of course, I have been waiting for this moment for too long, Captain Ace!" Luo replied in a deep voice, holding the long knife in his hand.

"Okay, let's go." Ace stood up, looked at the palace on King Dressrosa's Heights, and said in a deep voice: "This time, we must take off Doflamingo's head!"

PS: The update time will be adjusted starting tomorrow. In the absence of additional updates, there will be one update in the morning and one update in the evening.

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