One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 102 Gambi VS Pika (please subscribe)

On the coast of Dressrosa, Ace and others had just landed when the king's army who were still loyal to Doflamingo stopped them.

" are not allowed to go there, you nasty pirates!" Although their bodies were trembling, these king's soldiers still stood firmly in front of Ace and the others.

Ace looked at the soldiers of the King's Army standing in front of him and frowned. Just when he was about to release his domineering aura to knock them down, King Riku led the King's Army who had surrendered to him and rushed over, blocking the way. In front of Ace and others, they faced off against the king's army who still believed in Doflamingo.

"Soldiers, the evil deeds Doflamingo has done to this country will soon be made public. Don't be fooled by him anymore." King Riku said loudly to the soldiers.

"You are talking nonsense, King Riku. I don't know what evil you are talking about. I only know that because of the existence of His Majesty the King, this country has not been harassed by pirates for several years. This was not the case when you were in power. The scene has appeared, but based on this, it is impossible for us to watch you hurt His Majesty the King."

Doflamingo has been operating in the Kingdom of Dressrosa for several years. Although he has done many evil things in secret, this country has also become famous because of Doflamingo's status as an intermediary between the Shichibukai and the underground world. It has become one of the few countries in the New World where pirates come here to cause trouble. Therefore, before Doflamingo's true identity was exposed, most people in this country still trusted Doflamingo as the king.

King Riku could not refute, because what the soldier said was true, but these things could not cover up the evil deeds Doflamingo had committed.

"In this case, we have no choice but to defeat you here." After persuading to no avail, King Riku could only choose to fight these soldiers. He did not forget to turn to Ace and the others and said: "Lord Fire Fist, you just go. Defeat Doflamingo and leave this place to us." After that, he and his men started fighting with the king's army.

Ace curled his lips, and then continued walking towards the King's Heights with Luo and others.

Dressrosa, north.

Gumby and his twin brothers Seba and Barry are on their way to the SMILE factory.

The rocky ground suddenly shook, and then a huge rock not far in front of them suddenly twisted and turned into a huge head with a helmet, like a huge stone statue, blocking the path of the three Gambis.

The person standing in the way is none other than one of the top cadres of the Don Quixote family and a person with superhuman stone fruit ability, ‘Spade’ Pika.

"Pika!" Seeing the huge stone elephant head suddenly appearing in front of him, Gambi raised his hand and grasped the hilt of the broadsword pinned behind his back.

"Pirates of the Spade Pirates, stop." A sharp voice came from the huge Pika avatar, saying: "From here on, you will not be allowed to move forward one step further."

"If you can block it, just give it a try!" Gumby took off the broadsword from behind, then turned to the two brothers Seba and Barry and said: "Leave this guy to me, you continue to move forward, and I will finish him off." Go after you."


you want,


careful. "

After Seba and Barry finished speaking in a flurry, they separated and walked around Pika's head from both sides, preparing to continue towards the SMILE factory.


Suddenly, the rocks on the ground suddenly turned into two huge palms, grabbing Seba and Barry respectively.

"I said, I won't let you go any further." Pika said in a sharp voice.


Awesome! ! ~~

Gambi swung his sword twice and struck out with two slashes, directly cutting off the two rocky arms that were grabbing Seba and Barry.

"Your opponent is me, sissy's shrill voice." Gambi held a broadsword in his hand and said to Pika in a mocking tone.

In the past year, Gambi and Pika have fought many times. Without using madness, Gambi was beaten by Pika for a time, and then continued to grow in this situation.

Now a year later, Gambi has been able to fight on par with Pika without using madness. However, Pika's ability is very tricky, and it is not easy for Gambi to defeat Pika.

As an old opponent who has fought dozens of times, Gambi already knows Pika's character very well. This guy is very concerned about his voice. As long as he is mocked about this, he will definitely get angry.

Sure enough, under the double taunts of Gambi's 'sissy' and 'sharp voice', Pika's true body immediately appeared from the top of the huge stone statue, and the eyes that looked at Gambi even glowed red.

"You're the sissy, you arrogant bastard, I'm going to kill you!"


Pika stamped his foot, and the huge rock head under his feet suddenly opened its mouth and bit Gambi.

Gambi held the sword with one hand and held the broadsword in front of him, blocking the mouth of the rock head. However, his whole body was pushed back by the force of the rock head's bite.

"Go to hell, you bastard!"

Pika, standing on top of the rock head, roared, and the rock head's mouth suddenly doubled in size, ready to swallow Gambi whole.

"Hey!" Gambi grinned, and the muscles in the arm holding the sword suddenly swelled, and then he suddenly pushed the broadsword in his hand forward.

"Recurrent - chop!"

The bright sword light was released from the broad sword in Gambi's hand. This sword light was not as sharp as a normal slash. Instead, it was like a heavy hammer smashing out, directly smashing the ten-meter-large rock head into pieces. .

The rock head was shattered, and Pika's body also broke away from it, then jumped up, and then took advantage of the momentum to fall down. He raised his sword, which was not inferior to Gambi's broad sword, and slashed it at Gambi.


Gambi raised his sword to block, blocking Pika's attack, and then the two fought fiercely.

Clang, clang, clang! ! ~~

Every time the broad sword in Gambi's hand collided with the big sword in Pika's hand, the burst of the slash would leave deep slash marks on the ground. The two figures also retreated at the same time, widening the distance.

Pika glanced at Gambi and did not attack again. Instead, he activated the ability of the Stone Fruit to let his body slowly sink into the rock under his feet.

Although Pika's physical skills are not weak, 80% of his strength lies in his physical abilities. Therefore, facing a powerful enemy like Gambi, he will not be stupid enough to use his physical skills to fight with the opponent.

"Crucus stone!"

When Pika's body completely disappeared into the rock, eight rock tentacles suddenly appeared on the ground, surrounding Gambi, and then the sharp tops of the eight tentacles thrust at Gambi at the same time.

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