One Piece: Fire Emperor Arrives

Chapter 106: The Fist of Respecting the Elderly and Loving the Young (Third update, please subscribe

"It's useless. An attack of this level cannot break through the defense of our Changshou Clan's boxing. Give up and go home to rest, old man." Ganliu said easily while defending against Rao G's fierce attack.

"You brat, don't be too arrogant, back pain style·shaped ice!"

The attack of Mezuki Toku had no effect, so Rao G changed his attack method again and changed the target of the attack to Yanliu's shoulders.

Due to the structure of his arms, Ganliu was unable to defend against Rao G's 'shaped ice' attack this time, and was hit hard on the shoulder and flew backwards.

"It hurts!" Yanliu lowered his hands, and his arms that were longer than normal fell to the ground. He looked at Rao G and said with a deep smile: "Since your body is so strong, then I will hit you with all my strength. If you say so, you won’t die, right?”

"Stop looking down on others, you arrogant brat!"

"Feel the pain of an old man, you little brat, the pain of a backache-style·immortal warrior!"

The angry Rao G suddenly rushed in front of Yanliu, and then struck all the joints in his body with extraordinary fast movements.

Ganliu took a stance, and swung his long arms with one more jointed elbow than a normal person. His wrists popped out flexibly, and he accurately hit Rao G's fist, which was so fast that it was difficult to detect it with the naked eye, and then the two arms It wrapped around Rao G's arm like a snake.

"Qi attack fist·curled arm and elbow support!"

Kaka! ~~

Yanliu's long arm suddenly exerted force, directly detaching the elbow joints and shoulder joints of Rao G's two arms, causing Rao G's arms to lose the ability to move.

After removing the joints of Rao G's arms, Ganliu placed his palms in the air on Rao G's chest, and retracted the joints of his arms to accumulate strength.

"Qi Attack Fist·Crush the internal organs and attack the internal organs!"

The arched joints of Yanliu's arms suddenly popped out, and he pushed his palms hard against Rao G's chest. The powerful force penetrated the flesh and bones and directly impacted Rao G's internal organs.

Wow! ~

After enduring such an impact, Rao G vomited out a mouthful of blood. The impact on his internal organs made him dizzy and almost fainted.

Click! ~

Rao G gritted his teeth, veins squirming on his bald head, trying his best to stay awake.

"Hey, hey, you're already like this, why are you still insisting?" Yanliu saw Rao G who was trying his best not to faint, and sighed and said: "When you are older, stop persisting and faint like this Wasn’t the past good?”

"Don't underestimate the perseverance of the elderly, you little brat!" Rao G's consciousness gradually became clearer. He looked at the rock flow and suddenly laughed and said: "Sometimes, you can use all your strength to defeat someone openly and honestly. We elderly people have the greatest respect, not this cheap pity, do you understand? You arrogant brat!"

"Use all your strength to defeat you?" Yanliu looked at Rao G, the expression on his face gradually became serious, then he raised his hands, put into a fighting posture, and said: "I understand, old man, next , I will use all my strength to defeat you openly!"

"If you can do it, just give it a try, you brat!" Rao G shouted, and a burst of steam suddenly came out of his body. Then the flesh and blood all over his body suddenly began to squirm violently, and then his old and thin body It swelled in vain, and the body and muscles all swelled to several times their original size. Even the joints of the arms that were removed instantly returned to their original positions, with an astonishing momentum.

Seeing Rao G's change, Yanliu's expression also became solemn. He spread his legs and bent his two arms in a triangle shape on both sides of his body, assuming an attack posture.

"The ultimate secret technique of Diweng Fist: Fighting Protection Fist!"

This is Rao G's unique secret technique. It was developed in order to allow him to fight even when he was seriously ill. It accumulates and preserves the power of his youth and strength in his body. When activated, both body and strength They will all return to the peak of their youth and proficiency.

"Kid, let me show you how terrifying the awakening of the elderly is, but don't die!" Rao G made the letter G with his hands, and then rushed towards the rock flow.

Rao G, whose physique and strength were at their peak at this moment, rushed in front of Yanliu in an instant, and attacked Yanliu's abdomen with his palm in a G-shaped posture.

"The ultimate secret of Diweng Fist: The Seal of G!"

Ganliu exerted force on his legs, allowing him to stay on the spot with more stability, and then his arms, which were arranged in a triangle shape on both sides of his body, moved forward in reverse, and the joints collided with a 'bang bang' sound.

Bang bang! ~~~

Yanliu's elbow collided with Rao G's attack, and the powerful force caused the ground under their feet to explode immediately, followed by two sounds of broken bones.

Kaka! ~

Rao G's attack left an imprint of the letter 'G' on Yanliu's elbow, and the bones of the elbow were also shattered, but Rao G's face did not show the expression of joy after victory. , but showed a panicked look.

Because Ganliu is a long-handed person, he has two elbows, so even if one elbow is shattered, there is still another one.

"Qi Attack Fist·Ape Cry!"

Bang bang!

Yanliu's second elbow hit Rao G's body, and a sound like an ape's cry erupted, and then Rao G's body flew straight backwards.

boom! ~

Rao G's body hit the outer wall of the SAD factory heavily. The body that had expanded due to the use of secret skills shrank rapidly like a deflated balloon, becoming even thinner than before.

"Old man, I used all my strength in the attack just now." Yanliu came to Rao G's side, smiled and said, "How about it, I'm very strong."

"You brat, stop lying." Rao G sneered and said, "You say you tried your best, but in fact it's just a weak fist that respects the old and loves the young."

"But, I don't hate it..." Rao G smiled at Yanliu, and then lost consciousness.

Yanliu stared at the unconscious Rao G for a while, then came to the gate of the SAD factory, sat there, looked at Fenamore who was fighting with Senior Pique, and said loudly : "Hey, Fenamore, do you need help?"

"Shut up!" Fenamore turned his head and yelled at the rock flow, and then slashed at Senior Piqué, who was half-sinking in the ground.

Senior Piqué is a superhuman person with the power of the Water Fruit. He can make all objects that the body comes into contact with become like water, and then swim freely in it, but he cannot swim in the water. It is very embarrassing. ability.

PS: In fact, the author thinks that this fruit is better called the swimming fruit. I always feel that this guy's ability is a bit insulting to the name of the water fruit.

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